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Everything posted by subby1

  1. Sorry to hear this. I know Ronnie has been struggling for a LONG time now with his physical ailments. While I have never met Ronnie in person (well once I did), I have kept up with what's going on through Steve Stone (the guitar player) who I play with on occasion. RIP Ronnnie!! It's always sad to lose a great southern rock musician, and even more personal hurt for me, him being a great piano player.
  2. Codeine is not a good idea with bronchitis. Powerful antibiotics are the key, taken along with something like DAYquil. The antibiotics are needed to kill the infection, but you can hasten the time to heal by GETTING UP AND KEEP MOVING!!! Codeine will make you sleepy, and the more you sleep or remain sedated, the longer it will take to clear the infection from your lungs. Don't over exert yourself, but you want to stay on the move. A HOT shower in the morning will help loosen the phlegm and you can hack all that crap out, then go on with your day.
  3. I have a KOHLER 14.5 HP [ENGINE ONLY] (vertical shaft design) that runs like a dream. Has a fuel pump, oil pump, filter....these are the best engines on the market. This is an older model engine which is still thought to be the best of the best. - Overhead Valve Design - Cast Iron Cylinder - Automotive oil filter design - Hydraulic lifters (no valve adjustments are necessary) - Full Pressure Lubrication (oil pump design) - Fuel Pump to ensure positive fuel flow on the steepest of hills To those who are not familiar with such engines, here's a link that shows how much a new 15
  4. My X-wife showed me the magic of mixing Lipton's Onion Soup Mix to the ground beef while kneading it and making patties...(thank you). Probably the best additive I have ever used. Of course, I still like to take a large table spoon of (brain fart)...oh yeah, DELL'S in a small coffee mug, mix it with water, nuke it, and use it as a basting sauce. Did you know that the 'magic" in a McDonalds hamburger has always been the onion (juice, extract, whatever) that's mixed in with the meat patty???
  5. I consider you a great friend as well. I would like to see this site harness (itself) back into some older times when people were more tolerant, and above all, mentally aware of just how important local community is to each other. I have seen some REALLY GOOD threads on here, and if some are provocative, then so be it. The best rebuttal to any disagreement are the ones that keep "class" at the top of the agenda. I'm not bad mouthing pcom at all....heck.....it's still the best site around. I would just like to remind people that some of us play around, and rough house (if you will) but never a
  6. I was playing pool with the neighbors, then walked down to the house to grab a beer...wound up on my PIEanny. The new additions to the sound system in the mancave are inCREDIBLE!!!!
  7. I'm sure we could work that out one weekend night. How's the pressure washer doing?
  8. Make that TWO...this is called Friday Blues!!
  9. You said it best, JJ!!! We see it ALL!!. But, I'm the kind of guy who'll weed through a garden in a heartbeat to find those really, good hearted folks that help make our community thrive!! It's impossible for EVERYONE to see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, but there's still much beauty in the world, and much of it can be found among a lot of terrific people, who happen to reside here. I have lost track of how many good people I have met and become good friends with, thanks to this site.
  10. I'm like you dee! I'm a natural born homie. I don;t even venture outside the county much anymore. GG- that really sucks!! But best of luck to you. I hope things turn out well and you enjoy it. You'll be missed!
  11. You are right, as sickening as that truth is.
  12. It's my guess over the past 4 years that companies have plenty to lose by giving you a follow up call if you didn't get the job...if you looked at it from a "bean counter's" perspective. Time is money. I understand that, but now that I'm older, I no longer agree with it. I think the only way to bring jobs back here is by being personal, and caring about who you are doing business or performing a service for. If the corporations collapse, then that's what will save you...treating people right. IMHO, good business is just as much about building relationships as it is about making money. You earn
  13. When I'm playing at a club, and we're on break...when I hear that song, I do the most retarded looking dance you ever saw (so I am told) I grab myself some girl just ugly enough to not care that I drug her up to the dance floor on that song!! dang....TMI. AC/DC is great working out music!!!
  14. Must be that Hydro crap! uh....Hydro......uh...ELECTRIC power!!! Yeah...that's the ticket. (as I back peddle ASAP) Waitress!!!!! "I'll have what she's having, please!" I got me two of those, upstairs and downstairs, locked, loaded, and ready~~ Oh wait....I think I may have misinterpreted....????
  15. I came across some APP (Alan Parsons) and was listening to the lyrics of "Games People Play"....FINALLY!!! I get that song!!! So, rather than what's your favorite song, think of that one ( or ever how many ) that either took years to get (like in this case) or those songs that you just have to tell everyone (in person, on the phone, etc.) to hang on.....cause you gotta hear that song. The ones that bring memories crashing down on you like an anvil falling on you (metaphorically speaking, of course!) Problem is...most of those songs are rather personal, so consider your response, if th
  16. It is rude, but I can only remember ONE out of hundreds of potential jobs who called me back to say it was filled. I've even had lunch interviews with people who not only called back, but avoid my emails and phone calls...people like that make me glad I NEVER took a job with them in the first place.
  17. I honestly don't know...About half of what Simply Southern does (the newer ones) I don't know by name. They take off and I follow.
  18. The only thing close to my house is Subway and Waffle House! (depending on what you call close).
  19. Said it changed about 4 months ago...well, at my age, 4 months was just yesterday!
  20. Well, guess who's a moron??? I AM!!! I didn't realize the place at the end of Nebo had changed names. Oops!!!
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