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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. Just a thought... but this is the time of year where home fires are a weekly occurance. How many nights do we turn on the news to hear of yet another family who has lost it all? I am always one to lend a helping hand when needed, but it starts to annoy me when I read the posts and the pleas for helping yet another family restock their lives. Is it our responsiblity? No. It is the responsiblility of the renter to make sure they save $20 to $30 per month to cover their own assets. And yes, I know that it is difficult for some to find this extra money, therefore, shouldn't we as caring citizens & neighbors find a way to help those afford renters insurance instead of setting up donation central AFTER an accident??

    Just MY thought.... take it for what you will.

  2. GAHORSEGAL ~ just a thought, and it may not help, but have you called the number just to let her know that you may have seen a dog fitting that description...it may give her a starting point? I keep my eyes out for him, looking up and down Old Carterville... hmm... maybe we should call to find out if she found him yet! Yes, I will do that.... but in the mean time, let's all keep looking!!

  3. HOPE ~ with all due respect, I think that your post was completely out of line. You should never try to guilt someone into adopting another pet to "replace" the one they lost. Our pets are family, if you lost a loved one, would you immediatley get pregnant, or adopt a grandparent?? I certainly wouldn't!! You need time to mourn, time to recover, and then THINK about another.... Geez, I wonder about people sometimes!

    As for "but you 6 yr old really needs another", why not give her time to understand what happened in the first place? Bringing another kitten into the house immediatly, what does that show your kids? It shows them that life is replaceable!!!!!

    ~just MY opinion!

  4. I am sorry to hear of your loss ~ I hope you can find room in your hearts and your home in the coming weeks,months or years to consider adopting again from the shelter. Maybe this was Paco's way to let us know how important it is to have a home where you are truly loved.

    (sorry if it sounds cheesy, but anything is possible)

  5. Just for the record........ Paulding closed schools at 1:00 pm........ and tomorrow.


    Just so you know....... :)


    Sorry to hear about your grill........ I hope it returns home safely...


    My tree on the front porch went weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  6. Wow! That poor cashier at Ingles....and that really nice couple behind me in line... I had them all wondering??????

    The bagger had to ask "how did you have ALL of this in the cart?"


    (while holding my not quite 2 year old son, pulling one cart and pushing the other) I said "carefully"


    I cleaned Ingles out of Purina ...... Thanks to those beautiful $2 & $1 off coupons ~


    Yep, the back of my little suv is FULL!


    Thanks guys!

  7. I have used Deceased Pet Care when needed. I personally feel better with cremation. If you ever have to move, they can move with you.

    The first time I had to use this service was when I was 17.

    My parents were out of town.... My dad tells me over the phone to give her the urn I think she deserves. (Imagine his surprise when it was VERY expensive BEAUTIFUL pewter urn) My parents moved to Florida this past summer.... Penny moved with them......


    Deceased Pet Care is family owned and operated. Mr. Shugart was a "people" mortiction (sp?) before he became involved with the pet care aspect of it all. I know many people are afraid that they won't recieve their family back......... or at least without a few strangers in there too, but it's NOT the case with the Shugart's. They are very professional and caring people.


    We are all thinking of you at this difficult time...... and I personally think you are making the right decision.

  8. I get the paper also, so I do get a chance to see the sales flyers! Thanks for asking...just the coupons are fine.

    You should see the look on the cashiers face when I had over a stack of coupons an inch thick....... almost makes me feel bad........ espically for the people who get in line behind me......

    I always wonder why its such a pain for the coupons to scan properly....




    **well said ** or typed, but you know what I mean :)

  10. Thanks Callen!


    Now I wish I had bought the double paper! (which I usually do, but decided I couldn't wait til Sunday so I bought one Saturday night)


    Yep, that's what I get for being impatient!


    There is numerous pages of pet food coupons in this Sunday's!!! I was soooo excited.

    (my poor hubby must think I've gone mad)

    * I got alllllll excited over the Clorox toilet wand that I purchased! ((which is really really cool, you should all get one))


    Thanks to everyone that has sent coupons ! Every little bit helps! (and alot of little bits add up to BIG bits)

  11. Just thought I'd take a moment to remind everyone that the Paulding Humane Society will be at the Rabies Clinic at Taylor Farm Park on Saturday, Sept 11th


    We will be having a raffle for various gift baskets as well as vouchers for free services!!!


    Raffle tickets are $1.00 each!


    We will have a dog gift basket, cat gift basket, people (Avon products) gift basket, a voucher for a free 1 hour massage, children's camping set, and the list goes on...


    We will also have a lunch plate available for $2.00 (hotdog, chips & drink)


    And don't worry, we didn't leave out the pups, we will have homemade doggie treats for $1.00 (1/2 dozen per baggie)


    We will also have pets for adoption........ so bring the family!


    Soooooooo........... come out and say "hello"


    ((we will be set up by noon...... so come on by))

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