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Posts posted by Foxmeister

  1. 15 hours ago, Greener_Grass said:

    OK I have to believe that at least 25% of Paulding County residents go to church and believe in my Lord Jesus Christ. So my Question is why is everyone freaking out over what God already know is going to happen?  In Matthew 6:34 it say Therefore do not worry about tomorrow ,for tomorrow will worry about itself Each day has enough trouble of its own. This tells me to enjoy life in our Lord. So enjoy life and wash your hands.and p.s. you don't need all that toilet paper. Have a goodnight and God Bless!!

    I'm a Christian and I don't think He meant not to take precautions from illnesses such as COVID-19.  I think Christians who have symptoms of the virus should be responsible and stay away from the public to reduce infecting others.

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  2. China is a communist country that has and continues to imprison those in the country who voice support of freedom and liberty.  Lets not forget the Chinese government has executed hundreds of thousands for opposing communism.  This is also a country that first limited couples to have only two children and then later only one child in attempts to control its population and has violated basic human rights since communist took the country over.  According to you though, this country should be trusted.

    You advocate a national health care plan and have stated in the past that health care is not rationed in countries that have one and that wouldn't happen with a national health care plan here.  One now only has to look at Italy and how they are dealing with COVID-19 to see that isn't true, as they have now moved the elderly to the bottom of the list for ICU beds and ventilators, stating there is not enough of either to go around; because the mortality rate is higher with the elderly than it is with younger people.

    I think our government should put the people in this country first before they dole out billions of dollars to other countries in fighting poverty.


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  3. COVID-19 has proven Trump to be correct when he said the trade balance with China benefited them a hell of a lot more than the US.  US corporations are losing their asses on Wall Street because the US and the world has become too dependent upon China as their supply chain for goods.  Almost all the pharmaceuticals used in the US are made in China.  All our medical equipment is made in China.  China is threatening to withhold our pharmaceuticals and we should never put the country in a position to be held "hostage" like this by another country.

    Personally, I suspect China developed this virus as a biochemical weapon to be used to lower their population; especially among the elderly.  They most likely thought they could contain it.  It's an interesting theory; especially because to the population control measures they had put in place in the past.  The first was limiting couples to two kids and then later one kid.  Now they have a senior population without a family to take care of them; leaving the responsibility to one child and the government.  It's an interesting discussion to say the least.


    All you guys have is this 'if you like this doctor' crap. If that's all we had on Donald Chump I'd mark it off as a mistake after all it was a brand new complicated piece of legislation , Chump tells eight of these a day. At some point you have to admit he's a pathological liar. Unless,unless unless your a brain dead party loyalist with so much koolaid in your belly you can no longer tell truth from fantasy.

    Here are links with many of the lies Obama told the American people.




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    Hard to tell what the Republican party's goals are nearest anyone can tell it some kind of fascist theocracy with a touch of Aryan supremacy. Of course with the Stable Genius in charge that could change next week, tomorrow or in time for dinner .


    On a side note you may have heard Trump went to Iraq, he was only in country for a few hours yet managed to compromise the location of a Seal Team Six's location and lie to the troops about a fictitious non existent pay raise.






    But hey that's just Trump right !

    The military is getting a pay raise in 2019. https://www.military.com/benefits/military-pay/charts/proposed-pay-charts.html


    How dare you support Trump and claim to be a patriot. Truth is supporting Trump flies in the face of everything this country stands for,opposing him is the only patriotic course someone that really cared for this country could do.

    Like modern day Judas and his 30 pieces of silver his supports have traded the country that millions have fought and given their lives,for nothing more than the sake of party loyalty and their share share of some short lived rewards.

    You're not a patriot of this country. You're a patriot of the Democratic Party, which wants to turn this country into a socialist state.

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  7. Do you have proof or you're just speculating? You always want to wait for all of the facts to come out but now suddenly waiting for all of the facts to come out isn't in your interest is it?

    From the LA Times:


    the ballot collection law passed in 2106 does open the door to coercion and fraud and should be fixed or repealed before the next election.

    Before the law was passed, only a family member or a member of the household was authorized to deliver a ballot on behalf of a registered voter. But AB 1921 relaxed that rule, allowing others — including canvassers, campaign workers and anyone else — to solicit voters to fill out ballots and deliver them.

    The potential for misuse first became apparent in a special election in Los Angeles last year between two Democrats for an open seat in the state Assembly. In the final weeks of the race, complaints surfaced about aggressive campaign workers pressuring voters to hand over ballots on behalf of Wendy Carrillo, who ultimately won the race.

    That’s only one way the law could be misused. Doesn’t it also encourage ballot collectors to gather the ballots and then “lose” them — oops! — on the way to the drop-off? Isn’t there the possibility that they might pay voters to hand over their unfilled mail ballots?


    Republicans didn't support legal methods of ballot harvesting completed and sealed ballots in California but they support it being done illegally unsealed and uncompleted in NC. Hmmm...




    You don't think the ballot harvesting in California can easily be turned into an easy way to commit voter fraud?

  9. RE: 'forbidden material in an online chain' ...


    What Hillary was guilty of is adding a comment to a bit of material that in one case wasn't classified until after it was contained in an email chain. In others, the classified material was added by others in the email chain which mean anyone replying to the message after the forbidden material was added was guilty if they forwarded all the earlier comments (including the one with forbidden material.)


    One time someone posted a pornographic image on pcom. Others, showing their disgust and shock, replied to original offending post therefore reposting the offending material. I bulleted all the 'offenders' knowing that those 'just replying' had not thought about what their replies had meant (copying of the forbidden material).


    Doing so was a grossly careless act and I think the reading is that of some 50,000 emails in the account, only 100 in 13 chains or so had some issues.


    Anyone with an IQ greater than 80, if presented with the facts, would understand that the bruhaha involving Hillary Clinton's emails was a gross exaggeration of the whole issue.


    Yet while you complain about that splinter in the 'dems' eyes you ignore the log in DJT's eye talking to anyone and everyone on his insecure cell phone nightly since his inauguration over the objections of the intelligence community which knows the Russians and Chinese are listening.


    You need to open your eyes because the behaviors being uncovered regarding this regime are not troubling; they are provably criminal.


    This all begs the question of whether you want to live in a country ruled by the rule of law or ruled by the hand of those who proclaim themselves above the law.



    Those with a clear understanding of the laws regarding the handling of classified information understand what Clinton was doing is illegal.

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    You've got to be kidding. I guess once you go down the rabbit hole, where everything uttered is a lie, then everything uttered is a lie making your statement that Mueller has no evidence 'a priori' a lie meaning its opposite is the truth. If you're confused by this bass-ass white and black world where everything that isn't is and what is isn't - where zorro and a few more appear to be - you are a trumper.


    It really isn't that hard; just pull that log out your eye, my splinter can wait.



    In other words, you don't think Hillary should be prosecuted for breaking the law.

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