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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. Right aj I am a mutt too....

    I think some folk's understand were I am coming from and some don't...I respect all people of all races and ect....As, well as opinion's and thought's..I wasn't meaning to offend anyone...


    I just want to say that I don't think you offended anyone. As long as we are all respectful of each others opinions, everything flows.........

    This is how we learn from one another, we have to share a thought every now and then.

  2. When my son was 5 or so & would describe everyone as a Crayola color. :)

    Noone is WHITE, they are PEACH or APRICOT

    Noone is BLACK, they are BROWN

    Noone is Hispanic or Mexican, they are CREAMY YELLOW



    One of the MANY reasons I LOVE my son! :wub:


    The one important thing that I have learned from my son & his box of Crayolas is that we are who we want to be.

    There are 2 questions that I refuse to answer on ANY survey, race & income.

    It drives me CRAZY when I have to fill out a form (doctor, insurance, whatever) and it gives you a choice for race. Why do they say WHITE & not CAUCASIAN? Just one of those pet peeves I guess.

  3. BS.....It did to answer your question did you read the whole post?


    I said:"If it all came down to it and my child choose that in there heart I would respect there decision."


    What part of that don't you understand?



    You said this AFTER the first post. I was simply curious why you felt this way in the first place.

    That's all. No need to get irritated, we all have our own opinions, I am not insulting yours. Just curious.

  4. if love has no color then why would it matter if your children were to fall in love with another race or the same sex?


    not trying to be argumentative, just curious if you can explain where you are coming from.

  5. Make sure you ask the shelter employees to also let you look in the isolation room. Or ask one of them to look for you. Take a picture with you if you can.

    And don't forget to make flyers, stick them everywhere..... gas stations, grocery stores, etc.

    Good Luck! Let us know if you find him.

  6. Oops.... one more thought...

    please, please, please, don't give us the "life was different back then" speech...... ohhhhhh I grew up hearing that speech......

    As beautiful as it must have been... I don't want to know how many people walked to school...uphill... both ways....... through the snow....




  7. ahhhhhh...... I will take whatever snow I get! I love it!


    very thin this morning ........ but it's still white & fluffy. I saw Joshua lick a bit off his hands while waiting on the bus! :lol:


  8. They make a harness type thingy (that's a technical term) :)

    I have seen them at PetSmart. It keeps them from being able to jump up, but doesn't harm them or make them uncomfortable.

    I have not tried this "thingy" myself, so I can't give an opinion, but it may be worth a try.

  9. Paulding Humane Society has just signed up to try a different type of fundraising program.


    It is called "Cash For Critters"


    We will be recycling toner cartridges (both inkjet & laser) as well as digital cell phones (working or not)


    So please don't toss them ~ bring them in ~ I will be leaving a drop off box at the shelter soon, or if you would like to spread the word in your workplace, I will be happy to send a box with you!


    Thanks :D

  10. ummm.... wondering if you could describe RatDog for me again? Do you mean Chihuahua? or Rat Terrier? :rolleyes:


    Might I suggest a family trip to the shelter? You would be surprised who you may find.... big & small....... fuzzy or not so fuzzy.....


    And you would be saving a life! :wub:

  11. ALL dogs can bite, ALL dogs will bite!


    Just remember that the next time you stick your face into the face of a poodle or a shih tzu because they are oh so sweet.


    I personally am more wary of any chow chow / lab mixes! But that is based on a bad experience, not what the media has pumped into me.


    Noone has the right to tell me what type of dog I choose to bring home. Noone has the right to tell me what type of dog I can have around my children. It is my responsibility to raise my children to respect the dog & to raise the dog to respect the children. Afterall, I am the leader of my pack.


    I completely understand where some may come from with the fear, but simply put, those that are uncomfortable with a specific breed should NOT have one.


    Some breeds are aggressive by nature, but PEOPLE make a dog mean!


    ~just my opinion

  12. T~

    YOU did NOT do anything wrong. Don't blame yourself. Things happen that we don't anticipate, that we don't plan for. It will take time for him to readjust. Maybe a trip to the vet... maybe some kitty drugs to settle him down for a few days...... if you need anything, let me know.

  13. So.... how does he feel? When you got him home did your hubby recognize him?

    (I was there when you came by to pick him up)

    I was so excited for you. Have you taken him to the vet yet? Sometimes the stress alone can make them sick. (And he had quite a bit of stress)

    Let us know if we can help!!

  14. We were outside, at the end of the building before you get to the farm critters. (the chickens & such)


    We will be going the 3rd Saturday of each month but will be moving to a table closer to the front door.


    See you next month!!

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