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Posts posted by cuatro

  1. I second never growing up and big kids club. I really haven't yet, I'm only 21 and in school. But man I don't want these nor do I wish to have such painful responsibilities you speak of. . .


    What do you mean M&M's aren't better than money?

  2. The inmate should be entitled to specific variables in his life in jail assuming he claims that he is of that particular religion (I think). The responsibility of the government is to lead our lives in such a manner that they do not have total control. If a person is put in jail, saying that their religion is invalid (because their in jail) is terrible.


    I'm not trying to bash anyone, but what if someone were to actually (God forbid) correctly be changed in jail, and they used religion as an aid to their becoming a better citizen? Would, their conversion to a better citizen be against the law because they used religion?


    I'm not saying that jail should provide the luxury of every element of every religion, but in regarding the maxims of jail I'm pretty sure there should be some room for change encouraged among the inmates. By change, I mean something that would be objectively directed towards making them better citizens.


    The only problems are what constitutes a religion, can also be the downfall of the system in itself if it becomes too lenient. For instance, if someone were to say that their religion requires that they have to spend at least an hour a day drunk, or something like that.


    The validity of their practice should have to be secured by personal faith combined with reason (reason that can be explained logically. . . you know, syllogisms). I'd say that with the proper application of reason and correct amount of toleration, jail could be religiously secure. . .To some extent.



  3. I don't know, maybe its just all the implications through out the thread. All of the vices and negative effects everyone is mentioning are implication of stories from illegal aliens from Mexico.


    Any stories on what the last illegal Englishman did?


    The only valid arguments I've seen so far are:

    We should not allow them to stay in our home because its illegal


    America is a better place for them


    they waste our taxes and space


    they have a terrible government and life back home


    What did I miss? I say we argue these points. . . If not, oh well, I guess I wouldn't let an illegal stay in the event that i would get a felony. I don't understand why anyone would if it would get them arrested and thrown in jail. But that might also be worth arguing.


    I hadn't heard that story about the NYC couple who's child was the only legal one. . . Man that sucks for them.




  4. Your corruption piece has nothing to do with what I'm trying to get at. I was simply trying to keep the argument on track or suggest that maybe it is not the general illegal population, but particularly the Mexican population that this thread is attacking.


    It seems that you say its confusing so that you don't have to worry about any other illegals, only the ones that you are reproaching. I'm just trying to figure out what you are attacking exactly. Is it the entire Mexican population in general or just the illegal ones or illegal aliens in general?


    What does your signature mean?

  5. Isn't the topic about whether or not you will allow an illegal to stay in you home? The term illegal alien implies any person that is not actually a united states citizen right and lives in the U.S. without permission? If I'm wrong call me out now, I just thought thats how it went.




    might this thread be leaning towards only the Mexican population?


    I guess if thats the case the title of the thread might need to be changed.


    The problem, it seems with harboring an illegal alien, is that its illegal and punishable as a felony. Someone mentioned that it is equally severe as harboring a fugitive. Which technically isn't incorrect, however, it seems that word fugitive here implies immoral person. This entire post seems to be attacking a single group of people, which is okay if thats what you want to do. However, make sure you let everyone know that your out to arrest only the people that are working as illegal aliens rather than living as illegal aliens.


    Just trying to stay on track

  6. I am coming from an extremely biased position in this argument. I used to be in what is called the Chamber of commerce youth ambassador program. It was an extremely helpful and geniuely great experience. We would have people from all over the county come in and talk to us about paulding county. We got to meet the S.W.A.T. for Paudling, we met all differnt type of leaders, C.E.O.'s for different businesses. It was honestly a great experience.


    There is a point.


    Here's my question:

    I do not remember who it was, it might have been some one from a large building committee. I asked the question, why are so many houses being built in Paulding County if there are not near enough jobs? To my suprise a decent answer was given. He said that Paulding County is creating places to put workers.

    Next, he said that now we are ready to begin building commercial property. That was almost two years ago.

    Or did I miss something?


    I understand that there is a hospital built, which is great. More jobs, I personally believe that we need a new hospital.


