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Everything posted by Blondiega1

  1. Papi likes Sports clips but he'll go anywhere there's not a long wait.
  2. Papi's fried chicken Taters and Onions Roasted Veggies Sterling Cabernet
  3. Does this work for Ex-husband jewelry?
  4. You know what really burns my butt??? Flame about 4' tall.
  5. No thanks. I'll keep my knitted pink poodle toliet paper cover. /s
  6. Yeah.....my girls ain't letting ANY other bird near that feeder! LOL
  7. We've had this happen to us twice. So now I try to remember to call and let them know we will be out of town.
  8. I LOVE that y'all seem to have humming birds that are all colorful and prettyfied. The only ones I've seen are just brown. Females maybe?
  9. DANG!! I CAN NOT remember the name of this place. Someone PM me.
  10. PF Chang's DO NOT!! I repeat....DO NOT!!! Go the the one in next to the ridge rd Kroger.
  11. Sorry. Don't mean to discourage you. I had my first shot July 29th. My second shot Aug 8th. And I'm due for my 3rd shot on Monday. Doc says it takes 4- 6 wks to get full relief. I suppose I'll just have to wait the 4-6 wks after the last shot to see if I get any results. Right now all I know is I'm hurting. I had the info kit, but I probably threw it away. Can't find it now. I suppose I could "google" it.
  12. Good tip on the hangnail. This post actually has nothing to do with me. Just an observation on another's situation.
  13. Anybody had them?? I'm two shots in and my knee still hurts like hell.
  14. Do you just say "enough is enough". "It's not worth it anymore." "My life and my happiness are more important than continuing to dwell on this." At what point do you finally ask yourself, "do I want to be right, or do I want to have peace?" .
  15. Write "reciepiant not at this address" on envelope and stick it back in the box with flag up. That's what I do. However, sometimes items that are for certain individuals, mysterious disappear. It's very strange. .
  16. Some people have WAY to much time on their hands.
  17. Walgreens.com is cheaper when you do mail order! They also have a prescription savings card that can save you a LOT of money on your scripts plus every time you buy a walgreens product in a store, you get 10% back on your card to spend later! AND AND AND.....they do pet meds!! Check it out here: http://www.walgreens.com/pharmacy/psc/psc_overview_page.jsp
  18. Static. And lots of it. We gave up on it after a few months.
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