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Everything posted by subby1

  1. I go to the same store, yes, almost always....but there was a time when I tried different stores (based on the location of where I was working at the time, and their proximity to me)...always knew the same thing as all the others...used the same data base. From a totally different named Rx store in Powder Springs, to the one I use right here by my house...it's apparent they're all accessing the same database. Now, there may be a loop hole that addicts have found, but I find that idea very dubious, given the widespread info that a "new" Rx store could readily bring up on the computer. Armed
  2. Then how would that explain something like this?---I get a monthly prescription for an ailment I have. If the Dr. calls it in just a few days ahead of schedule, the pharmacy tells me "this cannot be refilled until the date it was intended to be filled". Don't get the wrong idea....sometimes my doctor may be going on vacation for a week, or it could involve a weekend with a Holiday, or even like at Christmas, when who knows what the heck...but the pharmacy has a standard policy it must follow that prevents them from filling a Rx before its time. This same notation is in a state (or federal...no
  3. New guidelines and a federal data base was supposed to stop this.....so far, it's working from what I've been told.
  4. I have heard many things, and I have never used (not would ever want to use) the pain clinics, simply because the Good Lord has blessed me with good health. I use my regular doctor, and he's told me that doctor's are under heavy scrutiny about what and how much they prescribe. Are pain clinic dr's absolved from this? I have no idea. I only know that I really like my Dr. He cares about my health, and he's very discerning about what to prescribe. Aside from that, I can't offer any info on the pain med clinics. I do know that (from what people who go to them tell me) they pee test you for drugs,
  5. Call me crazy, but there's way too many declassified documents showing that our own govm't made SURE shipments got through to feed our own addicts, so that they could continue to reap the rewards via fines. That's just the way it is. Our drug agencies are not in the business of putting cartels out of business...they are there to make sure business flows in such a manner to infuse the money into their own agendas. American agencies use drugs to fund wars (which is BIG business in itself). They don't give a rat's ass about healing people here....only to insure the money keeps flowing. WAR is a b
  6. I stop short on things like meth though. I have seen meth tear families slap apart....and buried a few of my friends before they ever saw 40 yrs old. Although, while I still advocate making hard drugs like meth illegal, I think the penalties should be more focused on rehab, rather than incarceration.....BUT....having your ass stuck in jail has saved a few people I know, simply because they could not get access to the drug. I am undecided on that part. I have seen incarceration do wonders for addicts, and I have seen the same thing teach people how to make their own dope.....what do you do??? I
  7. Looks good, but Mexican for lunch just doesn't work for me...it's a later at night thing on my menu. I took my mechanic out to Rodney's today for lunch. It was terrific!!! (although today's special was more along the Mexican line)....but Rodney's burgers are the BOMB!!!!
  8. Not to get into a dispute with the OP's links and so forth....but the DEA (which is a federal agency) controls these meds and their distribution more than ever before. The problem seems to lie within the fact that there are only so many DEA agents out there to track down abusers. However, many drugs (unfortunately there are a myriad of pain killers that do not top the list) are automatically logged into a data base that alerts every pharmacy in the country, if someone tries to get MORE than what was prescribed. Having said that (and I know some people will take exception to this) I know s
  9. Things are finally picking up, thank goodness. But, I'm never too busy to take of you quick and do the job right!! I also still have a small fleet of rebuilt mowers, so consider checking them out before you shell out a lot of money for a new one. Glenn 678-315-8794 Call anytime from Noon till 9:00 p.m., Mon thru Sat. I'll treat you right!!
  10. I did the long haired country boy thing most of my life. I'm too old and tired to keep up with that anymore....I just let em buzz cut it now.
  11. Nope....I noticed it started kicking my butt already too....sooner than I'm used to. But it's been really nice out for February.
  12. For Quality Service at Great Rates, and Quick Turn Around, please call me. All makes of mowers welcome, chainsaws, tillers, pressure washers, etc. Glenn 678-315-8794
  13. Sounds good!! Think I'll go that route today.
  14. Make that 5 rebuilt mowers, and should have 2-3 more by mid week, this week.
  15. I suppose the difference in weight of the engine vs. the motor could offset the weight problem. But I think the point I wanted to make (although I probably got lost along the way) was regarding the ones that you plug into an outlet for recharging...or even the hybrid, for that matter. The first is still requiring coal use to run the electric plants, and the latter is still requiring fossil fuels. And while these both provide a little less wasted energy, and produce less emissions, it's still just "baby-steps", if you will. Bear in mind what I said about how much oil is required to make ONE ti
  16. I saw that one. Of all the people I have known over my life that has done meth, not a single one of them believes that story. The hallucinations were just too out there to be consistent with meth use. Personally, I think this couple got slipped a couple of hits of some major acid or something. It's this kind of false hyperbole that does more harm than good when trying to educate young people on the terrors of meth addiction. The FACTS alone should be enough to scare anyone crapless. Dramatizing something like this, and listening to 911 calls from young people are apparently TRIPPING their butt
  17. Hybrids remain the most logical alternative, and even they have a multitude of pitfalls. The batteries are terribly expensive to replace, and their weight is amazingly heavy. While lithium is the best way to go, most electric cars still use the older lead-acid batteries. These not only weigh too much, but by the time you've put enough of them in series to operate a car, you're looking at a LOT of weight, which infringes on their efficiency. Sure, they have come a long way in technology, but I think the biggest problem comes from not looking at completely different forms of energy. The hydrogen
  18. I just added the EZ3 Craftsman 22" mulcher. Rebuilt carburetor, new split end high performance mulching blade, 6.0 HP engine. No frills like self propelled mowers, but a favorite for many people. Strong durable frame, with a 6.0 Tecumseh engine, out fitted with a new split-end high performance mulching blade (recommended for nice sod lawns) Runs like a dream, very smooth balance, new oil, rebuilt carb, etc. This mower certainly delivers a beautiful cut every time, and eliminates the need for raking leaves, as the Hi-Po blade on this unit will grind your leaves into fine dust, (the perfect mulc
  19. If you want it done right the first time, and you don't want to wait for weeks to get it back, I'm the guy to call! I do repairs on all makes of small engines on mowers, pressure washers, tillers, etc. And pretty much everything on lawn mowers. You'll love the rates, and I'm sure you'll love the quality of the work, as well. Please call for drop off and pick up times. 7 days a week from noon until 8:00 p.m. Pick up and delivery for larger riding mowers is also available if you don't have a way to get them to me. Glenn 678-315-8794.
  20. Consider this your "what's for dinner" thread....unless I missed today's. I haven't been out to eat in a LONG time, so I'm taking my wife to the little Mexican place by Kroger off Ridge Road. I love the food!! How about you folks?? What's fer dinner??????
  21. Yes...the buck stops with Pubby...but Pubby is just one man. Look at the mammoth of pcom. While I know for a fact the Pubby will do all he can to help you out, the pcom animal is huge. Ergo, mods have a certain amount of lee way to help you through problems with your settings, etc. (Moderators, correct me if I'm wrong) but it would make sense to me, given the population of this site, that Pubby needs the mods to help resolve issues....technical things, and setting controls, what have you. I know Pubby would never blow his own horn, but just think about it....I think the man is remarkable i
  22. Great customer service!!! You simply PM a mod. They do a great job of staying on top, and keeping things running as smooth as they can.
  23. Thank you, Eddie. That means a lot to me. My life has been one roller coaster ride, for sure, over the past 4 years or so. I always try to do my best for people, but I know you can't please everyone. Knowing I tried, is good enough for me though.
  24. Nice little ending anyway. IMHW's..."steal my gas, I kick yo ass"!......period.
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