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Posts posted by TinaWatson

  1. Paintball guns, Airsoft guns, Water skis, Snow skis, Tennis rackets..........so much stuff! It has all got to go. Bring your truck and fill it up!!! :)



    Are you saleing this stuff or giving it away? and why? We are doing a FUNdraiser yard sale for Angel Among Us Ministries and we are looking for yard sale items. Thank you for your time:)

  2. Does anyone know of a printing/copy place around here. The two giant office supply stores in Hiram don't have sticker paper. You have to buy a pack of the paper and then have the copies made (the cost is ridiculous). The other printing place near the skating rink is also out of the question.


    I am just wanting to have a design printed onto 4 sheets of sticker paper. My computer sucks ink up or I would just do it at home.





    Have you tried the library?

  3. I would love to see her, my number is in my profile call and set something up.

    I am happy to have motivated her. She has to understand that no matter how talented she is that her chances of making a good living from her skills are slim to none without more education. The diploma will open locked doors.



    I'm so glad you said that about furthering her education because I told her the same thing. Not to give up on going to college because we know she can do it because WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Like I said early on in our conversation she needs an ANGEL to help her. We support her 100% and she knows it. thanks for every thing I have your number we will try to call you on Monday to set something up. Thanks again for all your time today have a BLESSED WEEKEND:):)

  4. It should be in her school records.

    Ask her if she used odobe that is a very common one.

    Your daughter may want to take an aptitude test and look at a trade school as my daughter did.

    Going to the trade school gave her the confidence she needed to aim higher.

    I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction, I know that many programs have been cut back, but depending on the severity of their disabilities both may qualify for trade school.

    You need to find resources through the state. I tell you this because these programs where put in place to assist your children to become productive adults instead of being on the system all their lives as many were before these programs were started.

    The IEP is the key to furthering their education beyond a diploma.


    My daughter begged me to close hers out year after year because she was ashamed of being in special ed, I refused for just this reason. Now she is in college she is glad I did not.



    Isn't a trade school like Chattahooce (sp) Tech and Ga. Highland if so you have to have a Diploma or a GED. I asked her about the odobe if thats a grafic arts program she said that it sounds filmilar she took grafic arts her senior year for the year. I will check and see if they closed her IEP, I will call the school. In the mean time would you still be interested in seeing what she knows and showing her some things? I showed her your reply she is on cloud 100:) right now. thanks for takeing your time talking with me.

  5. So this is what I have to look forward to with my kiddo? wacko.gif


    Makes zero sense to me.


    I was asking because my little sister graduated with a Sp Ed diploma. She, however, was dyslexic and in SP Ed classes in middle school and maybe early high school. When she didn't pass her Science grad. test after the third try, they let her walk with a Sp Ed diploma and (two years later) she received a 'real' diploma when she passed the test.


    I thought this might be an option for your daughter, but it doesn't sound like it. sad.gif



    We asked about taken the test they said no! because she was on the ciriculm(sp) for SP ed. and that is another standard. Sorry, our school system is screwed up. I say if they stayed in school 12 yrs. and done as they were suppose to give them a regular Ed diploma and state on it sp ed classes. Give these kids what they deserve, they probley know more than the normal child that might have cheated there way through school. This has always been a thorn in my side, my son graduated in 2007 with sp ed also. He wanted to go into the service and the teacher told him to his face that he would never be able to do that. Now why would you want to discourage someone like that. we are to incourage not discorage no matter what. Because of this he is mad at the world. We are always telling him he can do anything.

  6. Hopefully you did not allow her IEP to be closed.

    I did not allow my daughters to be closed because she can still get the special help she needs to succeed in a state college.


    My daughter was in special ed from pre k to graduation.

    These children can learn anything they want to learn, they simply learn differently.

    My daughter has worked twice as hard all her life to accomplish what she has.

    She had assistance on her graduation test to accommodate her unique way of processing information.

    She went on to attend Paul Mitchell a prestigious cosmetology school.

    She has worked at an upscale salon in Buckhead since graduating and is now attending college to become an engineer.


    These kids do not have to fall through the cracks.

    She can be anything she wants to be, she can be successful, yes it is harder for her but she will reap the benefits just like anyone else that works hard and does not give up.

    She will also have a mother that will have tears of pride streaming down her face when she shares her accomplishment with others.


    Please tell your daughter not to give up, to use everything available to her to succeed.


    Thank God some one understands our life. This day and time people don't care about others and espicially if they are not "normal" This family doesn't know what "normal" is. And I love it that way because my kids don't think they are better than any one els. Because they have been around Special Ability people all their lives. My daughter and son both have always been in Sp Ed all their lives to. My daughter is a lot more determand than my son. Daughter is learning disabilities just learns a diffrent way. Son is Mildly Interlectally disabled & ADHD. Both are very smart and they can do what ever they set their minds too. I asked my daughter about the grafic arts and she said she don't remember a lot about it but if she seen it she might. Any help you can give would be greatly apperciated. Also how would I find out about if her IEP is closed?

  7. If she has developed some skill in digital graphics she can come by the office to see me. We would not have time to tutor her from scratch on how to use the programs, but we could assist her with building skills in that area.




    Does your daughter have an IEP?



    Are you SERIOUS? yes, she had an IEP in school, Very smart young lady and listens to people when they talk very dependable she just needs an ANGLE to guide her along. I will have to ask her how much she knows about the graphic art. Thank you so much we will be in touch soon.

  8. Just a wild shot in the dark, but did she not pass one of her graduation tests?



    in SP Ed. you are not required to take the graduation test these kids are on a diffrent cirriculm. BUT they have to attend school every and keep their grades up. You would think they would get something for all their time. It's not fair (I said it was a whole nother subject) thanks for asking.

  9. Does any one know of someone that will do an Apprenticeship? My Daughter is 19yrs. and took drawing in high school for about 4 yrs and she took a little grapic arts. She graduated in 2010 and wanted to go to college, well because she graduated with a SPECIAL ED diploma (thats a whole nother subject) she can not get in to college with the Sp Ed diploma. And we have tryed studing for the GED it's over welming and she got discouraged. So now she has decided to just design cards and t-shirts. She does AWESOME drawings they are( Anime) like cartoons you would have to see the drawings to see how talented she is. So with all that said we are looking for someone that would do an APPRENTICESHIP so that she can do what she enjoys doning with her GOD GIVEN TALENT:)


    How much dose it cost to take your certification test for MA.? I graduated from Evert Inst. Oct. 2006 from the Ma. program never got my certification. I done my internship at Phsycians Imediate in Hiram . I got a job in Marietta. Was their for 3 and 1/2 weeks and my husband passed away in a horrific auto accident. I'v not went back to work since. and I had always wanted to be in the medical feild. I wish you the best and may God bless you and all you do. With God all things are possible....matthew 19:26...



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