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Posts posted by 1novella

  1. What happens if it gets infested with rats, the county still won't do anything?

    Then it becomes a health dept issue.


    In order the marshall's office to do anything more drastic about it I think they have to file suit against the owners and can't touch it until the judge grants them possession.

  2. Why do these women all the sudden think that they have a right to flash their boobs in public?

    It's completely ridiculous!


    Are they better mothers because they breast feed?-No

    Are those that don't or can't less than they?-No


    Do we all really want to see these women hanging their dripping boobs out? I sure as heck don't.


    Is it a beautiful experience?- Yes without a doubt.

    I was blessed to be able to breastfeed. I have had 4 sweet babies.

    I could breast feed in public without anyone being the wiser.


    Am I miraclous? No

    I was modest.

    I had self respect.

    I had respect for others.

    I had respect for the experience.


    Did I feel oppressed?-No

    Why? Because feelings of being oppressed and offended by such things IS A CHOICE.


    Is it wrong to feed your baby at the mall? No

    Is it respectful to find a quiet corner and use a blanket as a cover? Absolutely.


    To all you mommies who feed your babies when they are hungry and do it without hanging it all out-




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  3. Figures. I leave town and there is finally a real bar. No Kids. Bodintons and a Cigar without driving to Smyrna or Atlanta? Not having to trip over the white trash biker scene to get a can of PBR? Sounds to good to be true! Good move Mac!

    I'm be darned...we finally agree on sumthin! :lol:

  4. No! what is with you today she has lots of black fabric but you will have to go in there and hold up to see if it is the right kind.

    I ain't gonna do it for ya :p

    not black...BLACKOUT fabric!....the stuff you put on the back side of your curtains to make them more energy efficent and to keep the sun and lights out...

    if I'm not mistaken, blackout fabric is usually white/cream colored.

  5. How thankful I am for all you guys and folks around Georgia who have given their time, and attention to these folks who are in need.

    There was a fella that stopped by mom's Saturday and saw a need for a dumpster, and bless him-sent one out the same day. Fella's name is Andy Strange, and only asked that we call him when it got close to full.

    And the LDS church with the cleaning buckets-and the gloves...man we really needed those.


    All of you pulling together to help those that need it makes me believe in my fellow man. You've been charged as being your brother's keeper-and you are serving well.


    Thank you! :wub:

  6. Does FEMA not have a phone number to where you could talk to a live person? I agree those directions on what you should and should not do are very confusing!

    yes, but I'm sure they are busy with folks that haven't applied yet. I just thought someone might be able to give me some insight. Especially to the second question. We had planned to go back on saturday and drag everything out of the house (and most folks in mom's neighborhood already have).

  7. Questions...

    Mom has applied with FEMA online. The app said she should hear back in 7-10 days, and not to apply for any other aid as it would delay her processing. I get this is supposed to stop double dipping...Do you think we should go to get one of the clean up buckets?


    Also, the app said that they were going to need to come and look at the house. Should we wait until they come to clean stuff out, or just take pics and video and document like crazy?


  8. Thank you so much for the information! My mother lives in Austell. Her entire first floor remains under water. She has several pictures on the first floor and my grandmother's Bible that are under water. Any advice on trying to save the Bible would be greatly appreciated. That is the one thing that she is really upset about losing. Thanks for the help and advice!

    Same here, my mother lives off of Love street. I'll call you Nicholas, as soon as we can get her things out. Do you think you'll be able to give an estimate of cost before you begin?

  9. Pardon the annoyance, but there are dozens...maybe even hundreds of children who have flooded homes and nothing to wear to school much less a way to get there. Then you have to account for the caved in roads and bridges, eroded roads, etc...school buses can't go over those roads with bus loads of children.


    Sorry for the inconvenience, the Board of Education is just doing what is safest for the children not to mention more convenient for those who weren't as lucky as you and I. Many of us have to work. However, many of us would rather the hassle of schools being closed than teachers, staff, and children be injured or die trying to get to work/school. Just because some have a clear path doesn't mean everyone does.



    some folks have never heard of a back up plan...school is not daycare.

  10. $100 bucks a pair full price....of course if you have a party in October you can get them for FREE!!!!


    I have sold close to 2 dozen pair since I started and I have never offered them at a reduced price until now.

    I can't afford that...I was thinking it would be a neat gift for the girlfriends....I need like 5-10 pairs!

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