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Everything posted by MaineGal

  1. Thanks you guys. No he doesnt know how long it will take to get this car thing figured out, but did mention he may just get a hotel right there at the exit. I hate this as they are NEVER further away from me than work/school. This reminds me why. I spoke to the very nice EMT who assured me they were okay. BTW--thank you to all the EMT's out there! If I dont get any answers..I'm outta here.
  2. My children have been with their father (who they havnt seen in about a year) in Florida since Saturday. They were on their way home and had a wreck. Thankfully they are okay. Traffic was stopped on I75, and there was a vehicle towing a trailer coming up on them fast, trying to slow down, but the trailer was going all over the place. He pulled to the right to avoid getting rear-ended by a fast moving vehicle, and was hit by a tractor trailer that was driving in the breakdown lane, then pushed into another tractor trailer. Anyway...he had a rental car, and they are now telling him they won
  3. Yah...about high school...I'm glad we didnt have any of that either! I was in a small town/school and everyone knew everything anyway, but somehow if its in writing it seems worse!! Sometimes parents knew the kids were in trouble before the kids knew!
  4. I will send one! Whats an envelope, card and a stamp?? Not much to me....but if it means a lot to him, I guess its not too much to ask!
  5. Must you guys ask so many questions?? Is this not the best thread lately??
  6. Probably not out of the norm...just added a little more icing to the cake. Had the tragic events not taken place, it doesnt seem to be a big deal.
  7. True, true. I think the problem isnt with the responsible riders, its the irresponsible ones on bikes as well as in cars. My biggest fear while riding is someone cutting us off because they are in too much of a hurry to look. I do feel moe secure with jeans on rather than shorts....but that is a false sense of security as well.
  8. I REALLY need to get some money over to these guys!! I've been meaning to....on the to do list for tomorrow...
  9. I havnt seen this Oprah, and I understand that you have to be carefuel with alcohol around kids. With that being said...is it a law that you cant have it around them? I mean...you have a liquor cabinet..is that illegal? You stop at the liquor store on your way home, then stop at another store, is it law that if you purchase liquor, you need to go directly home when there are kids in the vehicle? I'm not about to defend anyone who drives drunk, especially with children, but are they really mad because she just left it in the vehicle...or did she actually GIVE it to them?
  10. I'm just a passenger, (riding with someone that has a valid license) and I have to agree with you regarding the helmet. Visibility is far better with the half helmet. Maybe people in cars should wear the full face helmets and try to look over their shoulder to switch lanes. All it takes is one heavy item in the car to hit you in the head on impact...flashlight, tools, groceries etc. I think if you are going to drive like a maniac, then you should have full body armor on. Personally, I would rather have my driver have visibility, seeings how he drives responsibly. The plastic around yo
  11. I just dont take mine anywhere with me! Just kidding. Mine are 9 and 11, and I will leave them alone to run in Scotts store, but thats about it. I would not leave them alone at Walmart, Kroger, malls, QT, RaceTrak, etc. Some may say there is no difference, but I'm a country girl and feel far more secure in a country setting. They also lock the doors behind me. I think dropping some change in the Salvation Army bucket is okay. You just never know when someone wants to jump in your car though. Heck, if you brought them in the store with you, it could get robbed, and they would have been
  12. My children are my inspiration. They bring out the best in me...even when I dont want it!! I love them so much, and wouldn't go back to the pre-kid days for anything!!!
  13. My brother does. He has some work at lonniesproart.com Some of the paintings on there are not finished, but I added them to the site anyway.
  14. Isnt that "Paulding Place" or is the TONK somewhere else??
  15. We have bought 4 Sirius radios. It was about 2 years ago, but the best deal seemed to come directly from Sirius.
  16. Well that is a true miracle. I'm glad everyone is okay.
  17. Well...I love the sound (Harley, not crotch rocket). The noise goes with it, and is not much different than the pick ups with no mufflers. As far as the reckless drivers, they come in any vehicle. Oh...did you know that not only do the bikers rev it up at red lights, but they also do it while going under overpasses!!! I will only ride with my boyfriend who has many years of riding and is responsible. My kids do not ride. I hate when the crotch rockets come racing up, as well.
  18. Why is it raining? Why do you want to stop this thread? Is it because this isn't relevant to the current issues?
  19. LOL...to slap!!! Seriously thought, that was very useful. I had heard of gargling with salt water to sooth a sore throat...but didnt realize it actual helps get rid of viruses. Thanks!!!
  20. Sorry, mine were born out of state. We were not married, but were both at the hospital, and both signed the birth certificate. As for if he wasnt there, chances are his name wouldnt have been listed. If it came to child support, I'm pretty sure the paternity test would have to be payed for by the "father" if he chose to dispute it. Thats just my thoughts, not fact. I would check and see if there are government websites...Family and Children Services, maybe that would list the procedures. Good luck.
  21. My oldest is only 11 and I'm already scared for the day he wants to drive by himself. Parents cannot be with their children every minute, which is why we try to raise them the best we can to know better. Does it always work? No. How many times has the child that messed up been the one that you would have least expected? Many times. It has actually been my experience, that the teens that had the very strict parents are the ones that moved out at 18 and went crazy, as the ones that actually thought for themselves once in a while went on to be responsible. My point is, that no matter what p
  22. Thats how I thought it worked too. It is paid only by companies that wish to, and not mandatory. Although the FMLA is supposed to secure your job for a while. Good luck!
  23. Isn't that what the guilty ones always say??
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