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Posts posted by Happyme

  1. If you only had one port of call to see in the Carribean...which one would you want to see and why? I am taking a cruise this Spring and need help deciding. ........And which cruise line and why?


    Thanks in advance for your help!

  2. At which age do you think it is appropriate to give your child alcohol? As in to toast for the New Year?? Or wine at dinner on special occasions? You can PM me with answers as to not cause a fight.

  3. What is the big deal with gay/lesbian/trans people?! I mean are we that horrible.Have you people had some kind of bad experience or what?! I wouldnt change myself or my kids-when and if I have any for anything in the world.It is not a choice,if it were Im sure a lot of people would be straight. I actually was in denial for a long time as a teen and I couldnt make myself straight.The feelings were always there as young as 3 yrs old I remember things.If God was so against gay people he wouldnt have made us. He made us all different.Its just how we are simple as that.


    Welcome to P-Com!! I wish you could convince some people that it is NOT a choice.....if so, I would choose to be accepted.

  4. Most women are in charge of purchasing all of the gifts this season. Do you tend to give more to your side of the family? Give me a price range?? You can PM me if you dont want your husband or SO to know your secret.


    1. Trash Collector?


    2. Post Mail Worker?


    3. Teacher?


    4. Day Care Teacher?


    5. Co-Workers?


    6. Parent?


    7. In-Laws?


    8. Brothers/Sisters?


    9. BILs/SILs?

  5. How long do you have to make this trip? When we moved here from Washington state, we drove it in 7 days. We figured out the route beforehand, and stayed at Motel 6's each night (we were bringing our cats). The drive thru trees and redwood forest in California was great. We also stopped for a few hours at the Grand Canyon and Petrified Forest. Wish we'd had more time, as there's so much to see on that trip! Everyone above has great ideas! Have lots of fun, and make sure you have extra memory cards for your digital camera!


    We are doing it in about 7 days also.....I am hoping ot be able to make a route to be able to see a lot of different things during the day, drive during the evening and sleep as little as possible at night.

  6. I will be driving from San Francisco CA back here early next Spring....what are some must see sights? We are taking time to stop off and smell the roses...or anything else that is interesting along the way. Please advise.....Thanks, HAPPY

  7. They said on the 11 news that they had raised $55,000 and were sending the bodies back to Kenya. I hope the son is well enough to make the trip, and be given the opportunity to say his goodbyes to his mother and sisters.



    It was raised throughout the week and at their Memorial Service on Sun at their church. There was about 700+ of their friends and family gathered together to celebrate their lifes and to praise the Lord on their behalf. The majority of the donations came from the Kenyans that came from all around to pay their respect for their own. It was the most spiritual field memorial service that I have ever been to and was proud to hear that throughout the week some attendees found salvation. Their church is not air conditioned but that did not stop everyone from staying for three hours to remember the three women whose lifes were lost.


    PS I have heard that the total is now at $60,000. This is awesome because the cost of funeral arrangements to prepare and ship the bodies is $30,000. The extra is going to be able to fund the help of family and friends to go home to help with the arrangements once they get to Kenya and to be able to say good-bye.

  8. I do hope you know that I have done everything I could to be respectful to Jane, her children, her family, and her culture. I have tried to intervene when I felt anyone was smearing her character or her name. And while there are many things that are valuable and worthy of respect and embrace in any culture, there are also some things that some people find intolerable in some. IF her murder and the murder of her family were connected to cultural practices that demean, belittle, subjugate, and torture women, there will be few if any here who will support that in any way. All she wanted was a safe place for her children. She overcame obstacles most of us can't even imagine to provide that, and only to have it all end in this horrible, unimaginable way. What happened to her and her children is intolerable no matter what was behind it, but if the cultural connection turns out to be valid, I will not temper nor apologize at my indignation and absolute outrage.


    And don't forget please--I loved Jane too.





    I completely agree with you and see that you loved her. It is hard for so many people, even those all around me to be talking and speculating as to what happened, and have to listen as people want to talk about what probably happened during these brutal murders. I have no idea and hope that whoever did it and for whatever reason will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of our law. I think that it is totally uncalled for to force anyone to do anything against their will, whether it be culture or the wishes of a government.

    I wish you some rest and peace that you need to get through the next few weeks.

  9. Can I offer a prayer?

    Dear God,

    In prayer we come to You asking that You keep Your loving arms held tightly around Jane and her beautiful children as You have welcomed them into Heaven. I am thankful because I know that in Your arms their suffering is now over. I pray that if it be Your will that Jeremy and the other child will make a full recovery and can identify who it was that did this horrible and tragic thing. I pray that you continue to provide a place of refuge for the many broken hearts of the ones who knew and loved this wonderful and God loving family, and will help to ease this gut wrenching agony and pain that we all feel. Even though we have no answers at this time we will keep believing and knowing that You are the one with the answers and the knowledge and that in Your time all of these questions WILL be answered. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.....

