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About quasiquiet

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member

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  • Place of Residence
    Other in County
  1. I got my questions answered quickly...Thought I was going to not be able to drink and type.. I can't leave the house and drink..Don't believe in DUIs.. I only drink at the house.. and all I could imagine was this big Law enforcement picture coming up on my screen saying..BLOW THIS!!!!...Scarey!!! Censored and can't even drink in my own home..I got that straightened out thou..Joe..Thanks for your support.. For know....JUST CALL ME CHILLIN!!!!!!
  2. So what we have here now is everybody going to be in everybodies business. I guess I'll have to find me something else to do.. I'm not going to be censored and constantly looked at like I'm a teenager living with my parents again. You can take your shiny new points system and warning and everything attached to this stupid moderating issue and shove them up your ASS...I'll be back when we really do have free speech here.. Not what SOME of us just want ALL of us to hear.. THIS IS BULLcheeze...You have now officially destroyed the fun and local flavor of this site... Kinda like readin the Dallas
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