    Here's my next question:

    Why are so many houses being built between Palisades and Cadilac? That is the worst place to have a house with out natural sound barriers(I.E. trees, no i am not a tree hugger). However, would it not seem almost ideal to put more industrial land there?


    I am sure time is important to you, thank you for reading this post and please answer it. I do not question your integrity. I just want your knowledge regarding the situation at hand.

  7. This is going to sound really bad. I'm a little afraid to put it in...oh well.


    I would think that if the stats we're placed nat'l, they would be on a higher scale then most. This is just a guess, if i'm wrong then this is a pointless post. If the govnernment does not want to allow kids under 18 to get "the pill" then mayber they are pushing for something else. I.E. Population. It would seem almost blantantly obvious. The parents are not helping either. Y'all have no idea. You think that by not allowing your kids to date freely, they simply will not do it ???


    Not gonna happen ? Right...Just like squeaker said, they would be in a bigger hurry to try it all, and may go too far when they are 17. Or, they would just NOT CARE about what you tell them they can, and cannot do, and do it anyways for no reason other than you told them that they could not do it.


    An example to proove this is so easy;

    Some one says "Don't think of a pink elephant."..what do you think of? Well you tell a kid not to do something, the first thing that's going to pop into their head is; "hmmm, wonder what that's like". So the kid becomes curious, then he begins to slowly act upon the choice he/she was requested not to do. Teenager's are always curious.I'm just talking from experience.


    Parents who put their children on such short leashes are only waiting for a bite in the ass while not looking. I'm not saying be too open, or liberal, and suggest you tell your kids to do everything they can. Try to make it a point to do what you think is right. Not as an adult, but as a parent. Teach them to learn from your mistakes by listening to you, not by being you.

  8. Try putting your kids to work.  Yeah, not the Xbox, but household chores.  Have them work.  It expends energy and builds character. 


    Kids are energetic and short-minded by nature......their minds fly a mile a minute.  It isn't ADD, it's their age.  ADD didn't exist until the lifestyle of the past 20 years came to people.  Especially lazy liberal people that believe that kids "are too stressed" in the 21st century.  No, they aren't plowing fields, but they sure aren't building calluses on the hands either.  That's right.  Laziness.  Lack of duty.  Kids back in the day had to do work and it kept them active and wore them out at the same time.  Sitting in front of the TV, playing games, and having no responsibility make kids bored quick.  Have them dig ditches or whatever.  Keep them productively active.  Discipline is the key.  Sure, some kids are actually mentally challenged, but most aren't.  They are just spoiled.  It is the parents fault most of the time.  Drugs are not needed. 


    At the same time, if you have not adopted this mentality from the onset, you have a spoiled kid.  Tough love is needed to correct if they are young enough.  If not, you are screwed and your kids will grow up to be monsters that have no clue how to clean their clothes without help.  Have fun.



    Senor Jaycat, as rude as it may sound, you are, for lack of a better term... wrong. I have personal experience in this field. I am not a doctor. I will be the first to tell you that the medications are miracle drugs. A doctor, who was on vacation, diagnosed me when I was in Mexico. He was in one of the classes that I was taking to learn Spanish. The classes were very small; therefore, everyone was able to interact with each other. He sent a letter to the office of the school that then sent it home with my sister.


    I do not know what the chances are but many kids [like a person said previously] do not like taking medicine. Well, later on my mother confronted me with the DOCTOR'S comments and began asking me questions like: Does your mind wander all the time? Do you have trouble concentrating? I told her yes, I have a horrible problem concentrating, I thought that it was normal then for minds to wander.

    I was clearly wrong.


    Later on that week we went to a psychologist.

    Guess what he said....

    I was a textbook example of ADD. To bad, it took so long to find out, I believe that I was 14 when I began taking Ritalin. My grades for lack of a better term began to skyrocket, C's and F's went to A's and B's in 2-3 months. I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.