    I am blessed to be able to proudly say that I knew Jane well. I have worked with her since she came to work at the Nursing Center. I can tell you that she was a woman of sound faith and raised her children in faith. She was strong, hard working, and dedicated, and her residents loved her just as we, the staff did. She could always be counted on when the going was rough. She gave her best and then some. Without even knowing it, she inspired me many times to count my own blessings. Rest in peace... We will miss you...

    I am deeply saddened by this tragedy and so very sorry for her family and other friends.

    Written with love and many fond and happy memories....

    One of many friends.


    THANK YOU!!!


    Please remember as some of you write your words that are meant to "enlighten" the subject that surrounds Jane's life and her culture, you have her friends here reading this. You have people that loved her and is totally heart broken over losing her, no matter the reason behind her death. Please take the time to get to know those that come from other lands and the culture that surrounds them. I am blessed to have been able to work with some of the best people that take care of our elderly with a tender heart and hand.

  10. Thank you so much for posting! We loved Jane, too.


    My husband and I were just talking--we'd like to try to set up some sort of fund for Jeremy's future. We really did JUST talk about this, so I have a lot I need to find out before I even start, but that is what we are thinking and would like to do.


    Bless you for knowing Jane, being her friend, and saying such kind and true things on her behalf.





    I am sorry for your breaking heart! I know that sometimes it just seems so unreal. Please let me know of any trust funds that get started for Jeremy. I know that not only will he need a trust fund but I have no idea how she and her daughter's will be buried and/or returned to their homeland to be buried.

  11. My heart as well as many of Jane's friends at work are heart broken. Please pray for not only her immediate family but those that have worked side by side with her for years. Please pray that her son and nephew make a good recovery and can find peace with the situation. Please pray that her friends can find the peace to keep smiling as they do not have a WONDERFUL woman by their side to help share the burden of their workplace.


    If you knew Jane, you knew her strength at not only her job but as she tried to make a better life for her children. If you knew Jane, you truly knew the strength of a Mother!


    Jane, I want to thank you for showing us God's love and a true devotion to God and your children. I am blessed to have been a part of your life! I love you and miss you!

  12. Holden, I guess it is all relevant as to what a person in need is. I just about have a living example of most everything you mentioned. Your mentioned judging by a car....I work with a lady who is married to a guy who was a mercedes dealer. They both drive Mercedes. They live in about a $600,000. house. The only reason she works is because if she works till 55(she is 54) she and hubby will have full flight benefits till life. Okay he lost his job, their fear was that if he was out of work for a while, they might have to maybe trade to a lesser car and try and find a house in the $400,000 range. She was in need....That is NOT in need.


    I had a cousin who was raised by my Aunt. All her life she gave and gave and he wouldn't hit a lick at a snake. She died. All of a sudden he had to find a job. He laid around and laid around, was offered half a$$ jobs to make a few bucks, did he want to do that work. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Was he in need NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

    Certainly most people need to get away when a loved one passes. Many people would think that you are needy if you couldn't afford to do that. However, I would never even consider thinking people should pay for me a vacation under that circumstance or any circumstance I can think of. Needy NOOOOOOOOOOO.

    I'm confident there are many people in Paulding County that are needy, that both parents work hard just to take care of them and their kids. They are proud to be in their little apartment or small house. Their idea of a dream vacation is to go to Six Flags. Their 7 year old second hand car made need work but they will hopefully soon be able to get them a 3 year old second hand car.... and there are many children going to school next week with hungry bellies and 3rd or more generation hand me down clothes. These are needy and of course there are some in even worse shape.


    As as been discussed many times on this site, I firmly believe in people helping whomever they want to and I am not oppose to helping in some cases that I know are not NEEDY, just don't tell me these people are needy, just tell me what they want and then I can go on from there. I think that may have been a sticky point of some people including me. I may have incorrectly assumed some of the people who I was giving to were needy. I have no problem giving to the needy but I can't feel too led to give money to anyone who just happens to want something and at the time can't afford it. Heck I've been in those shoes all my life.


    Why is this? Doesn't our schools provide free meals?

  13. DANGIT!!!! I have to be at the hospital at 8:30 in the morning because my sister is having her gall bladder out. I wonder if they hold off surgeries in the case of inclement weather?



    Nope...Medical personal still have to go to work. Where is she having her surgery? PM if you want to tell me. Some doctors may cancel elective surgeries if the roads are bad in the morning but I am sure that we will still have some to go.

  14. The problem with your symptoms is that they are vague. I see the hardest thing with healthcare is that it is a big puzzle. You take the blood work, symptoms and past and recent history, draw a fancy chart like House does on his show and you end up with a diagnosis, you administer some medicine and hope that problems go away. It is not the way I would like to see medicine work but the truth is that it is a big guessing game backed by a lot of highly educated people.


    I feel for most people when they expect the doctors to have all the answers when it is not a definite science.


    I hope that your blood tests come back with a positive result and that your symptoms can be resolved easily. If there is anything that I can help you with, please PM me.

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