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Everything posted by peach34

  1. My front yard looks like a lake! The rain is steadily pourin' down......
  2. Yeah. I'm taken my kiddos this weekend. They are so excited!
  3. Welcome to p.com kitty. Glad to have you!
  4. peach34


    Same here LR. I say this pretty much daily.
  5. Good mornin' lovecanbuildabridge. Hope you're havin' a great mornin' and stayin' outta the rain!
  6. I think it's a great idea. Like you said, if just one person's life is saved, it's worth it!
  7. I love antiques! They are just so neat. Not to mention beautiful in there own way!
  8. Thank ye Betty Jo Bradley. ~Merry Christmas~
  9. The stress that goes along with it! I could definitely do without that part! I always seem to get stuck in the last minute " mad-angry-rude-impatient crowd of shoppers"! But, it'll be ok...I hope. People seem to get more and more frustrated each year. It's really crazy. I've seen people get into arguments over items that there's only one of. If I see someone to be even remotely interested in what I may be lookin' at.....I just move on to somethin' else. It's so NOT worth arguin' nor fighting with someone over a toy or whatever! People seriously need to CHILL OUT and enjoy the moment! LIFE I
  10. I am so right there with ya on this! My boy was 17 months and doin' all the things you have mentioned. Kids do the darndest things some times, but that's part of bein' a kid.
  11. Well, Good mornin' Ernest T Bass! Hope your havin' a great mornin'! (*(*BIG HUG*)*) for you too! ~Merry Christmas~
  12. Yes. I agree. Those locks are a joke! My son cracked one off of my front door knob one morning while everyone was asleep (about 7 a.m) and I literally caught him just as he was walking outside! It scared the bee jeez outta me too! My son was only 17 months old at the time.
  13. Good mornin' p.com! Be safe on the wet roads today!
  14. (*(*BIG HUG*)*) Cause you deserve one TOO! Thanks for all you do! ~Merry Christmas~
  15. Thank you!!! (*(*BIG HUG*)*) You're a sweetheart! ~Merry Christmas~ nite nite!
  16. Ok. Off to bed again! Hiya Karen. Hope you're havin' a good night? (I love my doxie she's a sweetheart!) ~Merry Christmas to you and yours~
  17. peach34


    Why do you keep following me around the board and make such snide comments to me? I don't know you, and neither do you know me. So what is your point? I understand by your comments to me that you have obviously a problem of some kind with me posting items for sale...(and like I posted in the other thread "Goodnight p.com" that my children have never had a little tykes kitchen and I sure have never sold a little tykes kitchen for a hundred dollars......but please if you can't say anything nice to me, please, just don't say anything to me at all. Thank you. http://paulding.com/forum/
  18. Couldn't sleep, so decided to mop the kitchen floor and check out p.com for a few...... LOL! Yeah I still have a lot to post still, for sale. I have the right, after all I am a paid member, thank ye! Question: Dont you enjoy reading ALL the stuff I have for sale?? (I'll be adding more later on) Answer: Obviously. To answer your question: I've not sold a little tykes kitchen for over a hundred dollars. My children have never even had a little tykes kitchen, So what's your point? Merry Christmas to you too!
  19. Goodnight. You're welcome! You can and will reach this goal!
  20. I laughed so hard when I first read this thread! "I" thought it said My Cat is looking for a dad......and replied with a !! LMBO! Then I re-opened this thread, AFTER I originally replied and felt completely stupid! Seriously. I wanted to crawl under my desk and hide from the computer. Cause THEN I actually read the sentence RIGHT!..LOL!.....like everyone on p.com could see me?? LOL! I think I'm over tired.......
  21. Wow. Kids are just sweet-sweet angels! Truly a blessing! Don't know what I'd do without any of mine!! That's for sure. They make my life complete! :D And of course...my precious grand baby that's currently on the way! YEEEEEE HAWWWW!!! lol
  22. It's just SO very sweet! Word's just can't explain it!
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