    You say the "lifestyle" did not exist until 20 years ago more or less. Ironically, that is when Ritalin was invented. The past century, without doubt was the most progressive time we have ever known. The last 15 to 20 years were unimaginable. Unimaginable meaning that things like digital cameras, flat screen T.V.s, laptops, blah blah blah, would not have been thought of 5 years prior to their invention. I for one believe that this shows something.


    The most unique thing about this post is that it seems to contradict everything that you stated. Moving along...


    I believed that I worked a fair amount as a child: I did weekly chores, i.e. cutting the grass, taking out the garbage, all that shananigins. I for d&m% sure was not spoiled… And I could have been <_< . I was punished quite often as a young todler, but not enough as my father says. w/e, right?


    The point/moral is that you have to be open to new things. This medication that I take as needed for school, [not everyday] often has pulled me through the last 4 years of my life. The reason that people with such conditions have been able to pull through life is that they learn to compensate. I tried to mentally compensate for 14 years but was unable to. Now that I know what to do to level my mind mentally when not medicted, I am able to compensate on a low level but not enough to skip taking the medication.



    You speak of monsters growing up due to bad parenting. Oddly enough, my mother used to say around the time I was beginning to take the medication that she was waiting on a monster to come out of me (That was kind of scary).

  9. Where to start? As a student at Paulding County High School, I see so much of this that I laugh at it now. I do not know if Johnny was being sarcastic or serious about these being the smarter kids, it varies.


    Some kids know that their parents are smarter and that they will be for a long time to come. Others...well...they don't really know that, they think that they are right about everything and their superiors are simply wrong. The rest are a mix: "Good Mix", and "Bad Mix".


    Good Mix: these kids aren't too judgemental. They know that they are not the top of everything and are not always right. Usually not top of the class, but close. They might get into to trouble(but who doesn't?) they do not complain about getting into trouble and tell the adminstration and teachers that thery're wrong.


    Bad Mix:...Simply Beautiful...these kids are fun to watch but not be a part of. They love trouble and do not give a damn about anybody including themselves. These are the very judgemental ones; they have names for everybody and their friends. They are smart in some aspects but they usually smoke it away. They will fight with any of the teachers just for the fun of it, meaning, even if they know that they are wrong. Being an optimistic I will say that out of everybody they are the most creative.

    NOT ALL "BAD MIX" KIDS ARE THE CREATIVE ONES . Many others are creative also.


    Now, This is not solid, there are many different types of kids, and labels if you will. This is my opinion and to me the easiest way to describe them.


    If you agree or disagree tell us what you think about the kids.

  10. Does anybody know where to, or if its even possible to watch these games online. My parents got rid of our dish program. Now all we have is plain Televison. Be it that we have a metal roof over our heads, watching the tube is quite difficult.

    The antenna and metal roof do not work well together.


    Or if anybody records the games....I'd like to burrow them.

  11. That is the funniest thing that I have heard all week.


    Kinda reminds of a friend of mine...One night a year ago last month. He was in my backyard trying to find the pond(it was pitch black). He said "hey man, where's the pond, I can't---oh @#$%."....He found the pond: He also drenched half he right leg in the freezing water.

  12. Cell phones are not only used for texting and emergency. Some parents...not all, give there children cell phones so that they know where they are all the time...


    For instance, a kid wants to hang out w/his friends after school but he doesn't know if he will be able to, b/c his friends just invited him that day, so he decides. well let me get out my handy dandy phone and call my mom, and tell her that i'm not coming straight home. We all know for a fact that the schools will not let the kid call home from the office on account of that, and his friends will probably not want to wait on him while he goes to the office and uses the only phone that 10 other people are waiting to use. And why pay for a pay phone when you could just use your cell phone that you already paid for...


    As for the phones being in classes, that crazy. Kids who bring their phones into classes should get in trouble, its disrespectful, annoying, and just wrong.

  13. I like the week off in Feb. Because it allows us to take a break, and have some fun. I do not think that it serves any relivant purpose other than to allow students to start breaking into year round school, if they are planning on doing that, but i'm not sure if they are or not...Snow skiing sounds like fun.

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