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Posts posted by bevwilder

  1. Some babies just have more of a sucking need than others. If your child is eating more then he can hold. (I have seen babies who would eat till they threw up) You should try a bottle nipple with a smaller hole. You may have to get one without a hole and make your own. This will satisfy his sucking needs without overfeeding him and making him miserable.

  2. Sure you can!  All you need to do is download the Itunes software (it's free), but you'll need to be on Windows 2000 or Windows XP.


    Also, if you don't feel comfortable setting up a credit card account, you can buy an Itunes gift card and download stuff that way. 


    Target, Best Buy, Walmart, and some other retailers sell the Itunes cards and they come in $15 and $30 cards.  Most of the songs usually sell for .99.


    If I'm not mistaken, Walmart also has an online music store as well.



    Doing the same thin you are lately but the music I bought from Wal-mart will not attach to the slide program. They have some type of protetion I guess.


    Now songs I wanted to use will have to be found on a CD and I thought I would save so much time buying online. for .88 cents a song.

  3. Paulding Community Theatre Inc. is putting together a multi-media presentation for thier Holiday variety show.


    We have several pictures of heroes from the storms from this year and from the 911 disater and the war in Iraq but we want also to include those everyday heroes who don't often get recognized for what they do to make all our days a little more special..


    We are asking if you can send in photos of the bagger of your groceries, the lady who does your hair, the waitresses where you eat breakfast, the local emergency room staff, the people you work out with, the daycare center staff....


    I can not gurantee all will be included. We have a 10 minute spot in the show but we will try to put in as many as we can.


    Please email any photos you want us to consider to bevwilder@hotmail.com



  4. Rehersals are going well. It is a very large cast and we can still fit people into the show if anyone else wants to come out. We will be rehearsing Tuesday at Chat. Tech.


    We are also putting together a multi-media salute to heroes. We have a lot of photos of national and international heroes but in discussing it we would like to add more "Everyday Heroes".


    I would love to go out and take pictures of the people who help carry out our groceries, the people who serve our brekfast, the staff at the ER, the crossing gaurds all these local every day heroes but I work such long hours I am asking assistance from those of you out there with these photos.


    Please emails me at bevwilder@hotmail.com if you can help us out with this project.

  5. This year’s holiday play will be a variety show. Please ask all the local dance groups, musical groups, soloists, and whatever other local entertainers if they can put together one or two numbers for our show. I will send you information soon on who to contact about being put on the show bill.


    There will also be a play “Long Live Christmas” with about 20 people in the cast. The cast is about half children.


    Auditions will be held for the play on October 6 at Chattahoochee Tech in the auditorium at 7:30 PM.

  6. Paulding Community Theatre is holding auditions for their October 14 and 15 production of Aesop’s Updated Fables.




    Auditions will be held Monday August 29 at the Paulding Community/Senior Center on Industrial Blvd in Dallas. At 7:00 PM




    Come prepared to read from a script and to participate in improves.




    Please send any questions to my Email at Bevwilder@msn.com

  7. I guess I need to try it again?


    I was hopeing to hear from those who attended last nights show and want to know if it is your first time seeing a PCT production.


    Paulding Community Theatre, Inc. is commited to being a venue for the community, not only a place where you can watch live theatre but a place where you can participate in live theatre.


    We have six productions a year and we have opportunities for peple who want to be on the stage as well as many behind the stage jobs for those who love to hang out in the theatre scene.


    All of our productions could use help with, set building, costuming, props, and printing. I will sit down here one day and write out the exhaustive list of things to do to present a live performance.


  8. Acts needed for "Affair on the Square" May 14th, 2005 on the square in downtown Dallas. The Paulding Fine Arts Association is having a fine arts show and PCT is looking for talent from the community to round out the day. We have a school chourus lined up and a dance school and a martial arts exhibition. Let us know if you want to be part of this show. 404-502-1028


    Also be thinking about Christmas. We will be doing a "Christmas Variaty Show" in December with acts from the community as well.

  9. I drive 51 miles to work then drive all day long from job to job in Chamblee and Dunwoody. Then 47 miles back home. I take back roads home. If I leave at 5:30AM I can get there in an hour and 15 minutes. If I leave at 6:30 it may take two hours.

  10. The sisters are getting together again tonight. Sister two is makeing us a drink called a "dirty bannana" Mom in law was quoted as saying this morning "If you are drinking anything called a dirty bannana you need to be careful."


    She is making jerked pork, peas and rice and sweet potato pudding and then we are going to play mah jong.

  11. I love to cook but my work shedual puts me home so late most nights I am too tired to do anything more complex then to add some ground meat to some ragu and cook some noodles.


    My sisters and I decided to start getting together one Saturday a month and makeing a theme meal. I did the first one and it was a blast. I did a chinese crysanthamum pot (or hot pot) where you boil broth in a charcoal fueled pot and each person takes pre-sliced paper thin meats and cooks those in the broth. Then I added some veges and some celophane noodles and when those were cooked we had a great soup.


    I also made a simple salad of soy bean sprouts with chili oil on them.


    After dinner we played Ma Jong.


    My sister who is hoting it this month is going to have a jamacain theme.

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