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Posts posted by rcone

  1. Thanks. My main concern was that since Mike hasn't been in the system before and we're not on any email or phone lists that we might miss something that players that have been around for a while might get.



    Like the other Paulding high schools, I would imagine this information will be put out, sometime after the first of the year, by the football progams at each of the high schools, for the middle school / junior football programs....

  2. Well, The time has FINALLY arrived. Next season Mike will be in the 7th grade and able to play in Paulding County. He's played for the past 5 seasons in Cartersville becasue they have an unlimited weight program. Mike just turned 11 but is 5'7" and weighs 210 lbs., which disqualified him for any of the rec programs around here.


    Does EPMS have a spring camp? Do they have a summer program? Mike wants to get in gear as soon as it's allowed but we have no information at this time.


    Mike's 2010 high light film is on youtube.


    Thanks for the help.


  3. Someone decides that everyone in this country should own a home.


    When it is pointed out that not everyone in this country can afford a home, they pass laws directing Mortgage companies to loan money to people that can't afford to pay the loan back.


    And now everyone is shocked that the loans are defaulting.


    It's easy to research the situation and see who forced through the legislation and it's public record who ran those programs.


    Why is it so hard for everyone to see why this didn't work?


    People that I thought were very smart still can't seem to figure this out.

  4. I'd like to add one more name to your prayer list for this sad event.

    Jordan Londraville. Jordan is a teacher at Roberts who spent the day talking to and working with the kids in this class. I just got an email from him letting me know how my son was handling everything. I talked to all of the counselors at Roberts this morning, and I can’t imagine how I would handle that kind of job today. If any of you were around when the Southern Airways DC9 crashed in New Hope you might remember how hard it was on all the kids. Just thought about the folks at Roberts and wanted to pass along the thought.

  5. "It cannot result in a long-term denial of constitutional rights, such as habeas corpus, the right to a trial, and to free press."


    Sorry, Quicksilver....You only read a small part of the legal dictionary.


    In other words it CAN suspend constitutional rights SHORT TERM. Like during a flood.............


    Under Marshall Law, enacted by the President, FEMA has the ability to enact Executive Order 11051 which allows FEMA to put in place the entire Executive Order list created by President Kennedy in 1962.



    Here are just a few Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years :


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.


    EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.


    Here is the link to the entire wording of these orders.



  6. Here is a funny one.

    Years ago on Spring Break in Daytona. Several guys loaded into a Ford LTD to make a beer run. None of these young men had been drinking. The plans for a large party that evening called for at least six cases of beer (Busch...$3.95 a case at the time) all stacked in the trunk of the LTD. On the way back to the beach house that group of guys hit a HUGE Florida sink hole…imagine a pothole six feet across and four feet deep. The car ahead of them bent a rim and the LTD received a flat and was stuck in the hole. The first car swerved after hitting the hole and ran into a parked car. After about an hour the police arrived to investigate the accident. After determining that no one had been drinking the policeman pretty much ignored the young men as he was determining if the driver of the first car was unhurt……that is until the “Ptsssshhh” sound came from the LTD. As the officer walked toward the LTD he heard that sound again “Ptssshhh”, the unmistakable sound of a carbonated drink can opening. But none of the guys from the LTD had a drink in their hand. “Ptsssshh”, there is was again….the Policeman walked to the back of the car and asked the driver to open the trunk………..after 2 hours in the hot Florida sun and a violent shaking from the pothole at least eight beer cans gave up the pop top and self opened, spewing beer all over the trunk of the car…..The driver looked at the officer in disgust and said “well, we can’t drink them in front of you and then drive off can we?” The officer agreed that that plan wouldn’t work. One of the passengers asked if it would be okay to sell them to some of the onlookers? In which the officer asked “Do you have an alcohol permit?” All of the young men had this incredibly sad look on their faces watching all this beer go to waste.

    The group decided to move the remaining beer into the shade to rescue what was left and in doing so set the opened cans on the roof of the car and used beach towels to mop up the spill in the trunk.

    While that was going on the original responding officer had a call and told the group that a tow truck was on it’s way to pull the LTD out of the sinkhole and that there was a traffic officer coming to make sure that no one rear ended the LTD. As the traffic officer drove up the first officer said “You boys be careful” and he got in his patrol car and drove off.

    The traffic officer parked with his lights on, got out of his car and approached the group of young men with an odd look of suspicion. He instructed them to get up onto the sidewalk, which they did. He then walked to the drivers side of the LTD, shook his head slowly from right to left, picked up a Busch can from the roof of the car, looked at the boys in disgust and said

    “open containers?”………………………………

  7. Having that DC-9 crash right in front of us in New Hope. Dan Aamoth, the county extension agent was there with us having a 4H meeting at New Hope Elementary (W.C. Abney). He thought the roaring sound was a tornado and had just told us to get under our desks when the left tail section hit the back of the room.

