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Posts posted by THE GRADUATE

  1. Gee wiz guys I was just asking a question regarding a rumor that I heard. I saw Whitey's post about Martinez and I put two and two together. So I asked. I don't know anything about the Austin campaign, maybe Martinez is/was connected to it, maybe he isn't/wasn't, I don't know.


    As to being a troll? I'm sorry Surepip, I've been too busy to constantly monitor paulding.com and participate more then I have. In fact, I have to many things going on right now, that I probably shouldn't had taken the time to write this post.

  2. You don't consider a trumped-up plat of an non-existent development and an outright lie about a $13 million sewer an insult? I guess it all depends on whose ox it is, huh? :wacko:


    A trumped up plat? All you have to do is go to the County Planning office and do an Open Records Request on the Zoning Case. You will see the same exact zoning plat that Jerry sent out.


    Heck here is a link to the DRI filing -> http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...t&p=2025876




  3. ...and they also wondered why Pcom was excluded in favor of the owner of the site who also owns jerryshearin.com.


    Probably because the owner of the other site - is a former chairman of the Paulding County Republican Party - and they seek to favor a fellow Republican - rather than an outsider?


  4. I am so sick of people saying that "in most" or "everywhere" or "how it's always been done". For some of you, maybe that is true but Paulding's landscape has changed and for many more that is not true. What may have worked in the past does not mean it will work today. I have been to many political debates and both candidates have input in who the moderators are and what the questions are. Usually works out quite well too. I have also seen many debates that offer a percentage of questions from the audience (voters) afterall that is who the debate is supposed to be for.


    Jedi, No one said David supporters were being turned away by the police but if that is what you are saying as someone who attended, than I am glad I did not waste my gas to get there.




    If Mr. Austin gets elected into office he is going to have answer critical questions from the citizens of this county. He is going to have to answer to questions that may not have favorable responses for him or his duties as Commission Chairman.


    If Mr. Austin can not do that while running for office at a debate against his opponent - then how could we expect him to do that when he is in office?


    If/When Mr. Austin gets elected into office: we won't have to luxury to "pick and chose" what questions or in what forum those questions will be asked. The fact that he is running from those questions now is a disappointment and reflects on how he will run his office.


    I was at the debate, and I saw the disappointment on the faces of the Austin supporters who attended.



    Madea et al,

    I'm sorry I "double posted" about the same topic. I looked to see if this was already being discussed, but I must have overlooked the other thread.

  5. What makes your concerns so all-fired important?


    Glassdogs, that's my point! My concerns aren't any more important than anyone else's! So why should I be so privileged to have a personal phone conversation with Mr. Austin?



    Wait, some anonymous nothing makes an allegation on a website so he needs to address it? Come on. Be a man and call him if it is that important to you.


    I guess I'm not so anonymous seeing that seemingly everyone has dropped my name throughout this thread. And since I have had a "personal" invitation to call Mr. Austin, I suppose that means I'm not a "nothing" either! :D



    Butch Thompson may have won the airport......but I know for a fact that Aiken is doing grading out there.......if they are subbing from Thompson...I don't know...



    Thanks D-Dawg! That's exactly how projects this size work. I even know that the design aspect is broken down into several engineering firms doing different stuff.


    GeorgiaTornado, I hope you didn't get the notion that I was doubting what you said. I frankly just wasn't sure, and was seeking some clarification myself. :)



    I don't have a dog in this fight, but I wanted to say HI to THE GRADUATE! He's been gone a loooong time :)


    Thanks. :p



    You obiviously didn't learn much from your time at PC Planning and Zoning. Do you even know what planning is involved with a DRI? Do you know David could have cut his land into sections and rezoned it like most people in Paulding do without going through a state approved process? He didn't do that because he is a "planning type" person. What he did and paid for requires studies and improvement to intersections and roads that the said homes would have impact on in the county. Also, his family is donating land to the school system worth half a million dollars. Do you really think that if David Austin was planning on developing his family and that he would wait til the market tanked and then begin construction on 8000 square foot lots when there are already a four year supply here in Paulding already. Oh please! Yes, he rezoned it. Big deal. Do you see houses on it or construction of roads? I didn't think so. EVERYONE may be selling here in Paulding if the taxes keep increasing as they have been in the last few years. To the fact that you won't meet with someone to discuss issues YOU have brought up is completely immature. If you really want to know about something or someone, then ask them to their face. You are just trying to stir something up that is not there. David will answer your questions or anyone else's in public or private. He has nothing to hide or be ashamed of.


