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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Look there is more to this issue,let's look at both sides here the case then make the judgement.Unions aren't to blame,look at the people involved and there history.
  2. Well this might be a entrance,yes we need a spare exit also for the tunnels.This would make a good cover.
  3. I love mine,it has a filter in the tank.Now it's perfect because my wife can have her type and I can have mine.No more wasted pot sitting getting over cooked. If mine broke I would be out to get another before tomorrow at breakfast.
  4. I would like to go also,who is the person that needs the operation?
  5. Why can't that studio be used for othere things,like a indoor flea market? Or I am sure something can take place instead of waiting for that ship to come in .
  6. You know people there is more to this than even Whitey knows. Who are the good ole boys? Are they Whitey and the home boys,or are they the elected officials? For such a small airport to raise this much dust,there has to be more to this thing. Delta has the Atlanta airport sewed up,why there interest in Paulding? Do you think publicly they would tell the real deal? So inquiry minds want to know. Who is the good guy and who is the bad guy?
  7. I am for good teachers,with that I want them to be paid a fair wage.Look there in charge of our kids,there what changes there destiny. Keep in mind the state patrol are on the state pay.So we need good benefits for these workers,they put there life on the line.
  8. Well good luck,that is a good goal.
  9. Adipex is that so called magic pill,they use Phentermine as the generic. There is a trade off with side effects such as not being able to sleep.A good diet and exercise program is the way to go. Now you have to make a life style change,this is what you need for a permanent weight loss.
  10. Whitey you made good money in your day,how much did you make having an office in the Union? Now are you jealous of the pay they receive? Tell me it ain"t so.
  11. Protect Paulding county from what? More jobs,or what new development? Where is Andy any way looking for Barney? Wake up it is 2014,not 1972. It will happen,people outside the good ole boys will move in with different Idea's. But there is a group that is very selfish and wants it kept there way,back to a time when this county was mostly dirt roads. Sooner or later it was going to develop. Now just manage it,make it very enjoyable for now and the future. The anti-growth movement will get there licks in but to stop the development which we so badly need ? I am against people who can't see
  12. The cover up continues,the current BOC headed by David Austin needs to be held responsible for the tunnels.They have dodged this issue long enough.That movie studio needed to be put on hold while the tunnels were finished. Look people demand that our system of tunnels be placed as top priority.
  13. I feel the tunnels are more important then that film studio.And yes there more important than that airport.See that Austin dude needs to get his priorities in order.I for one thinks he should concentrate on our tunnels.
  14. Ok last night at Kroger a man was wearing shorts and t-shirt.That is a fine example,now common sense is the key.
  15. Look the tunnels have been here for quite awhile.A past Chairman was involved in there development. Now this chairman has not continued to expand or finish them,people should call him and find out what's going to be done. It is a waste of tax payers money to see these go idle,Jerry Shearin had a tunnel go to his landing pad.Then David Austin get's into office and closes them down. Davis Austin was also part of the tunnel authority at one time.Those people transferred to the airport authority. There is a reason that airport has issues. The tunnels were suppose to exit the airport for emerge
  16. Well there is an answer,make it legal.Give the choice to the people plain and simple. Tax it get the nation out of debt,people are going to smoke it if legal or illegal.Save money on the war on drugs and go after the hard core stuff. Now with that said let's do it place it on a national vote come next election.
  17. WoW but we have the chance to make there life just a little nicer.It wouldn't hurt just a few nites to let them enjoy the comfort of a nice warm house.
  18. Colorado is selling marijuana for medical and rec purposes. So with a tax base of projected 67 million in 2014 why not have it in other states? Could we not have it here in Georgia?We could use the money right?
  19. Well I think the first video says it all,the small cop was suffering from little man complex.He wanted to put his hands on that woman because she turned him on. Second video was so wrong in many ways,they sure haven't been trained well.In this case all cops involved should have been suspended for good.
  20. Because Whitey and the home boys haven't given the ok.See before you enter the gates of Mayberry you have to be voted on.The ant-growth commissioner along with Whitey and the home boys. But those churches and other businesses slipped by him. See he moved here about what ? years ago and wants to make sure that Paulding doesn't grow. Well see those evil businesses are bad. After all we do not need them because there bad for the agreement of 1970.
  21. How about the hotel behind the package store in Dallas?
  22. Excuse me,they didn't get the ok from Whitey and the home boys.And the commissioner that hears no evil and see's no evil.I keep telling everyone that this anti-growth group has to give the ok. If it doesn't meet 1970 guide lines it needs to be voted on. Whitey what do you want to enter the gates of Paulding? The roads are being widened for the sake of what?
  23. Hold it right there,did they get permission from the home boys? They have to be voted in by Whitey and see no evil and hear no evil commissioner. They have a procedure in place.First they need to be voted on,then meetings take place and see if it complies with the Home boy act of 1970. See you just can't enter the sacred grounds of Mayberry un-invited. Why Andy will get Barney on this to investigate. Floyd will have a meeting and Aunt bea will serve her apple pie. Thelma will be on hand to keep things right. Now Goober will work on the cars and the line up continues.Otis will manage the af
  24. Just tell us what you really think why don't you
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