  8. I'm worried that he'll trash a good one playing around and I'm not so sure how serious he is about playing it. I actaully found a company on Ebay that has kids guitars for $14.00. CHEAP construction, CHEAP materials, just plain CHEAP.......... but playable. which, for the price is, I think, a good test of his abilty to care for one. If he can keep that one in one piece for a month or so, I'll upgrade to another, I'll sure ask Satellite for some advice on what to get. Thanks to everybody for thier help.
  9. Yes, I was being very nice, but I dont want your apology. That guitar Im talking about was given to me by my Grandfather when I was 12 years old. He bought it for me from one of his neighbors. The story behind never letting this guitar was not only that it's the only thing I have that was from my Grandfather and the neighbor that he got it from, it belonged to his grandson that I went to school with who was one year younger. That child came home from school one day and went into his grandfathers bathroom and hung himself. The following Christmas the guitar was given to me because musical ability runs in my family and I was being given something that was precious to my grandfather. So yes, I have something that means nothing to anybody else but it has much sentimentality to 2 familys. Good luck in finding a suitable guitar for your son.


    It sounds like too sentimental of an item to consider selling. Apology retracted if that’s what you want. If you truly define that comment as “very nice” then :huh:

  10. I was point blank asking you a question, so dont get rude with me! :angry2: I wasnt being sarcastic one bit. And I will add, I do have a guitar sitting right here that is a kids guitar in a Gibson case that never gets played, but nevermind.


    The comment you made sure sounded sarcastic…”ever heard of”….that kind of comment is usually always associated with sarcasm…i.e. “ever heard of a turn signal?”…...if it wasn't meant to be you could have just as easily said "Have you tried a thrift store or pawn shop".

    If I had said that to anyone else they would have thought it to be sarcastic as well.

    How you say things means just as much as what you say.

    If you truly meant to be nice with that comment then I apologize.

  11. Just happened to see one on clearance at the Target in Hiram.  It was half off...located on the back wall shelf to the right side (electronics area) in a box (this was a beginner set with instructions, video etc....) near the stereo displays...it was there a couple of days ago. Good luck.



    Dohhhh! I just got back from Target with him and looked in the toy section.....We're heading back there tomorrow to look in the electronics department. Thank you for the info.

  12. Ever hear of a Thrift Store or a Pawn Shop?


    Yep, been to several...no kids guitars to be had.

    But Michael apprecriates the sarcasim.

    And if you don't like me you don't have to reply to what amounts to a pretty innocious post that my son is reading with me in hopes of finding a guitar that he wants to buy out of his own money. <_<

  13. Let’s see if this rings a bell.


    Treasure Island on Hwy 41 with the drive-up grocery pick-up

    Red baron’s arcade on South Cobb Drive

    Cobb center mall

    Alladin’s arcade at Cumberland mall

    Allen’s Ice Cream at the Plaza

    Jack’s hamburgers


    Glen Hubbard

    Chief Knockahoma

    Z93 and Ross & Wilson

    Humpback bridge (both of them)

    Julianne Cofer “Chit, Chit, Chit” and her red corvette


    The Braves used to give season tickets to A-students in the Atlanta public schools. On Game day there would be 800 people in the first 3 rows of Fulton county stadium and 2500 in the last thee top rows. When the game started the ushers would disappear and there would be a stampede to get closer.

  14. Okay, don’t laugh. My 5 year old son has a pretty elaborate Elvis costume and likes to put on shows……I said NOT to laugh……..anyway, he needs a guitar and I was hoping to find a real guitar that could be strung for him to start out on….He seems interested in learning, but I have a problem forking over a lot of money since he may outgrow the desire rather quickly.

    I’m thinking of one of those sears or JC Penney jobs for kids. Everyone got one when I was kid and I’m hoping someone has one just lying around that they would part with.



  15. Go to the drawer.


    Get pen

    Go to the chair

    Move cushion

    Get paper

    Push the painting on the top left corner

    Push the painting again on the top right corner

    Push it on the bottom

    (you may need to push it a forth time)

    the painting will fall

    get the money

    while looking at paper, click on pen until “HELP ME” is written

    go to the white tube and click on it

    click on the yellow container

    put paper in container inside tube (you will have to turn away from the white tube to open the yellow container)

    place the yellow container back into the white tube and close it.

    hit red button

    turn around the room once and listen for the container to come back down tube

    open container and read.

    It will be your “HELP ME” note with a red skull and cross bones on it.

    Go to phone

    Pick up receiver

    You will hear a dial tone

    You must dial the numbers that correspond with your “HELP ME” note

    Be sure to include the skull and cross bones as a “*”

    The number is 4357*63

    You will hear a very low voice say “Okay”

    Look at the money

    Click on the pen until a face has been drawn

    Send money down tube

    Turn around the room once

    You will hear the container come back down the tube

    You will find a key in the container

    Face the door

    Click on the key then click on the lock

    The door will unlock

    Open the door

  16. I drove by the Paulding Plaza this morning around 8:10am. There where several police cars blocking the entrance to the Plaza parking lot with a few fire trucks parked around and a Life Flight copter sitting in the lot. I didn't see a fire or accident near the Plaza though. Does anyone know what happened and is everyone alright?

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