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Everything posted by DomesticViolenceByProxy

  1. I'm certain many of these same judges that want a $45,000 raise are probably against raising the minimum wage. If they don't like the pay why don't they go back into private practice and make more money?
  2. Judges are struggling to make ends meet so they want a wage increase. I guess they are pulling in good money bending over noncustodial parents for maximum child support to get matching federal dollars from Social Security Title IV-D and they want a bigger piece of that pie.
  3. Those of you who complain about this should actually learn who it impacts the most. Judges and lawyers have pulled the wool over your eyes... ie. SOCIAL SECURITY ACT TITLE IV-D. Through Title IV-D, a state can potentially bring in more money in federal dollars than it pays out in TANF and welfare. When does a needy family ever receive $1,000 to $10,000/mo in welfare as child support recipients (custodial parents) do? Guess where those matching federal dollars go? Guess who is held accountable for where matching federal dollars go and how it is spent? Think of the County General Fund on STEROID
  4. It's all cool until you and yours are the ones being profiled, killed needlessly and failed by the system that is supposed to protect us all. A lost life is priceless, anything else can be replaced.
  5. I don't have anymore proof than you have a conviction. An arrest does not constitute a conviction. I guess we'll both have to wait and see. Apparently he was a great guy if he allegedly assaulted a police officer and was charged with 2 felonies and could walk without posting bail.
  6. You're naive if you think thugs aren't planted in peaceful crowds to cause unrest and deliberately discredit the protest. Who gets charged with 2 felonies, including the assault of a police officer, a bunch of other charges and gets released after being charged without having to pay bail?
  7. You attack NYPD and you get to walk out without posting bail? Supposedly you are an adjunct professor at a school that has to verify your employment? The case against him is weak? Sounds like he was paid to disrupt the protest and create bad publicity for staged propaganda. All of these supposed charges from your article and he doesn't have to post bail?? Don't be surprised if the charges are dropped and the arrest expunged.
  8. If fatherlessness in America is such a problem why do courts remove loving fathers from the lives of children? If it were up to some courts [none specifically mentioned], Mrs. Doubtfire would have been spun into a movie about a father trying to harass the mother or win her back. Not about a father trying to remain relevant and active in his children's lives.
  9. Judges are to uphold the law, not do as they please. Another bad judge bites the dust. This can only place every judgement he has made in question.
  10. Not every incident involves resisting arrest. Resisting arrest is not a capital crime. You are supposed to use the force necessary to gain control of the situation. I think killing someone would fall under excessive use of force. You also should not break laws to enforce other laws. It's bad enough when it's on film but what of those times when it isn't filmed? Victims of abuse of authority have no chance. So if LEOs are judge, jury and executioner, why have criminal courts? Waste of funds. Just let them claim "resisting arrest" and let them kill the alleged perps.
  11. Using states as a metric for ethics always falls short. This story is in Connecticut but it happens everywhere.
  12. I'm sorry to hear that you have been the victim of such attacks. I detest secrecy and lies so much so that I often come off as abrasive. I believe that your word is your bond. Advocates and activists for law reform do not have the luxury of wavering from the truth.
  13. Segregation and slavery were legal in Georgia when it wasn't in Connecticut. The "good ole boy system" still runs rampant in every corner of Georgia, including Paulding County according to a politician in a recent election. In other news: I hear the JQC was forced to get off their duffs and they have judges chewing each other's faces off over GAL misconduct in Richmond and Columbia Counties. I've also made several posts about whats going on in Newnan, Coweta County. Former Paulding County Judge Osborne was just forced to retire under pressure of his second recent JQC investigation
  14. A known drug addicted mother has kept her child from the father for 2 years enabled by a Kangaroo Court. I bet you thought Kangaroo Courts only existed in communist countries and in South America. Nope we have them here in the good old USA. Corrupt Guardian ad litems, collusion, corruption, ignoring facts and evidence, etc. Parental alienation at its finest. Imagine if the shoe were on the other foot? http://foxct.com/2014/02/25/a-murder-for-hire-plot-foiled/
  15. I don't always agree with Dennis Prager but if the message is true the messenger doesn't matter. A lie is a lie is a lie. "Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile." - Paulo Coelho Dennis Prager: 9. Do Not Bear False Witness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd0LpVe3Lkk
  16. Should misconduct complaints against judges be allowed to be made public? Seems that rule is about to be challenged in Montana. Successfully, I hope... "Sunlight is the best disinfectant." Why allow misconduct to fester in the shadows?
  17. The majority of police officers are good. But if you can't receive justice when an incident is filmed and the bad officers are continually given a pass, what chance do you have at justice for the majority of incidents that aren't recorded? https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=dOL8p61xuwM
  18. The amazing thing to me is everyone believes in gov't transparency unless it's them. A particular Roy Barnes judicial appointment cautioned me to basically shut up (and presumably not put public record information in the public domain for scrutiny by the court of public opinion). This happened not long after he expressed his disapproval of the President of the United States from the bench. The way I see it, if you're doing the right thing it makes you look good and you have nothing to worry about. Therefore there is no reason to try to intimidate anyone from the bench.
  19. Or we shoot you 4 times times from 30-35 feet and then twice more in the head. Then we don't call dispatch but we call our supervising officer by cell phone and leave you dead in the street for 4 hours while we fabricate and corroborate our story. Still having not called dispatch.
  20. Parents are refusing to be bullied and intimidated by judges, lawyers and agents of the court and are speaking out against racketeering and collusion. When one person stands up for what's right it helps others do the same. If you are experiencing troubling problems of any kind in family court by judges and lawyers who enable such tactics as alienation, collusion, profiteering and racketeering on the backs of children, the time to stand up is now. You can send an anonymous email with the name of any lawyer, agent or officer of the court that you think should be investigated to connect@alienatio
  21. Another troubling thing about this case to me is the mother has been obstructed from "visiting" with the eldest child but it appears in these documents no therapy has been ordered by Judge Beavers. Is that because it will be determined at a future date? If so, is that pay to play law? She has to hire a lawyer to fight to see her son? Does she have to hire a therapist? Can she afford it? Is that in the best interests of the child? Is that family values? So many questions left unanswered but the mother is powerless to answer them because of the effective gag order put in place by Judge Beavers.
  22. There are a lot of good ideas for the Georgia Supreme Court's revised Judicial Conduct Rules. First up for me would be limiting Judicial Immunity for All Judges. They pretty much do whatever they want to do because people ignore their actions and they are not held accountable. Then people wonder why the "good ole boy" system keeps a tight grip on their communities.
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