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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. I had heard that Paranormal Activity was stupid. That it was just a couple's version of a story that never happened and it only has like 3 characters in it. So tell me, was it really that good? My hubby NEVER goes to the movies with me, but I have convinced him to go Halloween night, so I want to pick something good. We also own all the SAW movies so I thought about Saw VI.
  2. I agree. Here is their web page. http://www.csc-ga.com/ From what I can remember, I think they have been in their Hiram location for at least a couple of decades.
  3. Oh it's not the flu, it's a sinus infection and not catching. I have them 1-2 times a year since my teenage years. I have allergies to alot of stuff that seems to help cause them. Thank you though. You are so sweet Subby. Just send me a rain check for another time please? Have a great time.
  4. Subby, PM sent. It sounds great but I have a sinus infection, so I am staying home even though hubby is partying in the woods with his buddies. It's his vacation time though. Thank you for the invite.
  5. I would also like to know this and if Marlow is going to be ok? Any updates?
  6. Night Madea. Please take care and get well soon.
  7. Not cleaning has a snowball effect! LOL
  8. Sunset pics are beautiful from a plane. Been there and done that. I bet you don't put the baby down the entire visit! Have a great time and stay safe!
  9. The AJC and the SO said he was in "fair condition". This sounds more like critical condition! This is horrible. I will continue to keep him in my prayers.
  10. That is what I am thinking. Maybe if the Sheriff Office released a description that would help. Or if Marlow knows who it is then maybe they could release a picture and put a BOLO out??
  11. OMG I love him sooo much! I have both his DVD's and we just watched his new show tonight and laughed our butts off. December 28th huh? I will have to keep that in mind.
  12. The H1N1 vaccine in the mist form is a LIVE virus. This sounds like the symptoms I use to always get with the regular flu shot, so I quit getting them.
  13. I am with you on that one! When growing up my brother and I always got fruit and candy in our stockings. I still love chocolate and Christmas tangerines at the age of 40! No we do not do "Santa" anymore. We get gifts or gift cards for immediate family, by that I mean our 6 parents and each other. Although last year I did get a present for each of my siblings and step siblings. My father and stepmom can't afford to get for everyone anymore. They have decided to get for the grand and great grandchildren and I don't blame them. There are 11 grandchildren and now 2 great grandchildren!
  14. You can get shadow boxes that are framed or the cube type of glass boxes at Michael's Craft Store, near the frame department in back. Sometimes books can have the cover, spine and binding repaired. I am not sure about the mildew though.
  15. Happy Birthday Pubster! Happy Birthday Kim! I hope you both have wonderful birthdays.
  16. Happy Wife and Mom, Pubby, thank you for posting updates. I never did hear anything else before bed last night.
  17. LMAO! That's weird and funny. I own a white sports car but it wasn't me, I am in bed hanging out with you guys!
  18. East Paulding just past the Mt. Tabor intersection. Here it is on Mapquest. Tobe McGarity in Dallas, GA
  19. Yep. It is 3 streets down from me, counting Mt. Tabor. I pray that the person who was shot will soon be well and safe.
  20. Since this is so close to home I called the SO to find out if the shooter has been caught. I was transferred 4 times and the 5th person I spoke with was a Deputy Allen (?) who was very nice and said that the shooter left in a vehicle and has not been caught, so they could not verify that the shooter was still in the area. We are staying at home tonight anyway, but I thought others who live in the area might want to know. Stay safe.
  21. Hubby's home and we have loaded guns. I still would like to know for certain if or when the shooter is caught. I don't hear any traffic coming from the direction of the Mt.Tabor intersection towards the park and New Hope Publix though. So I am wondering if it is being diverted?
  22. Tobe Mcgarity is less than a mile from me, maybe 1/2 a mile. Has the shooter been caught? I hear very little traffic the past few minutes.
  23. Thank you everyone for the info. Thankfully hubby is home tonight and I just asked him to make sure all the doors are locked since we aren't clear if the shooter has been caught. Did the shooting actually happen IN THE PARK? I am almost across the street from there and realize I am not hearing any traffic from East Paulding drive down the road. Will someone please keep me informed of when or if the the shooter is caught? TIA
  24. I am sitting in my bedroom very near the intersection of Mt. Tabor and East Paulding Drive and I hear what sounds like a fire truck, then either an ambulance or police cars, then 2 copters passing over head that sound like the life flight copters. All sounded as if they were heading in the other direction, either on East Paulding going towards Marietta Hwy. or up Mt. Tabor towards the Bobo intersection. Does anyone know what is going on?
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