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Everything posted by MrsB

  1. MrsB

    Hubby ?

    I can't type what I call mine. I'll get a bullet. Just kidding. I never say hubby. I hate that word; it is annoying. Lol
  2. This is probably my favorite book of all time. I loved Ayn Rand in high school, but it had been many years since I'd read her work when I decided to pick this novel up again. I'm so glad you are reading it; all too often I hear people trash this book and Ayn Rand without having ever read page one of it, or any of her works for that matter.
  3. I have one on my porch that looks like he is mixed with a St. Bernard. He is sweet, and really, really needs a home.
  4. I LOL'd at this! Haha! You crack me up, and you do rock! One of these days when I'm not poor and can afford a brisket I'm going to make that recipe!
  5. Yes ma'am. I was corrected LOTS of times. Lol And don't ever go to "All-Benny" via Cordele, and stop and say, "Cor-dell" to a local. They'll tell you otherwise in a rather pissed off manner. Haha! An I don't care what anyone says, they're pa-caans. LOL it's all fancy and chit. LOL
  6. LOL I used to work in Albany... A lot. Miller is there! I did their tanks. All I know is you don't mispronounce Albany, you stop at Strickland's (for at least jerky if you're not carrying a cooler), and you see lots pecan "plantations" along the way. You may pronounce "pecans" as you wish..... LOL
  7. Oh my gosh. This thread is gross. LOL
  8. It's okay - it was right. I read it wrong. LOL
  9. First thing, seriously, is NO COKES! Diet or otherwise. NO SOFT DRINKS!! Only drink water. Aim for 64oz a day. (disclaimer: I think cokes are the devil. When I was fat, the first thing I did was replace cokes with water, and weight fell off immediately. Also, diet drinks are even worse for you. Do not drink them; regardless of the calorie content of "0".)
  10. Thanks!!! I would have gone to the wrong place! LOL
  11. I agree with feelip. He is right. I do not watch Fox News all the time. I actually tune into CNN most of the time, and I still agree with feelip. I actually read/watch multiple news sources, and I think that a lot of folks should pull their heads out of the sand.
  12. Thank you!!!!! That is what I was looking for! MrB took up money at work today to donate. We'll be coming by to donate. I just needed to be sure I could make it in time to go also.
  13. Nothing is coming up....
  14. Im on my phone, so a search isn't helping me. I'm tryin to find the hours for the event tomorrow. I think it's at Mt. Tabor Park? Can someone either post a link or tell me here? TIA!!
  15. Oooh... Thanks for the tip, Blondie and Papi SS, I didn't know you were in the hospital. (((hugs))) I hope you are feeling much better.
  16. LOL I thought it might be, but I've neer heard to it referred to as "cola lite" before. Awesome! Thanks! I don't care about the dishes... I'll just finish off the bottle of wine while I do them. LOL
  17. Thanks!!! I've bookmarked it and it'll be on the menu for next week. Was it good? We had bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Nothin' fancy. Just messy.
  18. Hubs went to Northside elementary at 7:15. He was in and out, no line. I voted early about 2 weeks ago, it was a little over 30 mins at the courthouse.
  19. I voted yes. Also, I am all for charter schools. Where I am from, the charter schools are much better than regular public schools. Not only are the scores higher, but property values in their districts have risen, and remained steady even in the collapse. Normal Park is an excellent example in Chattanooga. My BFF was finally able to get a home in the district in time for her son to attend the school. For students out of the district there is a waiting list and a lottery.
  20. MrsB


    You silly redneck. When I got there Saturday I wasn't sure if I should pee or ring the bell. J/k You and Blondie have a beautiful home. And I am in love, love with your kitchen. Also, I wonder if some folks in this thread aren't in my neighborhood.
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