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Jamie Weaver

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Everything posted by Jamie Weaver

  1. Simply enforce the laws. Don't make up new sheeze... Just enforce the law as required. If you disagree with the law, then change the law. Much like... if you can't honor a law on the books...such as signing a gay marriage certificate, then step aside. - Jamie
  2. And any lives lost as a result are just acceptable collateral damage. Sure, we will lower the flags and say how terrible the tragedy is, but this is just how things are and you'll be instructed to just live with it. Down the line you will be instructed to give up your own rights to protect yourself from the guns. - Jamie
  3. Cute! Hillary invited the refugees to their convention this year?
  4. This should probably be in a thread of its on, but Wasserman is being sued by Bernie supporters. http://observer.com/2016/06/debbie-wasserman-schultz-served-class-action-lawsuit-for-rigging-primaries/ - Jamie
  5. Has there been any footage of Trump supporters at a Bernie or Clinton rally? Trying to shut down rallies? Shutting down roadways etc.? - Jamie
  6. I'm not advocating shutting down conversation at the least. I would never advocate shutting anyone up. I just made an observation..... That is all. My observation is sure to be skewed by my biases, but anyone can search the moderator posts. - Jamie - Jamie
  7. Observation: Typically a thread of such deep conversation would have been closed by now. - Jamie
  8. I buy fish and kimchi there. Prices are great, but the origin of some meats are found in the price. Their salmon is among the best I've found. - Jamie
  9. I'm not being dismissive, but frankly I don't know Dobson's family. Do they object? - Jamie
  10. LOL,, In this case, finding a pokemon would be more productive. - Jamie
  11. I think you may be in a little too deep. - Jamie
  12. Putting aside the phony/selective reverence for American tradition, the NATO treaty has provisions for any party to withdraw. The French withdrew and weren't a part of the treaty for 30-40 years. - jamie
  13. Gordon Gekko was already used on Romney. Got anything new? - Jamie
  14. Honestly.... I disliked it. Mrs. Trump's speech was the highlight, but the rest of it sounded so damn fake and pushed. Its tiresome to watch. The democrat convention won't be any better. - Jamie
  15. Hillary hit a record for not opening her mouth to the press. She hasn't had a single press conference in 2016. - Jamie
  16. Was that lorry an automatic or manual? - Jamie
  17. For a minute, I thought you guys were talking about the Clinton Whitehouse. Then I read , "only 20."
  18. LOL...Bull cheeze....Violent crimes and homicides?????? Gimme a break.... What are the nonviolent stats if you want to compare "drug possession, broken tail lights etc.," Most republicans see the light on overcrowding and nonviolent crimes if your paying attention. Keep in mind the Clinton's passed the legislation that locked up how many of these "innocent" young men? - Jamie
  19. You don't have a problem with race because your children's mother is white? When I implied in a previous discussion with you that I thought your children's mother couldn't be a racists given your relationship.... you disagreed, but you now use the same relationship in defense of your inclinations. Interesting.. - Jamie
  20. How did the liberals find a super decoder ring? Someone is going to be in a lot of trouble when the bosses find out that lefties now know all the secret meanings and code words. - Jamie
  21. A young lady came into my office yesterday stating she passed by a white supremacy rally out by the village idiot on 120 Buchanan Hwy. - Jamie
  22. Cowa, this is where you come off looking like a nut. Firstly, where has anyone anywhere said it was "just fine to kill a man because he was racially profiled......". Second, was he killed because he looked like a suspect? I'm certain police are taught that it takes a little more than looking like a criminal to justify taking a life. Interesting thing is time and again, those with a knee jerk reaction to police related events have been proven wrong after waiting for the evidence. Evidence may convict the officer, but taking the account of a video recording after the fact as gospel is
  23. I just quoted the study. Whether the Harvard professor was black or white didn't really matter. The study was new and covered by the New York Times, which I thought would be an acceptable media outlet for lefties. The author of the piece, Quatrung Bui, is with NPR, again a "leftist" acceptable media outlet. The study appeared nonpartisan and it identified areas of concern as well some spoken "truths" that don't align with data. It should have been thought provoking at the least and caused some discussion. The actual paper was can be found here: The National Bureau of Economic Resea
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