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Everything posted by lumak

  1. In your first post at the bottom left of the post -- "REPORT" (in the shape of a triangle)
  2. I believe you can hit the "report" button to ask -- or PM Pubby maybe
  3. Yazoo City Mississippi
  4. A storm chaser on the weather channel just reported that the entire east side of Yazoo City is gone...completely demolished....nothing left
  5. I hope she is okay!
  6. Yep! That is my area too! Crazy stuff!
  7. We had quite a bit of hail in the East Paulding area -- and I got a new roof last year
  8. that is awful! So sad!
  9. Watching the weather channel now -- that looks so awful! I hope they are taking cover!
  10. At least the pollen has washed away
  11. I know! We had a good bit -- I was sitting on the porch watching the rain and hail -- everything let up like it was passing over....then WHAM!!!!! I peed!
  12. OK I put my big girl panties on! Bring it
  13. I think I peed myself! That last lightening strike was too freaking close for comfort!!!!
  14. looks like the next round should hit us in a little bit -- batton down the hatches!
  15. I find your signature animation quite disturbing.
  16. She is VERY polite you know.......
  17. It is clear now -- your first post...not so much!
  18. what???? what ya been drinking CE???? Pass some to me!
  19. That is one of the most judgmental posts of the week. Wow. Be careful of that high horse you place yourself on...gravity is a biotch.
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