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Everything posted by Lenny8676

  1. Well thank you for the kind words, but it's truely the least I can do for the real wonderful people that allow me to have the freedoms that I have. I can't thank our military enough for what they do for us here. Just a last minute reminder tonight is the night folks, so come out, and show your support!
  2. The time is growing near. Don't forget to come out, and enjoy the festivities at our 2nd Annual Fall Music Festival this Friday night on 9-11. Will be donating all the procedes from the door to the Wounded Warriors Program to say thanks for all our military does for us. Come on out, and show your support.
  3. Who is gonna come by to help raise money for our troops?
  4. Did I mention we will have lots of beer & Food!
  5. It's that time of year again for a great music festival compliments of Buffalo Wild Wings in Hiram, but this festival is a little special. We are holding our 2nd Annual Music Festival on a Friday this year being it falls on 9/11, and we wanted to do something special for the folks that allow us to enjoy our lives back here in the states. We will be charging $5 admission same as always, but all of the money raised at the door will be going to the Wounded Warriors Foundation. We will also be doing a raffle which Best Buy was nice enough to donate a 42in Flat Screen T.V, and all of the money
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