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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. That's you. That's what you sound like. Messing up threads. Now had you said that only 4 in 10 Americans polled approve of the job obama was doing, that would have been relevant.
  2. There is no need to get political. Besides, 4 into 10 is 2.5.
  3. Not a fan? I thought it was just one those happy-feel-good-joy-joy songs.
  4. IDK Y NE1 would say that, unless he or she was part stupid.
  5. Could you imagine if we found a cheese belching animal? Do you think it would be chunks of cheese, or cheese like cheeze-whiz, or a combination of the two? That would be cool. What would be even better is to also find an animal with crackers for scales.
  6. Upon reflection, the main topic makes some sense. If we age the earth in woman years, it may only be 10,000 years old. Think about it: we all know many . . . many women who are only 29. And though the earth weighs about 13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds, if you happen to run into her, tell her she doesn't look fat in that atmosphere or ask if she has lost a few trillion tons.
  7. That hardly seems appropriate. Why do you call her a rock? She did a good thing.
  8. For the record, people argue the "fact" that climate change is primarily because of the actions of man. Having said that, it is hard to fathom a person believing the Earth is only 10,000 years old. Now if it was a Kindergartner, then maybe. Wait, wait . . . wait! 25% of Americans think the Earth revolves around the Sun??? Is this a report from The Onion? It has to be.
  9. What does that have to do with cheese? You liberals, I swear!
  10. Here's a little FYI: The GBI calls in the FBI as more of a CYA move, JSYK. BTW, the NSA and CIA, along with the DoJ often monitor events, trying to prevent things getting FUBAR. ITE, IRL, it doesn't make a difference. ETA: We can usually say BOHICA, while they LTFAO
  11. Sure, something I brought up is hitting a nerve with me. I have offended myself!!! How dare I!! I demand an immediate apology . . . Ok, Ok . . . I am sorry. Thank you. You're welcome. Now, about that traffic reporter . . .
  12. You freaking crack me up!
  13. That's why oil from whale fat was so popular at one time. Of course it was later banned because it wasn't nice to say fat, so we had to say "oil from over-weight whales". But I never understood why it remained (and does even now) ok to extract the oil from poor defenseless olives. I'll tell you, being an olive has got to be the pits.
  14. In most cases, the women that would do such a thing are worthless human beings. They are either too weak and pathetic to endure the separation, or are too weak and pathetic to tell the man to his face. The exception, IMO, are the battered wives that take advantage of the distance.
  15. Society has always tried to keep the black whale down. In the old days, in the south, rich white, men kept their black whales chained up and went to the shack at midnight to have sex with them, so saith the post man.
  16. You beat me to it. No pun intended.
  17. Back in a time when people understood that evil existed and stepped up to meet the challenge and do the right thing. A salute to the memory of those men and what they accomplished.
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