    Is that what you meant by "long range land planning?" I'm sorry the fact that Mr. Austin ponied up some extra money to "willingly" go through the DRI process doesn't equate to be a "long range land planner."


    If you told me that Mr. Austin had incorporated some commercial development into this plan, so that the residents of these future 941 houses wouldn't have to drive to Dallas, Hiram, or Acworth and further clog our roads; in order to be able to purchase some minor groceries/goods, then yes I would say that perhaps Mr. Austin had some foresight to be a "long range land planner."


    If you told me that Mr. Austin had incorporated some walking trails, and/or parks beyond the required Amenity area, then yes I would say that perhaps Mr. Austin had some foresight to be a "long range land planner."


    I do have to say though that I commend Mr. Austin for donating the land for the school, at the very least that was a decision that a "long range land planner" would make.


    But you are telling me that I should commend Mr. Austin and call him a "long range land planner" because he chose to pay the extra money and go through the DRI process?


    Well did you know that even if Mr. Austin did split up the property and then go through the zoning process he still would have likely had to go through the DRI process? Because the local governments are required to report all potential DRIs, even if it is through an assemblage of property as you are commending Mr. Austin from not doing. Essentially, if there is more then one project neighboring each other and there is some connection between the properties i.e. the owners of the property, then the State could very well force the developments to go through the DRI process regardless of whether or not they individually do not meet the DRI thresholds. This is exactly why Steve Simpson had to go through the DRI process when he was developing the Highland Falls Development in Hiram.


    Now what Mr. Austin could have done to avoid the DRI process was to sell the property to some of his fellow developers, or work out some agreement with them. This probably would have been ignored by the State, and Mr. Austin could have had the property developed without going through the DRI process.


    But of course this would have meant the Mr. Austin would have had to sell his property, and share some of his potential profits. Thus, it likely came down to a balancing for Mr. Austin. On one side he weighs the cost of the DRI process; on the other side he weighs the loss of potential profits by splitting the land with other developers. He choses the side that will save/make him the most money and moves on.


    I don't know for a fact that this is what happened, as I wasn't there in 2003/2004 when Mr. Austin was making his decisions. But I felt that it should be stated that just because Mr. Austin chose to go through the DRI process, that doesn't necessarily mean that he should be put up on a pedestal as the "developer doing the right thing." There are financial determinations made at every corner, and I am sure that Mr. Austin took these into account when making his decisions.



    How do you think the majority of developers got their start? Subdivide the family farm, and use the profits to buy the next piece of land, to do the same. Each time growing the enterprise. But that isn't the point of this discussion. The point is that many voters on this board are gearing up to vote for Austin because they see him as the alternative to the "developers," the reality is that Austin is no different then the rest of them.


    I have no reason to speak to your father in private, my concerns are publicly stated right here on this site. I have read what Mr. Austin has stated on his website, have read/listened to his other statements, and plan on attending the debates. I would hope that if Mr. Austin wanted to address my concerns he would do so in public either through this medium or another. This is something that all of the public would be interesting in hearing, why should I be so privileged to get his personal attention?



    As stated above I have no reason to call. If Mr. Austin wants to address my concerns then he should do so in public. His phone number is on his website, if I wanted to call him I could, instead I chose to bring my concern to the public light so that it may be shared by all. I would think that Mr. Austins addressing of those concerns should also be in the public light.


    I beg your pardon. Do you mean that selling land makes you a developer? That means that every person in Paulding that has ever sold land is a developer on the rise? Who are you kidding? Don't you think if he wanted to be a developer he would have done that when the market was actually good. You have "no reason to speak to him" because you are unwilling to listen to another point of view other than the current one. My dad would address your concerns to you or anyone that will listen to his platform. He believes ever citizen IS priviledged to get his personal attention, that is why he is running. See to him, EACH individual matters not just a select few.


    C'mon, Jaydee is that all you can say? Of course not every person who has ever sold land is a developer. Now a person who intends to subdivide his property into 941 lots? Well, yeah, I would say that is a developer.


    Jaydee, are you saying that because he rezoned the property in 2004, when the market was good, he is a developer? Let's not forget, it has already been established that this project was rezoned in 2004 when the residential real estate market was beginning to cook.


    The reason I don't want to speak with your father in private is because I don't believe that there is anything he should say to me privately, that he couldn't say publicly AND ON THE RECORD. The last thing I want to do is partake in a game of 1st grade telephone, where Mr. Austin tells one thing to one person and another to another person. I am interested in Mr. Austins platform, opinions, concerns for the future of the county; that is why I have visited his website, read about him on this forum, and plan to attend the debates. I don't desire a private/personal discussion with your father because I want everything that he shares with me to be on the record, and in the public for all to see and hear.


