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Posts posted by tennisgirl

  1. My husband is interested in signing up for a team - any information about a Men's team in Paulding would be greatly appreciated.


    He taught tennis in college and has always played. We were married in June; he moved out here from Cobb County and I have been promising him I would post on here and hopefully find some teams.

  2. I personally didn't want any of these "projects" in Paulding County, especially the air port. We wouldn't have problems with water if the county commissioners weren't allowing building to exceed demand.


    I don't like wondering from tax bill to tax bill how much longer I will be able to keep my property. This county is receiving more revenue, than ever before, but my taxes keep increasing??? What's wrong with this - too much spending and not having to be accountable.

  3. Robbers and Barons and Bears oh my!


    Some of the contributors on that list I know for a fact are and were of the highest ethical and moral character.


    When was the last time you gave a political contribution and if you did, why did you give it?




    Neither is true but I know I can call Jerry Shearin anytime and get results and answers just like anyone else can do on this board.


    Are you serious? Sure you can answers from him. He will tell you exactly what he thinks you want to hear, but his actions will be totally different. Don't mean to be rude, but a blind man could see thru his tactics!!!

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