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Jamie Weaver

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Everything posted by Jamie Weaver

  1. http://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2016/jan/05/stringers-threat-san-diego-southern-border/# Two of those detained have known ties to terrorism.... Don't worry about securing the border...If I read correctly, climate change may have something to do with the migratory patterns of terrorists. A few more summits and a few more Koko the Gorilla videos and we should have that problem licked. - Jamie
  2. (a4) By the 1990’s the Hammonds were one of the very few ranchers that still owned private property adjacent to the refuge. Susie Hammond in an effort to make sense of what was going on began compiling fact about the refuge. In a hidden public record she found a study that was done by the FWS in 1975. The study showed that the “no use” policies of the FWS on the refuge were causing the wildlife to leave the refuge and move to private property. The study showed that the private property adjacent to the Malheur Wildlife Refuge produced 4 times more ducks and geese than the refuge did. It also sh
  3. Our ideals are shaped by our experiences. Did you happen to read the events/facts about the two ranchers in question? They had the money, but the BLM continuously cut them off. I could care less about the standoff honestly. There isn't any need to storm them as Pubby suggests. Cut them off and leave them alone and they'll give up peacefully. Its been done before. - Jamie
  4. No, ma'am. I think they should be prosecuted. Do I think we are coming up on an era where our liberty and freedom is in jeopardy, sadly, yes. I do think the two ranchers based on what I've read are being terrorized by the BLM and I don't believe their story would have made it to the forefront of the news without the standoff. What I see now is an effort to muddy the waters of information. - Jamie
  5. Oregon was considered a racist utopia in its founding and I'm sure that there are white supremacists among the militias, but take a step back and look at the big picture. Militias do fall into categories and yes one is based on race, but the categories have one underlying similarity and that is the belief that life, liberty, and happiness will fall into jeopardy. So the question becomes...Have any white supremacists made demands? What does white supremacy have to do with cattle ranchers? What does the label white supremacist have to do with anything except dehumanizing a group standing
  6. That isn't what you have in this case. - Jamie
  7. Forget a moment about the current fiasco....What are your thoughts about the family at the center of this issue? - Jamie
  8. The history surrounding this event is very interesting. The link is to "facts and events" as prescribed by the Bundy family. I know everyone is leery over where information is coming from, but the background information from the horses mouth gives you the why.... http://bundyranch.blogspot.com/2015/11/facts-events-in-hammond-case.html - Jamie
  9. My apologies, I used the term "administration" as its defined not the presidential sense. - Jamie
  10. I can't say that there is a conspiracy. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation; however, given the company's questionable history with both US and Mexican officials there should be some questions. I can't tell if your being sarcastic with your statement, but don't you think it's odd that there hasn't been any coverage? Sure it doesn't sell media time like a duck covered with oil, but it just comes across as extremely odd for climate hounds to not make political points. - Jamie
  11. The largest environmental disasters since the BP oil spill and there doesn’t appear to be any political coverage and little to no environmental outrage. Interesting..... http://motherboard.vice.com/read/why-we-cant-stop-the-enormous-methane-leak-flooding-la The leak has been uncontained since Mid-October. BTW...South California Gas is owned by Sempra, who has been under multiple investigations for corruption / bribing high ranking Mexican public officials (http://www.borderlandbeat.com/2014/09/california-firm-sempra-energy-under.html) . Sempra has lobbyists and/or their sp
  12. Merry Christmas, Eddie.... Sticking with ham this year...LOL. - Jamie
  13. That is the biggest problem I have. The story that Mrs. Howard pointed to in a previous post was also reported by CNN Business. In CNN's version, which by-the-way didn't remove the President's admittance of being out of touch with Americans, it discusses these off the record meetings with hand picked news agencies/reporters. http://money.cnn.com/2015/12/18/media/president-obama-off-record-meeting/index.html Most business organizations have rules in place that attempt to prevent internal processes from being molested by outside influences. A bad example, but nonetheless relevant is
  14. I would have done the same. Birds are beautiful, but I can't stand not being able to read the damn things. I know the signs of a bad temperamental 4 legged creature, but with birds I have no clue. - Jamie
  15. Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future. John F. Kennedy
  16. Crap...I was in the wrong camp. I that thought Obama was gay and that Michelle was a tranny. - Jamie
  17. This year for a family, our employee's weekly payroll deduction is $293.04 a week and we pay 1/2 of our employees healthcare (employee is responsible for additional family coverage). That is for Humana National POS and does not include dental, vision, LTD, STD etc.. Our pool of employees is older, which drives our costs up tremendously. Your fortunate if your paying those kind of rates. I just received a letter from Humana indicating they are no longer carrying our current plan and we'll have to chose from a higher option 2016. - Jamie
  18. I can’t help but feel that each time one of these incidents comes up that there is a sense of glee in those that have a partisan ideology to taut. Conservatives are praying it was a terrorist....While liberals are crossing their fingers hoping it was a NRA card carrying, tea party Trump voter. Its exhausting.... - Jamie
  19. While I support your right to that belief. I cannot agree with the statement. It flows contrary to everything that I hold to be American. - Jamie
  20. Will there be day when the statement reads... "between 100 and 160 more churches will be closed because they are run illegally without proper licenses, they preach hatred" - Jamie
  21. Guess I was wrong. I had money on Westboro Baptist Church. - Jamie
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