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Everything posted by tundra

  1. Bahahahahahahaha. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: More belly laughs!! Good one crossroads.
  2. Sure it is. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Hang on, my belly is hurting............................. Oh gosh darn it all, Thoughts I'm so sorry.............It's all unicorns, glitter and roses. I'll come around, eventually.
  3. These 800 layoffs have nothing to do with politics or sequester. Did you even read the link?? These layoffs are for commercial aircraft, not government. Quit being disingenuous, admit you were wrong. These 800 people that are being laid off have nothing to do with sequester. Read the article in the OP, if you can.
  4. Last I checked Berry College was quite good as is Shorter. Rome has some excellent colleges, I have several nieces, nephews and friends that have a degree from there. Sorry, off topic!! Zoo, admit she's wrong about anything? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Yes, she owes you an apology crossroads.
  5. Psssst, you need to tell zooey, she thinks it's political.
  6. I'm thinking if educators could teach students to read, they would understand when it's too much of a good thing. Too bad 79% of 8th graders in Chicago can't read.
  7. LMBO!! Please, can we have ONE little bitty thread without that chart???
  8. From the link: Yea, budget cuts. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  9. Bringing the total to 2000+. But the economy is improving. :-) Boeing
  10. So you're conceding that you really don't understand.
  11. Yea 'cause we know surepip eats them. :-)
  12. Sweety, they know if they download a baby in 8th grade they are guaranteed a check for life. It is Chicago after all. Are you OK with them having Sex Ed read to them since they can't read it themselves???
  13. Bullocks!! Crossroads said LGBT is being taught, not that it's the only thing being covered in that class. Crossroads said they are teaching LGBT to students, nowhere did she/he say that was the entire curriculum. So are you OK with 8th graders that have to have Sex ed read to them since they can't read it????
  14. No, I'm not wrong. The parents didn't have a say in what will be taught, but they can pull Johnny out of the class............that's a great idea, NOT! Will you admit you didn't even bother to look at the lack of education those degreed educators are offering.
  15. Such bullocks!! Never did crossroads say this was a LGBT sex ed class. Your lack of comprehension is showing.
  16. Son of a B*tch, so if the parents say they don't want Johnny participating he doesn't have to. Yea, that will go over like a lead balloon, but the parents have a choice after the decisions have already been made. former member, did you read my links?? I didn't think so. Does it not bother you that the same kids that will be taught about LGBT can't' even read or do basic math?? Naw, I didn't think so as long as your agenda is addressed.
  17. Yes, I read the articles, I see you didn't read my links. Typical...................thinks you are above the actual reports. The ones by the DOE. I have a BIG problem with 79% of eighth graders being unable to read, 80% not proficient in Math and another BIG problem when someone decides what is going to be taught WITHOUT parent input. But I digress, those with teaching degrees know what's best for our chil'rens.
  18. 79% of 8th graders in CPS can't read and you want CPS to teach sex education?? How about you teach them to read first. Can't read Nation's report card
  19. And the parents have no say in what is being taught to their 5 year olds? Oh, wait...........those educators have degrees, they know what's best for children.
  20. Yes, now I know exactly where it is. Thanks!!
  21. So exactly where is "near"???
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