    You said that your father "believes ever citizen IS priviledged to get his personal attention." So are you saying that any citizen that does chose to speak with Mr. Austin personally should feel privileged to talk to him? That's funny, is he running for Paulding County Chairman or Dictator of Iraq :p :P ?

  6. This is very old news! Matt (graduate) you should know because u used to work at the county zoning department!


    Actually, since it was in '04 it was before my time. So when I came across it while trying to info on the current candidates I was surprised. Especially considering the numerous opinions on this site that frame the developers as being part of the "Dark Side," while at the same time greatly supporting Austin. I thought it was a bit oxymoronic.



    I do think that the fact that David Austin is a developer is relevant in the election this year, since so many people claim they are voting against the current chairman because of his supposed connections to the builder/developer community.




    Thank you PM, that is exactly the relationship that I was trying to note here.




    Why don't you call my Dad on his cell phone at 404-312-2747 and talk to him in person about your concerns? I missed the part where owning land for generations made you a developer. Our family is an open book.


    How do you think the majority of developers got their start? Subdivide the family farm, and use the profits to buy the next piece of land, to do the same. Each time growing the enterprise. But that isn't the point of this discussion. The point is that many voters on this board are gearing up to vote for Austin because they see him as the alternative to the "developers," the reality is that Austin is no different then the rest of them.


    I have no reason to speak to your father in private, my concerns are publicly stated right here on this site. I have read what Mr. Austin has stated on his website, have read/listened to his other statements, and plan on attending the debates. I would hope that if Mr. Austin wanted to address my concerns he would do so in public either through this medium or another. This is something that all of the public would be interesting in hearing, why should I be so privileged to get his personal attention?



    Dollars to donuts says that Matt will not call.


    As stated above I have no reason to call. If Mr. Austin wants to address my concerns then he should do so in public. His phone number is on his website, if I wanted to call him I could, instead I chose to bring my concern to the public light so that it may be shared by all. I would think that Mr. Austins addressing of those concerns should also be in the public light.



    I noticed the sign at Aiken Grading supporting David Austin. My initial instinct was some of the big guys are hedging their bets, and feel Mr Austin has a good chance of winning this election....


    It's a little deeper then that Thad.


    A Developer? Are you kidding? Is that the best thing you can find on David Austin? His wife's family has owned land for 50 years and that is not a crime. They have done long range land planning which is something most people from around here don't do.


    Could clarify your statements about him being a "long range land planner?" Are you referring to the Ivey Gulledge project or some other endeavor? If you are referring to the Ivey Gulledge project then I don't see how Austin is any more of a "long range land planner" then any of the "ROBBER MEGA DEVELOPERS" that Thad likes to make reference too. He took his acreage multiplied it by 3 - this gave him his lot count - and plans to build the minimum the Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Stipulations, and Development Regulations will allow.



    you are claiming that Aikens is the largest grading comany.........that just has turned around because Ellis Astin has always been the biggest! He's just not taking jobs like Aikens is! As in the airport!

    Aikens had to pull most of his machines back from other jobs to do the airport.


    Well I wasn't really "claiming" that Aiken is the largest grading company...that was more of an off the cuff remark, then a "factual" statement. Your right though Ellis Astin probably is the largest grading company.


    Perhaps my memory needs to be refreshed though...I thought Butch Thompson won the Airport grading contract?


  7. That's correct, I believe. I'm not sure on what is exactly going on with the moratorium. But even if the moratorium is still in effect, that won't stop a developer from submitting an application to go through Georgia's DRI process.


    Also I found this through some web searches that led me to the DCA website; so it is possible that this was submitted before the moratorium was put in place.


    Yep I did some more searching and according to this report by some University of West Georgia professors the project dates back to 2004.


    See this PDF, the info is on page 37.


  8. Ok I thought they put a hold on all this building? Is that not correct?


    That's correct, I believe. I'm not sure on what is exactly going on with the moratorium. But even if the moratorium is still in effect, that won't stop a developer from submitting an application to go through Georgia's DRI process.


    Also I found this through some web searches that led me to the DCA website; so it is possible that this was submitted before the moratorium was put in place.


  9. I came across the State of Georgia's Department of Community Affairs' (DCA) website and found this interesting Development of Regional Impact (DRI) off of Ivey Gulledge Rd.


    941, 8,000 sq. foot lots.


    Here is the DRI form submitted by Paulding County to the DCA.


    See link: http://www.dca.state.ga.us/DRI/InitialForm.aspx?driid=616


    Check out whom the developer is: Abney-Austin Investments.


