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Jamie Weaver

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Everything posted by Jamie Weaver

  1. I really could careless if he believes that to be the case. Some folks don't believe man walked on the moon and others believe the twin towers are a conspiracy. Some believe aliens live on Mars and others think bigfoot lurks around the bend. Now if he believes Bruce Jenner is a woman, then I might have a problem. - Jamie
  2. Money, race, gender, faith, sexual orientation, politics, region, aboortzion, diet, education, automobiles, and the list goes on..... - Jamie
  3. The Bernie Madoff of science.... Want to buy a carbon credit? It cost more than an Indulgence from the Church, but you look cool if you do. - Jamie
  4. My girl friend was telling me about this yesterday. Outside of access to I75, I don't see the draw to Emerson. - Jamie
  5. I absolutely love a Publix Italian sub! - Jamie
  6. LOL...I would be offering free sandwiches as well. - Jamie
  7. Without preferably! Which Subway didn't make the Dean's list? - Jamie
  8. The free kind! Subway is running a deal today buy one sandwich and a 30oz drink get a sandwich of equal or lesser value. - Jamie
  9. The logical fallacy put forth reminds me of the faith based "just in case" scenario...." Are you saved? Better safe than sorry! If I'm wrong I've lived a good and clean life, but if your wrong, you will burn in eternal hell! See you on Sunday - Jamie
  10. I wouldn't make light of the discovery. Assumptions were made and sold as fact. These assumptions failed to properly account for a phenomenon that has been taking place over the last 10,000 years. Not only is Antarctica not contributing to sea rise, but in fact is counteracting sea rise. Now we are to assume that the Artic melt is to a degree that not only offsets Antarctica's net lack thereof, but also offset the reduction of sea rise. I haven't dug into the paper as of yet...perhaps there a better answer there. - Jamie
  11. No one can place blame on the current administration or the previous. An organization doesn't fall that far behind over night. We knew back in 2012 that the department was spending 2-3 billion a day and they announced that they needed 5 years to prepare for an audit. 5 years to prepare???? They don't deserve another dime outside of keeping the troops safe. If troops are placed in harms way due to funding, it isn't because of a lack of money, but due to piss poor management. This gas station is just another example of corruption or big government ineptness...Pick one, because both are m
  12. Another interesting article from National Geographic... http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2012/05/120531-groundwater-depletion-may-accelerate-sea-level-rise/ - Jamie
  13. On the same token, unintentional gun deaths are presented as more common than it actually is. In 2011, the CDC reported 32,351 gun deaths with 591 (.018%) of those being accidental. I would be more afraid of going to my doctor or even worse....the drive to get there. - Jamie
  14. This one is from NASA.... https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/nasa-study-mass-gains-of-antarctic-ice-sheet-greater-than-losses So there is good news and bad news.... Here is a link to the paper in question: https://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/zwally-antarctica-study.pdf More info: http://www.nature.com/news/gains-in-antarctic-ice-might-offset-losses-1.18486 In the spirit of being objective...A word from the NASA expert: Go figure... - Jamie
  15. A few things... Of course it doesn't give any individual white or black carte blanche to assault anyone. For you to infer anything of the nature speaks to your biases. To me, relationships speak loudly to the individual's character and would certainly establish traits that contradict a predisposition to assault and abuse of someone based on pigment. Secondly, I would say examine yourself.....Are you predisposed to conclude that a white officer actions are based on racism? What does a person of no color have to do to pass your racist litmus test? Could this officer get a fair shake
  16. I shouldn't have stated anything about the repercussions of being wrong. The punishment is for opposing climate data and not for actually being incorrect. - Jamie
  17. What should happen to him if he is wrong? - Per some climate scientists, deniers should be prosecuted http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/09/21/1423309/-Scientists-ask-for-prosecution-of-climate-deniers-under-RICO-law# - Per climate writers, deniers should endure Nuremberg like trials http://grist.org/article/the-denial-industry/ - Per John Kerry, deniers should be barred from public office http://news.investors.com/blogs-capital-hill/102115-776750-john-kerry-climate-change-deniers-should-be-barred-from-office.htm - Per Al Gore, deniers should be punished http://ecowatch.com/2
  18. Unfortunately, this is all a part of the "Ferguson Effect." No one wants their town to be wall-to-wall news coverage, mobs setting fires to the city, and local LEO becoming targets. Get ahead of the story before the juiced up accounts become the "truth" and the race pimps it's loudest messengers. - Jamie
  19. News report this morning indicated that Sheriffs department suggest that 3rd video shows the child striking the officer in the chest. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/sheriff-says-third-video-shows-south-carolina-student-punching-officer-n452481 With respect to crying racism....
  20. I'm not that old, but when I was in school...Bob Watson or Sammy McClure would have paddled my ass and the video would have been ugly. I would have deserved every lick as well...... - jamie
  21. Happy Birthday, Pubby! - Jamie
  22. My firewood delivery guy stiffed me last year with less than a load and I'm looking to see what everyone is paying and who you recommend. Thanks, Jamie
  23. The article mentions China's "crackdown" on religious expression. Why are we shying from discussing authoritarian atheism and its history of love and good works? - Jamie
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