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Everything posted by Blondiega1

  1. Make a paste of turmeric, cover with band aid and sleep with it. Tomorrow morning it will be raised up.
  2. Oh....and in those pictures...........is "train wreck" wearing CLEAR heels??? That's I sure were washed with homemade detergent!
  3. Well.....she is my sister! It runs in the family.
  4. I worry we will be looking at an April snow storm. It's happened before. We NEED winter to put in an appearance or the bugs will be awful this summer!
  5. Pearlz!!! Fantastic food and if you don't mind eating a little early, they have FANTASTIC happy hour deals! Have fun! Charleston is a GREAT town! I want to go back!
  6. I would welcome a candidate who would say " I am personally prolife but I do not think its the governments job to regulate it, . And this IS NOT the most pressing issue facing this country." And yes. We are watching.
  7. Damn now I'm singing a Johnny Cash and June Carter song.
  8. EWWW!!!! Now I love me some sour creme, but I don't have THAT in me!
  9. This thread is making me tired..............I'll just keep buying the cheap stuff.
  10. Blondiega1

    PCP doc

    Oh.....I thought you knew a doc that was passing out PCP. My mistake. Move along people. Nothing to see here.
  11. Just asking the hard hitting questions today! I'm a pour off kind of girl. Papi says stir in. What you say?
  12. Congratulations! Good luck in your new career!!
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