    For all you people who are ready to go out and vote for David Austin thinking it'll bring change in Paulding County; David Austin is a developer himself and he has been developing in Paulding for years now.


    Also take a drive down Hwy. 61 and check out the Semi-Truck with the "Vote David Austin" Banner all over it, in the Aiken Grading parking lot. The county's largest grading company supports Austin. What does that tell you?

  10. I personally prefer sharp Cheddar cheese on my burgers, but besides that everytime I drive through Dallas, I feel as though my side mirrors are going to get knocked off.


    No. Narrowing streets is a traffic calming mechanism. Slowering traffic, makes the enviroment more friendly for pedestrians. This is the intent of the Main Street remodel.

  11. How about that?  I enjoy reading most of the sports columnists articles, but I am not going to pay extra to read their articles online.  I think that was an experiment that just didn't pay off. 


    It is nice to be able to read the articles now, if you can't get your hands on the paper.


    Thank you AJC.


    Graduate, how did you Panthers look the other night?  I may try to go to the Panthers-Bulldogs game at the Gwinnett Center on Dec. 10th.


    We won our first game in CAA competition 99 to 72 against the University of Delaware. We're playing Charlotte this Saturday afternoon, I'm looking for this season it looks like its going to be a good one.


    I've waited 3 years for UGA to bone up and play us again, I wouldnt miss the GSU-UGA game for the world!

  12. Has any other Atlanta sports fans noticied that you no longer have to pay to read the editorials or extended coverage of the teams on the online AJC sports section? I guess the AJC realized that no one was going to pay to read thier sorry excuse for a sports page, when they can get better information/opinion elsewhere.

  13. flag.gif

    Local gas stations busted for price gouging -- fines $1,000 and up


    More than a dozen metro gas stations have been fined or punished for gasoline price gouging, Gov. Sonny Perdue's office announced this afternoon.


    The Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA) began investigations after an executive order to help control spiraling fuel costs after Hurricane Katrina.


    The first 15 settlements have been filed in Fulton County Court today. The settlements include both consumer restitution and civil penalties ranging from $1,000 to $10,000, depending upon the severity of the violation:


        * Taj International Inc. doing business as Shell Food Mart, 5110 Browns Bridge Rd. in Cumming - $2,000.

        * Chowdhury Inc. doing business as Chevron on Clairmont Road, 3630 Clairmont Rd. in Chamblee -- $2,000.

        * Rhea Investments LLC doing business as Shell Food Mart-Cascade Road, 3580 Cascade Rd. in Atlanta -- $3,000.

        * Peach State Capital Inc. doing business as Shell Food Mart-Holcomb Bridge, 685 Holcomb Bridge Rd. in Roswell -- $4,330

        * ARZ Inc. doing business as Chevron Food Mart, 4891 Roosevelt Highway in College Park -- $3,000 (civil penalty only, no customer restitution).

        * Corner Shop Inc. doing business as Corner Shop Atlanta, 3390 Buford Highway in Atlanta -- $1,000.

        * Saniha & Sameer Inc. doing business as Shell Food Mart, 3638 Highway 5 in Douglasville -- $4,000.

        * City Shop Inc. doing business as Chevron Short Stop, 993 Sigman Rd. in Conyers -- no civil penalty, only customer restitution.

        * Defoors E-Z Stop Food Inc. doing business as E-Z Food Stop, 2118 DeFoors Ferry Rd. in Atlanta -- $7,000.

        * Tristar Petro Inc. doing business as Adel Truck Plaza, 1503 W. 4th Street in Adel -- $10,000.

      * Yong Kwon doing business as Sam's One Stop Citgo, 1025 Merchant's Dr. in Dallas -- $2,000.

        * Ali's Investment Inc. doing business as Harry's BP Station, 2207 West Spring Street in Monroe -- $2,500.

        * First Class Mart LLC doing business as Thornton Road Food Mart, 1104 Thornton Rd. in Lithia Springs -- $1,000.

        * Trident Investments of Conyers LLC doing business as Mobil Food Mart, 1085 Irwin Bridge Rd. in Conyers -- no civil penalty, only customer restitution.

        * Iquar Enterprises doing business as Chevron Food Shop, 5694 Buford Highway in Norcross -- $2,000.


    In addition to fines, guilty gas stations will be required to post signage on gas pumps advertising that customers who have their receipts and believe they were charged artificially inflated prices will be reimbursed.


    OCA is still investigating more than 100 potential cases and has received more than 3,300 complaints and inquiries about price gouging since Aug. 31.







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