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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. Here is a screen grab from the FOX 5 report. Keep in mind, there are other people that were investigated by a 2nd company. That company has not released those names. As far as pubby's reply to my post, I think his subscribing ulterior motives to someone doing him a favor, says all you need to know about his judgement and paranoia. Please get professional help for that. Life is better when you are able to see people as just people and not as people out to do something to you. Then again, most people who put evil motives on others, do so because that is what they themselves w
  2. I only returned to reply to this one post because of the sheer arrogance of the poster, who has shown themselves to be such a small person as to not only wish harm to others, but has laughed when decent people have been harmed by those who are payed to work for us, the people. ​I say to you Pat, "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"
  3. I stopped by the hospital this afternoon to see Thad and Melissa. There were in middle of warming Thad up. He squeezed Melissa's hand, as well as the nurse's and my hand. Very light, but it was pressure. I met their daughter for the first time, she is pretty young lady, she obviously takes after her mom. (thank goodness ) Hopefully they will have some good news after the MRI and other tests.
  4. I stopped by the hospital around noon today. Thad was getting some physical therapy at the time and his therapist said he did waaaaay better that she expected! Yea! Thad! He was doing ok and they had said they were going to take him into surgery early, that hadn't come to get him yet, when I left around 1pm. Melissa was looking good (but then doesn't she always) and seemed to be in good spirits, even though you know she has to be tired. Thad can't talk, due to tubes in his throat, but can write on an erasable board, which he does well. Now I am not saying that Thad doesn't have so
  5. Thad just left for Kennestone. Melissa went with him. (of course) It is my understanding they moved him for several reasons. I think part of it was Kennestone has some equipment they need and his surgeons are based there. (I am sure my explanation is not 100% complete) It is also my understanding that they will 1st do some surgery on his stomach and then his lungs. Melissa is hanging tough, but tired. Thad is also hanging tough. Keep the family, as I know everyone is, in your prayers. Thad hit the jackpot in Melissa, she takes good care of her man. (as well as being a sweetheart)
  6. Some people just have a natural instinct on how to dress for every occasion. Even in those hard to dress for situations. Melissa Jacobson is just such a lady. APRIL 1--A Wisconsin woman who went to Kmart to return merchandise left behind a repulsive surprise for workers, according to police. Melissa Jacobson, 49, was busted Monday night after she allegedly slipped behind a cash register at the Racine business and urinated and defecated in a box full of store security tags. At the time of her arrest, Jacobson was wearing a shirt with a picture of a dump truc
  7. Great Britain. Where if you have grill on your patio, it will be gone the next morning. Where thugs rule the streets and personal property theft is just a part of your week. Funny, if I liked the way another country did things, I would go live there. But then again, that is why so many people trying to get to the UK illegally and live there. What? They aren't? But but but, it's supposed to be a better country than here.
  8. Wonder why you never see the usual suspects posting their favorite, "When they came for...I did nothing", post when it is Christians being killed? They sure post it quick enough when some crook gets shot or someone can't get a slice of pizza. Makes you wonder, don't it?
  9. That certainly worked for the wife last week. (Their cages reminded me of Blondie's basement)
  10. Put up a picture of Guard Dad in a thong. Never mind, that would bring the SPCA, the Humane Society, PETA and the Audubon Society down on you. ETA, not to mention the neighbors would throw rocks at your window
  11. I have no clue, in fact, I have no clue at all about this bill (law) is about.
  12. I ain't no big time news reporter, so I may not exactly know how to report the news, but if this is correct, isn't this what is known as trying to make some news out of nothing? Here is the way one report states that the pizza store story happened. ABC-57 reporter Alyssa Marinos editor sends her on a half-hour drive southwest of their South Bend studio, to the small town of Walkerton (Pop. ~2,300). According to Alyssas own account on Twitter, she just walked into their shop [Memories Pizza] and asked how they feel about Indianas new Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Owner Crystal
  13. I don't think anyone really wants the county to look bad. I do think that almost everyone on either side is truly doing what they think is right. I understand that there may be some, "I'm gonna get that person", on both sides, but I think (or at least hope) that is a minority. I do think that people should, and need to, face the consequences of their actions, that means people on any side or no side.
  14. Sorry, I had a business call come in and forgot to add this part at the end of that post. I am not saying that the county's basic position in these three examples is wrong. What I am saying is, that perhaps it could be presented better, perhaps not. Sometimes, due to other circumstances, you have to let the "small" things go, things that if other things were not going on, would have a different outcome. Example: My company makes a few mistakes, or what the customer sees as mistakes, in a row. Then the customer has a situation that really shouldn't require us to compensate. But overall,
  15. Yes this country is divided, IMO, worse than ever. Who is to blame? I blame the extremist on both sides and us the people who fall into those extremist's traps. Look, with a few exceptions (on certain issues with each of us, perhaps), most of us on here are fairly live and let live people. Like I said before, we all pretty much agree on the bottom line, we may disagree on how we get there, but we all want pretty much the same thing. If it turned out that some law passed in some state was being used on a mass basis to oppress a certain segment of society, don't you think that everyone o
  16. Oooops, wrong thread. (I think) Yes this country is divided, IMO, worse than ever. Who is to blame? I blame the extremist on both sides and us the people who fall into those extremist's traps. Look, with a few exceptions (on certain issues with each of us, perhaps), most of us on here are fairly live and let live people. Like I said before, we all pretty much agree on the bottom line, we may disagree on how we get there, but we all want pretty much the same thing. If it turned out that some law passed in some state was being used on a mass basis to oppress a certain segment of
  17. Poor ole Paulding county. Now the TV news is doing a story on the chickens. (Good job to those who are for chickens) But we really need to work on our PR in this county. Think about it. Here is what I think the public in the metro ATL area is hearing about Paulding county. People: We don't want commercial airplanes in our county, they could be a major problem for the people living in the county. County: You're getting commercial airplanes in this county. They will cause no problems for the people living in the county. People: We would like to know which of the people in our co
  18. All I know about this topic is....................that Mrnn agrees with me! (although that does cause me to second guess my position a little)
  19. I would think so, they ran cameras in every opening (and I mean every, if there was an opening where something could go in or come out, they stuck a camera in it) I have. If Parkinson was there, they would have found him.
  20. I just had a thought, a buddy of mine always said that he could tell if a guy was gay just by looking in their eyes. (we will skip the question of just why he is going around looking into other men's eyes) Perhaps this talent(?) could become a highly sought after and lucrative skill in IN. He could be hired as a consultant, looking into men's eyes to see if they are straight or gay. But, that does present an interesting question. If you spend all your working time looking into other men's eyes, what does that say about your sexual orientation?
  21. Yep, you would. Ask the panda about the wife, she met her. Heck, so has pubby. I gotta be careful though, I can't hardly handle the wife by herself, she gets with you people and I am going down.
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