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Everything posted by Mandytilf

  1. Age aside, she has no vagina and had to be delivered via c-section because of it. It's not like she could lie about having had sex. Weird.
  2. I'd also like to let y'all know that I am willing to re-home the $50 bills that I've fostered. I do ask a donation fee of only $100, and you'll receive your very own $50 bill signed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Treasurer of the United States. We also foster $100's, and even the occasional stray $20. Adoption fees vary based on the size of the bill being adopted.
  3. I run a rescue organization for unwanted/abandoned $50 bills. Please, if you find any that need a home, let me know and I will take them in. These poor $50 bills need love too, and I've got more than enough love for all of them.
  4. Alright Blondie, it's Kah-holes, not K-holes. Also, it's not just serial killer names, any name with 3 names will do. For example, "Jim J. Bullock I just stubbed my toe!" or "Robert Downey Jr, that man is sexy!" Ok, that last one was just me saying RDJ is sexy. My momma says "carrents" in stead of carrots. I say: ebow instead of elbow syrulp instead of syrup wush instead of wish lightninin instead of lightning Oh, and thanks to Shrek (well, Donkey) I often say "MotherFletcher".
  5. I think we just here about these kinds of things more now. People in general tend to romanticize the past, ala the "good old days", but the truth is horrible things have always happened, we just didn't have a thousand news outlets and the internet then.
  6. I was on the right path based on the solutions given, but I didn't feel like sitting here figuring the whole thing out. :lol I was also over thinking it and making it more difficult than it had to be.
  7. You can always tell when someone from the south is truly annoyed because they break out the "hun".
  8. lol Did it really bother you that much? I was just trying to illustrate that while a quote of you can be changed in my post, it doesn't effect the post you originally made. Your words are still there in the first post, completely unmolested.
  9. Dang, I thought you meant the end of the world was coming early.
  10. Well, it doesn't exactly work like that.
  11. It absolutely matters! I can understand a typo here and there, because those don't necessarily mean that a person can't spell, it could just mean they're fingers got ahead of their brain. However blatant spelling mistakes just drive me batty. Also I have no problem pointing out that I, initially misspelled necessarily and had to correct it.
  12. My daughter (6) wants Justin Bieber dolls, and barbie stuff. My youngest son (10) wants lego sets and video games, and my eldest son (15) wants a guitar, and video games.
  13. Worrie? I nominate the creator of this demotivational poster as the first one we push in front of the oncoming zombie horde.
  14. I was 9 in 1985, so there goes your logic. lol If not, he's got some 'splaining to do.
  15. I know, right. Feed me, love me, give me attention. Yeesh. I've been cooking every night lately. Eating out costs too much. We had shake n bake porkchops tonight.
  16. I didn't exactly lie.... she asked me if I still weigh X amount, and I said "That sounds good."
  17. I don't even know. We might be eating turkey sandwiches by candlelight.
  18. LOL! You assume it's Dean that is the snorer.
  19. I'm not giving up that easy. lol I am a member of the Zombie Apocalypse Anticipation Party.
  20. I'm already in danger. I'm a full figured gal who can't run worth a crap. If zombies were lions, I'd be a zebra with a broken leg.
  21. We're totally loving the show! It kind of bugs me how insistent the zombies are thought. Like in the 2nd episode when the people were on the roof but the zombies were still trying to get in the building. I feel like zombies would be an "out of sight, out of mind" kind of creature.
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