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Everything posted by CeilingFan

  1. I agree, the M+17 rated games are truly awful at times. The only one I allow in the house are the Assassin's Creed games. Yes, they are bloody but it's not wanton killing for the sake of killing, at least the hero is truly killing bad guys. And there is a lot of history to be learned with those games, if you follow the story line. I think what's worse is, like you implied, parents not really knowing what their kids are into. And therefore, not having a discussion with them about what's right and wrong. My husband is the one who plays the AC games, but my son watches him playing so we have
  2. Yes, anything deep-fried will linger. Thankfully we don't fry anything in our house. But I do occasionally roast some cauliflower, and that will stink up the house for hours, though not overnight.
  3. Wow, February, really AMC??? Can't wait. Last night was great! So good to see Tyrese and his hammer, finally. I agree with the above poster about throwing Andrea to the walkers, but she is much better than Lori was so I'm okay with her staying and mucking things up. Rick's group has some bad mamma-jammas, I think the Governor better watch out in February.
  4. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee. So cheesy, but I love it anyway.
  5. Love The Walking Dead! I heard a rumor that Tyrese will soon be on the show (he was a major character in the comic books, sort of Rick's right-hand guy). Hope it's true! Yes, Lori's and T-Dog's deaths were shocks. I liked T-Dog, though Lori was annoying. Andrea is also annoying and it seems every time she's on the screen I'm yelling at her. But she must be a good actress because even though I don't like her character, I want her to stay. Every week always seems to be better than the last. I'll be sad after next week's episode since we'll have to wait awhile for more shows.
  6. Hmmm, we had the same issue when we bought a replacement PS3 recently. Just plugged the old controller into the new machine and used it that way, then when we unplugged it, it worked fine. Is your cousin's PS3 still in your house?
  7. Which tunnels? There is one near us on the Silver Comet Trail but it seems safe. Are there others that aren't safe for some reason?
  8. Hello Emily! We're new here too, and just moved from Douglasville as well. It's MUCH better here, in my opinion. Where in D'ville did you live? I think Dallas has a lot more personality and is just overall a nicer place to live. Congrats and welcome!
  9. There is at least one business that sets up websites for deceased loved ones, including videos, pictures, stories, whatever you want, and they send you a metal badge of some sort with a QR code on it, and you affix it to your loved one's tombstone. What a great idea!
  10. Not to be insensitive, but what if one of the airlines HAD accommodated her and she died mid-flight? It's a long way from Hungary to the US.
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