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Posts posted by ladybug82525

  1. I can understand why you are upset no toddler needs to be exposed to that kind language. With that being said, do you have any other children? I think that you are being a bit too hard on those boys and especially the parents. Believe me, I'm all for tearing a rear end up when it needs to be. In MHO these kids were trying to act all big and bad, punishment, yes,

    calling the police....NO. If they had threatened your child that would be a different story. As a teenager did you ever do something that you knew was wrong and you shouldn't do but did it anyway? Apparently you scared them if they ran away.


    If you are afraid of this happening again why would you subject your toddler to it again...just sayin'. If you intend to just following the kids home and speaking with the parents would be my first action. Kids will do things when they are away from their parents that they would never do while in their presence. Don't be so hasty to blame the parents, they still have time to make sure their boy's turn out alright. :unsure: :unsure:

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  2. jrv4real, you need to get REAL. How dare you try to smear Todd Pownall's good name. I've known him 1st as an employee of his, then as a friend. You apparently don't have any knowledge of Todd's employement with Winn Dixie. Todd got NO SPECIAL TREATMENT from his father, in fact he HAD to hard twice as hard as other employee's to get to where he was. If you have specific information on any kind of harassment of any employee I challenge you to PM me with the details. I not only worked for him at a store, I also worked in Human Resources.


    I don't live in the district that Todd is running for, heck, I don't even live in Paulding County. You may ask me why I care. 1st and foremost, Todd is a very good family man and he wants only good things for the people of Paulding Co. 2nd, I have grandchildren that live in the district he's running for & I,for one will rest peacefully knowing that a top notch, God fearing person will have a say for my children and grandchildren.


    You are going to have to find something other than smear tactics to bring Todd Pownall down! I'm looking forward to you giving me REAL information, not speculation!! Bring it on!

  3. I would jump on that opportunity in a heart beat, I need a family portrait of the children and their husbands and grandchildren. Right now, I just don't have the money. Maybe in a couple of weeks if that will still help.

  4. I am not sure but I think that they refer to a body that does not have visible injuries as "natural cause" at least until the autopsy has been done and all test results are back. Now it may be that he died of a heart attack, but find later that the heart attack was probably caused by the use of drugs, alcohol or something of that nature.

  5. I just heard to this tradegy on the news tonight, how sad. My prayers and thoughts are with his loved ones at this difficult time. People who have never had anyone close to our public servicemen and woman really don't understand. I was married to a police officer for 23 years, we have been divorced for almost 10 years and hearing about someone who chooses this life and is killed loving what they did still breaks my heart. All in all they are a great big family, even though I have been divorced as long as I have I still have close friends that keep me up to date on what's going on in Cobb and Paulding.


    May God wrap his loving arms around all who are suffering from the tradegy and give you peace that he died doing what God called him to do. God Bless you all!

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