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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. This was copied from a yahoo group that I visit. This is the experience of this particular person. I do not claim that this is all fact. I simply wanted to make others aware of the possible effects of this product.

    I personally use Frontline Top Spot & love it!



    "TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW 'DO NOT USE BIO SPOT FLEA TREATMENT' FOR EITHER CATS OR DOGS!!!!! We almost lost three of our cats after the foster mom put 1/2 tube of BioSpot on each of two cats, then the third got into a disagreement with one of the other two and ingested this poison. All three had severe seizures within 15 minutes of application, we washed immediately with Dawn to remove the product but they still continued to seize. There were no emergeney instructions on the package for animals, only humans. We called the emergency number for Farnham, manufacturer of this product, gave them the information and were told their vet would call us back right away (that was a joke). We waited 10 minutes, called our vet and transported them immediatly, they were all three started on subq fluids IV and given numerous injections of muscle relaxers to lessen the seizures. Dr. Cameron called the Animal Poison Control Center to see if there was additional treatment needed as they still continued to seize and was advised to increase the amount of muscle relaxer. Farnham finally called back 1 hour 45 minutes later, the vet had a very 'whatever' attitude and advised me to inform our vet of the ingredient in this product. I work for PETsMART and have always advised customers not to waste their money on over the counter flea treatments but had no idea of the dire consequences these products can cause. We will be contacting Farnham again for reimbursement of the medical expenses, and luckily after two days of IV's and muscle relaxers they will return home today.

    Our vet said this is undoubtedly the WORST and MOST DANGEROUS over the counter flea treatment around and he feels it should be pulled; the dog reaction is evidently worse than the cat. So spread the word to all you know of the potential hazard of this product and not to use it. I will keep you informed of our progress with Farnham and we will be informing the public at large at every adoption event held at PETsMART."

  2. This info was copied from: http://www.pitprintsrescue.com/html/breedinfo.html


    Just proves to me that its ALL about the OWNER!


    I'm personally more concerned with the little "toy" breeds snapping off my nose, but thats just MY opinion.


    The Real American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT)


    The American "Pit Bull" Terrier was bred for game purposes; both bull baiting and hog hunting, as well as the more widely known pit fighting. In mentioning the gameness of the breed, it is not meant to tag him as a fighting machine, nor is it the intent to praise this trait. The origin of the gameness is important in understanding the breed, the requirements for owning the breed, and why it is crucial that the Pit Bull be placed into homes that will not abuse the origin of the breed. The Pit Bull has an unprecedented origin of being game. However, these dogs were NEVER bred to be human aggressive, and quite contrary to many beliefs, they make excellent family pets for the right individuals. As to character, the Pit Bull is an unsurpassable companion, one of undeniable loyalty and intelligence. These dogs are docile, and with a little training are even tractable around other dogs. They are intelligent and make excellent guardians, though the Pit Bull is much too people-friendly to be considered a guard dog. They are territorial with regards to other dogs, and favor a dominant position in the home. They easily discriminate between strangers who mean well and those who do not, a unique and useful trait.


    The real Pit Bull obtains its characteristics, such as indomitable courage, high intelligence, and loyalty, from the past history of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. This is a breed that is willing to please by any means possible, which is undoubtedly the reason they have been used for centuries in the pits. The Pit Bull is a breed that will easily accept and adjust to changes, resulting from their love of people. These dogs are docile, agile, independent, and strong-minded. These qualities, coupled with its affection for humans, and children in particular, its off-duty quietness and trustworthy stability, makes it a foremost all-purpose family dog if researched properly and your lifestyle allows it. Pit Bulls adore attention, and are suited for indoor homes. Outdoor homes are not recommended with this breed, as they have come to be the number one target! for [dog] theft. As with any breed, consideration needs to be taken to make sure that this breed is one that will fit your lifestyle, and that you can offer what this breed needs in a responsible family.

  3. You may want to take her by your local vet office to have her scanned for a microchip as soon as you can.

    Hopefully, she is chipped.

