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Everything posted by tundra

  1. Bahahahahahahahaha. Yes, the republicans were all over this "proposal" from the 90s. That's why every Republican governor jumped on it. I have to give you credit, your "compromise" is quite ingenious.
  2. Isn't this just special?? 2400 SS#s sent to an insurance broker?? <snip> http://www.cbsnews.c...urity-concerns/
  3. If they can't find a job in their chosen field what would you have them do?? Nothing?? Why is it so degrading? Isn't $7.25 and hour better than $.00 per hour? This is why people can't find a job, it's too degrading for their intelligence. I tell you what, if it came to feeding my family, my parents and my children not only would I flip burgers, I would probably work at more than one burger joint if that was the only job I could find. Only people with low IQs wouldn't do that. Sure there is something lower than flipping burgers, it's called NO job, NO income and living off the go
  4. Ummm, it's called taking care of yourself instead of the government doing it. It's called being responsible. Do you not believe Obamacare is a tax on the back of WORKING Americans?? Why not give tax credit to those that do the right thing?? Isn't rewarding good behavior a reason to do the right thing, or is it easier just to keep people poor so you can feel superior to them?? You can help them up or you can keep them down. Come on, you know when you've earned something your pride shifts into gear and makes you want more. I'm not talking about people that can't take care of themselves
  5. The stuff I posted is for a single person, family rates are much more. Yes, we all need to pay something, are you paying $80.00 a week just for yourself??
  6. OK, I'll back down $1550.00 so it's only $10,000 instead of over $11,000.00. You got me!! No one will know for sure, it's based on your income and how many people sign up. IF they don't get enough signed up, the premiums will be higher and you can't stop them from taking it out of your bank accounts.
  7. That tells me nothing, here ya go........maybe $328.00 is more realistic, not $321, sorry. If and only if 7 million people sign up with 2.7 million being healthy and young. If not, the premiums will be more. And the IRS will have access to your bank account to make those deductions, you won't have a choice. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/25/us-usa-healthcare-exchanges-idUSBRE98O03P20130925
  8. Sure they do. Are you not sure what Universal Health Care means?? Georgia may indeed be more, California may indeed be more.
  9. Well the policy we have now doesn't, I will do some checking and see if Obamacare co-pays go toward the deductible and out of pocket. Keep in mind, these are estimates based on how many sign up. Nothing is set in stone and each year it will increase, we've already been told that.
  10. The deductible and out of pocket are over $8,000.00. Your co-pays don't go toward your deductibles. It's a 70-30 plan. So if you're going to have any tests or out-patient services done you first have to pay that $8,000.00 on top of $3850.00 in premiums. You also can only get generic medications. This is not a family plan, the deductibles and out of pocket will be higher for families No, but these California prices are only for one person and it's going to be pretty universal across the board. That's the whole idea.
  11. I'm gathering quotes for our renewal that comes up in December, nothing back yet but I'll let you know.
  12. Since this thread is about cost - I posted this in another thread but it belongs here too. This is for a single person, who's got about $10,000 laying around to afford the silver plan? $80.00 a week in premiums, $45.00 copays for dr visits, and $2000 out of pocket before they pay a penny of labs, tests or hospital services. http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html
  13. I admire your passion, that's why I gave you a plus..........but you are so very wrong!! I came from a 4 room shack, yea we had two bedrooms with no closets, there were 8 of us - to a one bedroom apartment in the city. My mom worked three jobs to feed us kids, we never saw her. But we did have aunts, uncles and cousins that helped us, we lived with one Aunt and Uncle for 4 months and another for 6 until mom could afford that one bedroom apartment. I saw many, many poor people sweat their aS$es off to get a slice of the American Dream and they did it. When my mom died in January, she had t
  14. So Pubby are you prepared to pay $400.00 a month for premiums, 30% of your care with a $2,000 deductible?? (before they pay a dime) $6,400 per year out of pocket? Only buy generic drugs at $25.00 per prescription? Yea, for one person every year, it goes up every year, too. Family plans are a whole lot more. Here's what the silver plan in California looks like, it will be pretty much the same across the board for everyone. http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html
  15. Maybe it's because people in the past did what was necessary to feed their families, kids, parents, grandkids and all. Few had a house they couldn't afford, they lived together in small apartments and worked menial jobs until they had enough money saved to buy a modest house if they were lucky. People didn't live in 3 bedrooms houses in subdivisions, they lived in 1 bedroom apartments in the city. They did what they had to do and taught their children to do the same. They always had money saved for emergencies and ate small nourishing meals, few if any were obese. The past 30 years h
  16. I keep telling you it's the insurance industry driving this..........get rid of the insurance companies! Here's a simple solution to all this mess, I posted this on my FB page: Want more affordable health care?? Eliminate the insurance industry, make hospitals compete for our business with price and service. Make health care savings mandatory, fine those that don't have them, make them 100% deductible for every working family based on earned income. Watch health care prices plummet when there is competition and you take out the middle man. This will help the middle worki
  17. Bull! More fearmongering!! They are blackmailing the American people, pushing up insurance rates and health care costs. From the article :
  18. I hope everyone realizes Congress is the House AND the Senate, so the everyone shares equal responsibility. Obama is further dividing us and them, directly along party lines. This was happening before any Tea Party members were elected to Congress, true story. http://www.gallup.com/poll/123491/approval-congress-falls-21-driven-democrats.aspx
  19. :clapping: This is how America does it.
  20. The GOPs stance on those things you want is that they should be able to make those decisions without GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE, got it?? Go ahead and kill your babies, smoke your marijuana, on and on but don't make the taxpayer support your decisions financially!! It's their constitutional right to have an opinion of their own and they should not have to pay for something YOU want.
  21. That may be how you feel but there are many that support his decision. He's not putting even more Georgians at risk of higher premiums because of a federal tax. The constitution allows the states to override the feds on this, if you don't like it you can vote your conscience on election day. Yea, what about those guys up in Washington with their Cadillac plans, who's paying for their subsidies to pay their health insurance?? 13 other states agree with him, so it's not as though he's not thought about this.
  22. Oh yes pre-existing will, but at what cost and to who?? It's not about insurance regulation it's about control of 20% of the US economy, handed to the insurance companies on a silver platter enforced by the Federal Government. Being paid for by the middle class.
  23. See that's where you have been lied to and you believe those lies. They are not reining in insurance companies, they are giving them free rein over this Affordable Healthcare Tax. The insurance companies are indeed the managers of this program and the government is the enforcer to make sure you pay your "fair share". Which I will say again is paid for by the middle, working class.
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