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Posts posted by penrod

  1. Just a follow up....


    We went in to eat a couple nights ago. Sure enough, they had a credit waiting on us for the exact amount that the late delivery cost us.


    In my book, that's a good business. And I'm gonna give them another try on the delivery.


    Thanks for everyones comments in this post.


    John P.


  2. They did a great job on compensating us for their mix up. Delivery guy was super nice and I could tell he had had a rough night. Said they got slammed on delivery orders.


    Our pizza was pretty cold. We ended up heating it back up in the oven.


    I think we might give them another chance in the future. But, chances are we will just go there and eat. Love their garlic knots.


    So, all in all, I'll call tonight a wash.



  3. Hope this is the right topic area to discuss this. If not, let me know.


    So, the Johnny's Pizza on East Paulding Drive started delivering in mid-January.


    Today, we decided to try them out.


    Pizza ordered at 6:53 pm. Told a delivery time of 30 to 45 minutes.


    Called at 08:04 pm, (1 hour, 10 minutes). They were unsure of location of delivery guy. She said call back in 10 minutes.


    Called at 08:30 pm (1 hour, 34 minutes). Talked with manager. Said it should be there in 10 minutes.


    Pizza arrived at 08:45 pm (1 hour, 52 minutes). It was semi-warm. Pretty obvious it was in a truck for a while.


    One note though. They were very nice every time we talked to them. They initially wanted to give us a $5 credit. The manager said he would put us in the books for a free meal.


    But, we would have preferred to have gotten our pizza on time.


    I did not see any other topic on this, so I am assuming this is not the "normal" for Johnny's




    John P.


  4. Thank you for for your reply. I forwarded him your response. My wife and I built a house two years ago and had a great builder. I guess we got really lucky.





    I did not read the whole thing i did not have to. My story is very similar to your friends. I am so sorry that they are going thru this and to top it off the arbitration as well. There is a very good site to go to and register complaints like this HADD.com (homeowners against deficient dwellings) I am the Georgia rep for this and if you send me a pm I will give you more info. We log many complaints here in Georgia just from homeowners but our site has been repeatedly hacked so some features no longer work. We are all homeowners who share ideas and support. My home has more than 50 building code violations as well and I am now involved in a lawsuit here in Paulding with my builder. I can't get into specifics here as it is litigation but I will be happy to talk to your friends about the arbitration issue and how I am dealing with it. Here in georgia the arbitrators are builders, you can't win. I have lobbied at the state house as well as locally on this issue but am told there are not enough homeowners wishing to get involved to make any changes in the current laws. I hope people who are contemplating buying a house here in Georgia will read this and at least hire a top of the line home inspector before purchasing. For those of you folks who don't know, you do have the right to refuse to sign the binding arbitration on the contract. Right now it has been successfully challenged as biased in several states and has been ruled unconstitutional in several more, here in Georgia that is not the case. The builder can refuse to sell you the house if you won't sign the binding arbitration, if I knew what I do now , I would have run very fast.
  5. I disagree.


    An ealier topic I started on AWD has several comments...







    I would like to say that American Waste Disposal's service is great.  I know that Shane was having some problems with a driver earlier this year, but I called him and left a message.  He called me back later that day and was able to rectify the situation with no qualms.  I am very satisfied with the service that I have received, not because it has been perfect, because NOTHING EVER IS, but because he was courteous and offered a solution that I could live with.


    I have had similar problems with other providers who service my subdivision, and talk about non-responsive.  I called one of the carriers to discuss my bill and the woman told me that her dawgs were fighting and that she'd call me back.  That was 8 months ago.


    I am moving soon, and I hope that I will be able to find a provider half as courteous and professional as Shane.


    Thank you Shane.

  6. Ok, I held out, thinking that all would be well. A few weeks have gone by and my trash was picked up each week.


    However, this week. Same story, no trash pickup.


    When we took the service, we were told that the trash would need to be at the road by 10am each day. (By the owner no less...)


    Well, we had the trash at the road by 8:30am, well in enough time.


    Well, a day later, my wife talks to the owner and gets feed the story that 10am was just a "suggested" time and that we really should get the trash out the night before. The owner's name is Shane Johnson.


    He went on to say that he would do his "best" to get the trash tomorrow, if he happened to have a driver in the area.


    This is our first experience with a trash service outside of the City of Dallas (Which was rather good...).


    I highly recommend that you NOT go with American Waste Disposal


    This message thread represents a fair and highly accurate represntation of my experience. It has not been a good experience.


    Someone in this thread suggested that I just take my own trash to the dump each week. I feel that is the best option also at this point.

  7. The hard part about witnesses is that they need to be identified on the police report. They "dont count" in the eyes of the insurance company otherwise. My parents found this out when they got hit by someone running a red light.



    Let me offer some suggestions to folks, keep a disposable camera in the glove box to take pictures immediatelyt of the accident scene, try and stop as many INDEPENDENT witnesses as possible or write nearby tag numbers down (your insurance company can run tag searches on vehicles) so that you can have witnesses to the loss and what REALLY happened. Sometimes if there are no independent witnesses and the driver stories are different from each other a claim can be denied. Some insurance companies will tell you unless the police officer witnessed the accident it's only his opinion and they do their own independent investigation which might be a totally different conclucion that the police officer.. After all the police report is only a tool to help in the investigation of a loss and not the whole enchilada - so the insurance company says. Also look at the speed of the impact, low impact possibility of injury is negligible - higher speed impact more of a true chance of injury. A good insurance adjuster will know this.

  8. We use AWD (American Waste Disposal) for our trash pickup and had an issue this week. We are curious if anyone else has had the same problem.


    Our trash pickup day (Monday) came and went and no trash pickup.


    We called AWD today and they stated that they had hired a new driver and a few customers had been missed.


    So, we asked that they come by today or tomorrow and pick up our overflowing trash container. Well, the woman on the phone had no interest in that. Stating that our pickup day was Monday and that would be the next time they could come by.


    Asking for the owners phone number got us his cell number. Calling that number, we got no answer and an automated message stating that his voice mail was full.


    Thus the thought that they are in serious trouble and that it might be time for all of us to find a new trash carrier.


    So, anyone else get the cold shoulder this week?


    John P.

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