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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. I am driving the EPHS band so I will be there around 4pm.
  2. Not many folks will admit this is true. Most of the time you can tell when you hit a nerve by how pissed a person gets.
  3. its ok to greive to let it out. To laugh, to cry and even throw things. My grief was for a very deffernce reason but a death just the same. Be with people who knew you both.
  4. Steaks with rosemary and garlic. Basted in olive oil. Broccoli and cheese
  5. Well Gurl you should because I really enjoyed talking with you and hope to do more of it soon! Thanks! I will appreciate the info!
  6. Oh You are putting yourself in a dangerous place because I may take you up on this offer!!
  7. I wont argue with u on this one. I woke up this morning happier than I have been in a really long time. Today is chore day and I even hit walmart with a smile on my face. Now that I have a minute to get some puter time in this is the first place I wanted to go. I have been a member on P.com for a while but have never stepped out to meet face to face. I am glad I took the chance to do that yeaterday because the people I met behind the words we read here are wonderful and I hope I get the chance to met more of you. Thank you from my whole heart.
  8. Turned on the puter for the first time today and wanna say Feeling a whole lot better!!! Thank you to my three new friends I met today and to everyone here on P.com. Yesterday I was not in a good place and when I posted here I did not expect the outpouring of caring I received back. Its really hard to put into words the difference it made for me. I can only hope I can do for someone what you guys did for me. You gave me a gift I can never repay but will carry with me the rest of my life. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart Thank You! I am now gonna hit the hay and know tomorrow is gonna
  9. I think that would be fun. I need a bit more of that. Everything I have had on my plate for so long just havent had room for me. I appreciate everyone single one of you that has taken the time to reach out. I really needed it. Thank you.
  10. I don't think I have ever heard life's upheavals put this way before. Its kinda beautiful. It seems I have gotten the pink slip from just about everyone and trying to find a positive way to look at things is hard. You just want a simple thing like a real hug from someone who truly cares about you. Things like that make the upheavals a little easier and a lot less lonely. The loneliness is what is killing me more than anything else. The pain I still deal with from my back surgery is nothing compared to the pain of feeling like you don't matter and would anyone really notice a difference if you
  11. Thank you everybody. Its very hard to talk to people even though they cant see you and even harder when they can. P.com has for me been a haven of sorts. I have been told I tend to overshare but when you dont have family or a marriage or even a real friend where else do you go? Who do you talk to when you need it most?
  12. I am sitting here crying my eyes out right now. Thank you for the kind words of caring and support. I am undeserving of it all. If ur own Mom (who doesn't even acknowledge ur birthday)and Husband of 21 yrs walk away like its just another day and people you thought u were your friends use you until you have nothing more to give. How do you feel like you have any value to anyone? Thanks Kathie
  13. Thank You so much for the offer Starz! That by itself means alot.
  14. Thank You! Havent been given flowers for a very long time.
  15. I would love to have lunch with you tomorrow. It would be really nice to talk to somebody. I have all this stuff bottled up inside and capped off with so much loneliness. I can sit in a room full of people and still be all alone. I know that sounds stupid but I wish I had value to just on single soul in this world. Means something to one soul. Everyone's lives that are so full of families and work and hobbies and so forth.
  16. Facebook is pointless and so am I. You can love someone your whole life and they just throw it away like it was nothing. My kids are growing up but there is a ton of issues needing to be tended to wouldn't even know where to start. I am a sleep walker have been my whole life. Its just something that god wanted me to have. I get screamed at about it at least three times week and its nothing I can control because no one really knows why it happens. Just nor seeing anything to hold onto anymore, Everything I have loved has just exploded and left me the pieces of what's left. I see people every
  17. I think thats just a beautiful name. Didnt even come into my mind when I was thinking about names. Also thank you for the tip Whatever You Say! I will be visiting her soon!! I am gonna be that crazy Grandma that when you see coming you run the other direction because you will know will be armed with pics.....lol
  18. Thank you all!! I went out and bought a few things today! Couldnt help myself....lol By the way M2g r0s3 I LOVE you pics!
  19. I would love that! Thank You! Havent thought to ask that question yet. I would love Grace but either is fine with me. Doing the Snoopy dance Lady!!! Thank you! I am so so excited!! Not gonna be able to live with me soon!!! Cant wait to find out!!
  20. I love the name they picked!!! I was so hoping for a girl! Night all! I am off the dream of babies!
  21. Thank you!! I am so happy! Now I can buy dresses, frilly socks, hair bows and all that wonderful stuff!! I gotta find someone to make her something with her initials embroidered in. Happy Grandmother here!!
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