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Everything posted by kwood

  1. So change the name, but push the same agenda, and call it "upworthy" makes me want to kick a kitten.
  2. I can't agree more. There is something fundamentally wrong in America, and we're too afraid of offending people to address the real problems. Everyone wants to be free to do what they want at all costs, and it is turning out generation after generation of people who have no regard for human life, no moral code, and the idea that if it makes me happy I should do it to hell with how it affects others.
  3. I agree. My daughter wasn't really old enough when we were struggling to know what was going on, but even when times get tight now I never talk about it around the kids. Kids should get to be kids. I feel for those families, I've been in that position before. However, I didn't like the tone of the video blaming their problems on corporate greed and saying we need policies to protect families. Not quite the answer, at least in my mind. But I wasn't really surprised to see a anti-stand your ground video right after this one. Seems obvious which way they are slanting stories.
  4. If they aren't his kids maybe they can contest the money being given to the girl.
  5. Happens all the time, but I think they said they don't know how the boy died but he was in the house when it caught fire. So I guess he could have been trying to take the kids and in the process the boy died and then he set the house on fire to cover it up.
  6. I had heard on the radio yesterday that the man left her a large sum of money.
  7. UPS Which stated that it was BECAUSE of the new healthcare plan.
  8. Can we agree on bi-racial? The original photos I saw were the ones posted, not the mug shots.
  9. So the company is lying and saying that it is due to the healthcare changes when it doesn't have anything to do with it?
  10. Are you saying if you make under 70,000 as a family you can go on the exchange? If that's the top then I wouldn't qualify because we make too much.
  11. The point was that I COULD have gotten healthcare through my employer, but that insurance was much higher cost, and the coverage was not as good because it was a small company trying to offer something to their employees. So yes I was a spouse that COULD get it elsewhere, but it wasn't going to be what I had or as cheap as I had. My current employer doesn't offer insurance, and will not be required to since it is a small business. My husbands company pays half our family insurance, but does not provide a policy, so we buy a policy and he gets reimbursed 50%. They are a small company and wi
  12. I think he was making an assumption that one was white because the mug shot of one of the boys makes him look lighter skinned.
  13. When I was married to my ex I was on his insurance even though my company offered insurance. I was covered for more, for MUCH MUCH less on his insurance. If this were the situation, and my husband worked for UPS, I would now have to pay out of pocket for insurance and would have higher deductibles. So a cost increase for my family. As it is now I am ineligible for the insurance my husband has, and I only have a catastrophic policy for myself.
  14. It's not meant to be insulting. It is what I truly believe is happening when people think they encounter ghosts. It is the brain trying to make sense of odd things it sees or hears by filling in blanks.
  15. In a sarcastic way to prove a point. No one claims racism when a black person kills a white person. If a white person kills a black person that's all you hear. It can't be the a black person is killed because someone was protecting themselves, it can't even be that they were killed because the person killing was a lunatic. It was that they were killed because they were black. And when you do that you take away from the actual circumstance which is one person killed another and it had nothing to do with race.
  16. NOTHING! It has to do with crazy people who have no respect for human life. That is my point. But when one side constantly raises the race issue we sweep the real problems under the rug.
  17. Who says I haven't seen a billion dollars? I'd go out on a limb and say I'll see a billion dollars before I see a ghost.
  18. I don't want to recreate the reaction of black leaders and activists, I want to put a mirror up. Change the race in this situation. 3 white boys randomly gun down a black college student because they were bored. There would be public outrage from the black community. They would be up in arms about how racism is still running rampant. But it's 3 black boys killing a white boy. Why in one instance does it have everything to do with race, and in the other instance nothing to do with it?
  19. You call it a gift, I call it a brain malfunction due to internal or external factors. That's not insulting, it's an observation.
  20. I know I'm going to be called old fashioned and out of touch, but this just shows me that we have raised a generation of kids and young adults that are desensitized to the value of human life. They treat each other like dirt and then shoot people because they're bored.
  21. I have lost my father, and all my grandparents and an aunt, of the aunt and one grandmother, I am their only living blood relative. They have never tried to contact me, and I'm sure there have been times I should have been steered away. You say people are sensitive to spirits, I say they are sensitive to hallucinations. I believe in an afterlife and a heaven. I don't believe that people in heaven watch over us. I believe in evil in this world, and it's not scary ghosts or demons. They are pedophiles, murders, rapists etc.
  22. “We were bored and didn’t have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody.” One Oklahoma teen allegedly told police that was the reason he and his two friends decided to kill a man who was jogging near them. The three teens, ages 15, 16 and 17, reportedly shot a baseball player for East Central Oklahoma University who was out for a jog in Duncan, Okla. on Friday. One of the teens told police they did it because they were bored My link
  23. We can agree to disagree. I have never seen a ghost or heard a ghost or an orb, or anything else, and anyone I've ever met that has claimed that they had have been a half bubble off plumb. So until I see it for myself, or have a sane person tell me with proof that they have, I stand by my statement.
  24. kwood

    Senior Pics

    How do they check if it's a photo scanned in or on an SD card? I take photos personally that are professional quality, and I've never been asked when printing to prove they aren't copyright protected.
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