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Everything posted by Mandytilf

  1. I can't help but imagine Joey Tribiani would say granite. Much like he once said. The point is moo. Like a cow's opinion.
  2. I see what you're saying here, but making something illegal isn't going to stop people who really want it either... obviously.
  3. They always make me think of the bombing scene from the original "The Time Machine" movie. I always call the tornado sirens "air raid sirens". Hope this doesn't auto play.... http://www.airraidsirens.com/mp3/timemachine.mov
  4. You can watch Fox 5's weather coverage live online as long as your power holds out. http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/subindex/news/live_video
  5. Northeast Paulding. http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/subindex/news/live_video
  6. You're right. I just checked the online calendar and it says 1 hour. I wonder if they changed that or if I just wrote it down wrong at the beginning of the year.
  7. I would love it if they'd go back to the "old school" calendar! I always hear people talk about how much better the current type of calendar is for the kids, but then complain about how the kids are testing low, lazy, etc. I don't get it.
  8. Sorry you had a bad experience. It's especially scary when it's your child and you feel like no one is helping. Several years ago I took my son with a fever that was at least 105 (I freaked and pulled the thermometer out when it got that high so I don't know how much higher it would have gotten). We called our pediatrician first and they called ahead the the Paulding ER. They brought us to the back as soon as we arrived. Other than having to wait a while for some visits, which is understandable at an ER, I've never had a bad experience there.
  9. My kids went all 5 days too. I don't honestly see what the big deal is about the long stretch. They get two days off every week. It's not like they go to school 24/7. There was a snow day on Dec 16th that has to be made up as well. March 11th was supposed to be a day off originally. Forgot to say they get out 2 hours early the entire week of March 14-18. I know it's not a full day off, but it's a nice little treat between now and spring break.
  10. Okay, well it says lost earnings, not earrings. lol So apparently she couldn't work and that's the amount of money she would have made during that time period. (?)
  11. I'm loving that he took the weed eater stuff! Here's comes the Karma train.... WOO WOO!
  12. Ask for the recipe next time you order some. You never know, they might just give it to you.
  13. I tried the Acuvue 2, but even with those my eyes would get too dry, and I felt like the contacts were going to pop out. I've been using Acuvue Hydraclear since then and they're great. No problems at all.
  14. We had meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and corn. It's hubby's favorite meal, and the meatloaf was heart shaped. lol I'm making him a pan of brownies for dessert (his other favorite).
  15. Just sent some "after" pictures to Pubby. Not much to see now. Unfortunately Mr Monkeytail got down there right as they were removing the deceased from the site. Don't worry, you can't see that in the pictures.
  16. He's walking down there with the camera now. Ivy Trace is the subdivision name. Ivy Crest Drive is the road.
  17. This is the house that is completely gone. The one with the white shutters and door. http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=33.901152,-84.832711&spn=0.001026,0.002631&z=19&layer=c&cbll=33.901335,-84.832758&panoid=Ks7F7dS83uHbRkGaVyIR1w&cbp=12,268.14,,0,9.37
  18. Yes, Ivy Crest. I'm not sure of the house numbers. The neighbor to the right wasn't home, their house is the one that is burned out but still has a standing structure. The neighbor to the left was home, but is ok. The elderly woman lived in the house that burned completely down.
  19. I'm Blondie's sister. The house is just around the corner from me. One house is completely gone. Another is destroyed but still recognizable as a house. House on the other side has all the siding and windows melted on the side that was closest to the fire. One person is unaccounted for, and unfortunately we passed the coroner while walking down the street and overheard someone mention time of death.
  20. I won a Mary Kay gift basket from a raffle at my kid's school a couple of weeks ago. My youngest son "won" King of the Royal Court at the school's Royal Ball.
  21. Former mental hospital part aside.... I LOVE those old Kirkbride buildings!! My dream is to buy one and tear down everything but the big main building which would then be renovated into a home. Of course I'd have to have an exorcist, witch doctor, and whatever else you can think of "cleanse" it first. How about something a little closer to home.... Central State Hospital's abandoned Walker building (Milledgeville, GA) http://kingstonlounge.blogspot.com/2009/09/central-state-hospital-milledgeville-ga.html
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