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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Me either and I have been considered to be very, very tiny in my younger years to plus size now that I am older. I have been through most junior, misses and a couple of women's plus sizes. Also, I liked the show. I am glad he picked Tali as he seemed to have a special connection with her. Now it's time for a plus size woman to pick a man.
  2. Yeah I second TigerDirect.com, we used them for purchases in previous years. However my current laptop I went to Dell.com and built to my specs, then got the 12 months interest free finance. It's paid for now. They do have laptops that are prebuilt for less dollars and they have an outlet that usually has refurbished Dell's in it.
  3. Hubby and I have seen Dr. Kriegel for many, many years and he is very good. I also love his staff. He is also off Dallas Hwy. beside of the DQ across from the Avenue. He treats hubby's gout and high cholesterol. I have chronic sinus infections and allergies that he treats. Also he has given us both cortisone injections, once for hubby's knee and me for my first episode of shoulder bursitis (and hopefully the last). If he wants you to try a new medication and he has samples in stock he will give them to you. They also have xray machines and a tech at that location. Not all doctors offices do. O
  4. That jacket is too beautiful to ruin with zippers and glitter. OUCH!
  5. I am so sorry hun. Please take good care of yourself. My stepmom went through this many years ago and she takes comfort in knowing that she will see that child in heaven one day. My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family. Sending hugs.
  6. The grand opening of the new Goodwill store is Sept. 17th. Just FYI.
  7. "It's kind of strange, isn't it? How the mountains pay us no attention at all. You laugh or you cry... The wind just keeps on blowing." - Red Dawn
  8. LMAO! Ss I couldn't help it after reading THAT! I am picturing a 52 year old woman running from a mob and getting hit by a car. That would be a nightmare!
  9. LOL Yep yep! I don't think that is the first time it has happened with us, is it? Seems like one other time.
  10. What station? I am so glad this topic was started. It brings up alot of memories. She was 15 and he was 19. They met at his mother's dance studio and then became dance partners before they were married. He was also a football player in junior and high school while he was a dancer.
  11. Have fun, take care and bring back pretty pictures!
  12. Look in the lower right of your Internet Explorer screen and see where there is a little magnifying glass? Look and see if it says 100%. If not then click on it and select 100%.
  13. Yeah that was my (unposted) guess. Many woods and "cabins" in that.
  14. Big hair, beads and bangle bracelets, then she may have a cyndi lauper look.
  15. If we want something and can afford it we get it. Keeping up with the Jones is not a big deal or concern in this household and we aren't jealous of other people's success, money, material things etc. If they are our friends then we are happy for them. I am with Subby on if I ever won the lottery I would take care of my family. I would first make sure we had a house that I could get around in a little better as my physical limitations are growing each year in this house and it is a major concern of mine. After that I would see that my hard working hubby has enough to retire, then we would
  16. I was 11 and had a "friend" who thought they were being funny by pulling a chair out from under me and I landed on my tailbone on the tile floor at school. I was skinny and didn't have alot of "padding" to soften the blow LOL. The first couple of weeks I would pass out or almost pass out in pain just from trying to get up and go to the bathroom. My mom took me to a doctor who said because I was so young the tailbone was still cartiledge and was just "bruised" but would have broken if I had been older. I was never able to do a situp again in gym class or even as an adult. As an adult doctors ha
  17. Yep mine too, but then we would be too far from an airport to keep his job. Our only job! I told him when he retires maybe we can get a small house in the north GA mountains.
  18. Awww this is terrible! The last I heard he was a little better. Absolutely heartbreaking for Lisa. I know they loved each other dearly and were together as dancers long before they were married. RIP Patrick and I hope you are having a blast in heaven.
  19. I think there were a couple of stars who were buried in their cars back in the sixties?
  20. Um yeah I can just see it now...5' tall me, with chronic pain and sometimes can barely walk, handling 3 bags boarding a bus to the MARTA station, then boarding a MARTA train and making my way through Hartsfield?? This is NOT going to happen! I know I can't be the only person in Paulding to have this potential problem? God forbid if something were to happen to one of my in-laws and I had to meet my traveling hubby in his homestate! This "potential" problem came very close to being a reality a few months ago.
  21. I was there Saturday afternoon but I have only met a couple of Paulding.com people, so I would not have recognized anyone.
  22. Yum! I wonder if I could get all chocolate and bananas on mine?
  23. Fifty bucks to the airport from here is cheap. I figured it up a few weeks ago and average fare plus tip was around $85. Hubby has paid that much a few years ago to take a cab from Hartsfield to East Paulding. If someone were to ever open a shuttle van to and from the airport for this area they would make a killing. A said that about cabs in paulding 15 years ago and they are now.
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