    I believe the AJC will run a "found" ad for no charge. You may also want to put flyers in area gas stations in case someone is looking for her.

    Please let us know if you have any luck finding her people. You never know, she may not have any.......... untill now ;)

  4. My squirt loves to go skating also. We have gone on Mondays when there is no school the next day! I guess he will spend many a Monday evening skating this summer!

    I like the playground, I am so glad they put something in for the little guys too young to skate.

    When will lasertag open? Anyone know?

    I still skate, just much much S L O W E R...... :D

  5. ...and my caffeine free diet mt dews


    ummm....... what's the point in those? :huh:


    so... do we get an update?


    I say we all quit, right now..... let's JUST DO IT!


    ok, wait, let me smoke the last one...... then i'll quit, really.

  6. Welcome UGaVet.


    Interesting that you brought up a topic that has not been responded to since September. It gave me the opportunity to reread a fairly interesting topic. Since we have a doc on board, could you share an opinion as to how we can solve the overpopulation problem? How do we educate the public as to why it is sooooooooo important to have pets spayed/neutered?


    by the way, I've been a vet tech for many years...... (gives you an idea of this little bumps income) ;) so I'm not bashing the docs for making a living, only suggesting that the prices for many many services not be so inflated that it may keep people away that may not be able to afford such service.

  7. Also becomes a bad habit ~ nothing highly unusual, but certainly not good for them..... technically, this guy is "sucking" air ..... don't worry..... but THANK YOU for being so aware ~ makes me feel good to know that people are paying attention!

  8. I've noticed many of you guys are upset with how long it takes for the water dept to send your checks to the bank. Have you thought of setting it up as an online payment? We do it this way & so far, so good. (knock on wood)

    The payment goes out the day I schedule it to (giving a 2 to 5 day buffer before the actual due date. This way it clears my account the same day & the water dept can not tell me that they didn't recieve the payment on time.

    Just a thought........ ;)

  9. Anyone ever notice this type of behavior? Skittishness when other pets are around? My two are litter-mates and had the same interaction with people as kittens, so no trauma or anything to explain it.



    I belong to 3 cats. Two are litter mates that had a rough start in life before coming home to us at 5 weeks of age, very sickly... Nell (little girl) was attacked by a not so nice dog when she was younger, teeth pierced between her ribs, she is a lucky girl indeed, but the sweetest kitty. Her brother, Knat, on the other hand... will not have a thing to do with anyone! Totally different personalities! Nell is cautious of all dogs now, but will at least socialize with people when she is ready. Knat cares nothing for anyone but my hubby. (hmmm...even though I feed him) oh, wait, I also take him to the doctor & give him a bath & apply meds... :blink:


    I tend to agree with the "scent" theory. All of my family (dogs & cats) could sense that I was pregnant.

  10. It must be a "man" thing.... mine won't commit to acknowledging that JUDE LAW is HOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!


    or......... maybe it's just me........ naaa...... he's HOOOOT!


    & by the way....... so is Drew Barrymore!!! & I can admit that without thinking twice about it!!

  11. Please don't be so quick to dis a shelter pup! Many Many times pure breds come through those doors. This little dachshund was there on Thursday!!


    Never hurts to walk through just to see, you may be surprised at who you find!

    And you may just save a life!!





    Size: Small

    Age: Adult

    Sex: Female

    I.D: 1290


    Notes: For information on adoption please call Paulding County Animal Shelter at 770-445-1511. All adopted pets will receive a Distemper shot and microchip. New owners are required to have their new pet spayed or neutered at the appropriate age, and a rabies shot. Ask about the 2 FREE months health insurance from ShelterCare for your new pet.







  12. I think if one is to put their dog in the back of the truck uncaged, at least cross tie them. (a short leash on each side of the collar) so that they CAN NOT jump or fall out.

    And a crate doesn't cost much in the long run, better SAFE than SORRY!!

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