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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Anyone know any carpenters?I want my deck covered and some other things done.
  2. Those rents are pretty fair,with people being forclosed on the rental market is booming.I think the average cost is $1200 for a house plus security deposit of 1200 and first month.
  3. I will be visiting each of your houses,surpip will fill me up.
  4. Now is this part of spreading the wealth?
  5. Does our commander and chief know what to do?Look how would it disrupt our economy or would it,how would it effect countries in that area?
  6. Ok now who's turn is it?The possibilities and effects are endless,now let's just see what's going to happen.Also is our current leadership up to there role?
  7. First of all all of you are using common sense,that doesn't work what's wrong with all of you
  8. former member has way too much Demokat in her for her own good.
  9. Now that is a shock,I thought everyone has moved beyond that.
  10. Or to use the bathroom,see some like certain stores because they have nice facilities
  11. Greetings welcome to P.Comm,thanks for your first comment and I am so lucky it was at me.Well I hope you give your two cents more often now that you broke your cherry and no longer a virgin.
  12. I hear there making a dog park
  13. former member your sure getting your undies in a wad,have you been serviced lately?your sure sensitive and it is what it is. Mostly your party wants to ban assault riffles give equal of everything to gays and you want to spread the wealth of everyones hard work.And force people into an insurance program that will cost dearly and is that pretty much what your sniveling about? Are you employed or is my tax dollars going to your up keep?
  14. Ok so most think he is full of hot air. We shall see.
  15. It sure looks like it will happen.
  16. Now this issue with North Korea,would they ever follow through with there threats? Is our current president have what it takes?How would this effect our economy? The questions about this topic?What is the real deal people?
  17. Ok I think there is a strong movement to change it.Sit back and the law is changing
  18. Animal

    Car Lots

    A bigger question is can she be trusted?All that stuff going on in her life would make here the most likely to default. There is always two sides to the coin......
  19. The same thing about why you do not like the 2nd amendment,you pick and choose which one you want and which one you don't. Look if you want a gay thing going go for it,just let the main stream alone stop forcing people to accept which is religiously wrong and bioligical wrong. Are you gay? If you are that's fine just keep it between the sheets.
  20. I like the way you twist things for your own agenda,your a demokat so your excused
  21. Life isn't always fair,besides life is a bitch.......
  22. Ok are they real Cubans and if so do they have there green cards?
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