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Everything posted by tundra

  1. How awesome is that? The number of jobs created by those 100,000,000 passengers is phenomenal. And to think even us, out here in Podunk Paulding County reap the rewards, we already know there are at least 800 people here that work for Delta alone, now let's add in the other jobs created by the biggest airport in the world, with flights to anywhere in the world. I'm excited for our community and region. We are blessed that we are only 35 miles from this great economic engine. Polk County and the City of Rockmart benefit greatly from the airport and the port of Savannah, too bad we don't h
  2. Bottom line, don't watch the news, they are not journalists. Don't read their blogs, either. Journalists shouldn't offer opinions, they should stick to facts, not twisted to suit their agenda. They all do it, left leaning and right leaning, far right and far left. They are in the business to sell news, not report it. Gather your information from trusted sources, they are out there.
  3. I just want to understand why the airport gets their money before anyone else. Before public safety, before any department, before any other operating expense, before any other contract. Yep, I'd say the airport is Mr. Austin's #1 priority.
  4. Do I believe Obama hates all that America stands for, yup. Do I believe Obama went to college on foreign student status, yup. Do I believe Obama is Muslim? Nah, nice try though.
  5. Muslim is a religion, not a nationality. She doesn't "look" Muslim or her name doesn't "sound" Muslim, that is a problem in itself. ^^^^That's not journalism either.
  6. This is the danger of a Public Private Partnership. This is EXACTLY what will happen when Propeller tries to take over. They have no accountability to the taxpayers, they are NOT subject to open records requests. We won't know what Propeller is doing until they walk away, leaving the taxpayers holding the liability. The air show, that has NEVER made a penny, in 3 years, is a perfect example of the taxpayers picking up the tab for the losses. The caterer is threatening to sue, saying they "know" Paulding's airport doesn't need any more negative press. So, looks like the taxpayers will
  7. Public information is readily available with a simple internet search, you know like arrest records, fifa liens. Just don't use that information to vet candidates running for office.
  8. Tabitha only did what her boss told her to do, as she should. She obviously knows what she is doing. Tabitha did NOTHING wrong. Contracts have specific clauses, the terms of that contract were not followed..............why did the PCAA get paid before the budget was approved and before any other expenditure was approved? Seems like the contractual obligation by the IBA was also used as a tool by the same folks, they defaulted on the payment. CEO does not mean he gets to make all the decisions about spending by himself. Lordy, my husband is CEO of our company and must get the rest of the o
  9. Now that's pretty silly. The hearing was NOT about just the EA. It was about the social, economic AND environmental impact of Part 139. You obviously did not read the settlement agreement, nor did you listen to the faciliatator in the beginning of the meeting. If you think it was only about the adequacy of the EA, you are wrong. The speeches that talked about the social and economic impact Part 139 would bring were as appropriate as those that discussed the environmental impact. If you doubt me you can always go to the uncut recording of the entire meeting on the Stop the Airport Expa
  10. So am I reading this right? David Austin made sure the PCAA was paid for a contract that was not due until Jan 1, 2016. Before the budget was approved, before anyone was paid, before any department got funded, without discussing this with the rest of the commissioners? Wonder why he felt the need to put the Finance Director in that position? Why is the airport the MOST important thing to David Austin, above any County department or vendor?
  11. If you had been paying attention you would know I have NEVER been a fan of public private partnerships. I think they are a horrible idea and ripe for even more corruption! I've talked about the fiasco with the City of Atlanta parking meters, and many others. In fact I have shared this article, right here and was chastised because it wasn't "local" stuff. www.goodjobsfirst.org/sites/default/files/docs/pdf/scandalsnotjobs.pdf
  12. This has nothing to do with serving people, I've told you that many times. This has to do with the taxpayers, not the market, footing the bill. I sure wish the feds would give me a million dollars to start a company. Serving people is what successful airports do, General Aviation (Corporate Jets) and Commercial (Part 139), but if the market was truly driving it, we'd already have some businesses out here, you know like they do in Cartersville and Kennesaw. They are serving lots and lots and lots of people every single day. The members of the PCAA were rude and should have stayed a
  13. While the PCAA are considered volunteers, except the attorney and the director (Blake Swafford), they have taxpayer money of which they are the stewards, they have federal money of which they are the stewards, they have state money of which they are the stewards.............they have a fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers to make sure it's disbursed in the best interest of the taxpayers. The Mayors, Commission Chairman and the Chamber Director are all salaried employees so they are being paid while at those meetings, there are 5 that are truly volunteers, Mr. Shipp, Mr. Buzzelli, Mr. As
  14. Merry Christmas, she's beautiful.
  15. And there you have it!! The airport authority (PCAA) has the ability to obtain bonds that indeed will raise our taxes, Pubby and Chairman Austin think it's a courtesy to allow the post commissioners that represent their district to have a say in who gets appointed. If you think this is not taxation without representation, I guess you missed the whole point of the Boston Tea Party. Todd Pownall has always tried to do what his constituents want. He actually goes out and talks to them. 74% of the people in Post 2 DO NOT want a commercial airport with scheduled passenger service. See, tha
  16. My point being if the senate doesn't approve them they don't get appointed. The people that get to do the approving are indeed elected officials, representing the people. The President doesn't get to make the call, he can only make the suggestion. Checks and balances. "Twenty-nine nominees (including one nominated for promotion) have been unsuccessful on at least the first try." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsuccessful_nominations_to_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States Insurgents.............I've heard that before. Yes, why yes, it happened in Boston because of TAXATION without REP
  17. Obviously I wasn't the only one that took what you said as an insult to Southerners and "uneducated folks". "Know thyself", have you ever participated in a self assessment? Perhaps you need to. Oh and for the record, how much "formal" education did our first President, George Washington, have?
  18. I'm pretty sure you won't be seeing any flights to St. Louis our of KPUJ, unless you fly to Mid America in Illinois, your return flight might take a few days since Allegiant is the only carrier that flies out of there too. They pulled out once already, left the taxpayers holding the bag. Mid America Airport cost the taxpayers 14 million last year. Yes that came from the taxpayers, not the FAA or the carrier. Even with the AIP funds, that can only be used to "improve" the existing facility. Can't be used for payroll, grounds, terminal expansions............only for the airport itself.
  19. See See PC Native, you can't possibly know the wisdom Pubby spills forth on this page, you are not worthy. Especially if you really are a PC Native, it automatically makes you lesser class and quite dumb. (yes I'm being sarcastic) WTG GPH, you've mastered the "I'm better than you", meme.
  20. Dallas 1st United Methodist Church used to have Mother's Morning Out, not sure if they still do. My son loved it, but that was about 25 years ago.
  21. Ate there for the second time Friday at lunch. Portion sizes are generous, I had strip steak, it was incredible!! Had the chicken before, it wasn't spectacular but it was good.
  22. What part of it's not "private" do you not understand. They need at least a million dollars a year from the government to "grow" their business or it's a bust. That's not private enterprise.
  23. You forget one thing, they have to be "confirmed" by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Pesky little thing there, approval by an elected body. Yes, why yes they do. David Austin thinks he's king and needs no approval from anyone. He just does as he pleases.
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