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Everything posted by GRI5TH

  1. Sorry, Dude. You can't make that stuff up. Have a Nice Lunch!
  2. We had to stop giving cats a home. We came in one evening to find our weenie dog enjoying what appeared to be a pecan roll on the couch. Come to find out, he had been raiding the cat box! Green or no, that did it for me! No more kisses from the weenie dog!
  3. I've heard that producer will be making a sequel at the Big Chicken, titled: Poultrygeist. That oughta be a goodurn!
  4. "Charlies Angels" can probably assist with the food.
  5. I still say the Braves are going all the way this year!
  6. Since the DW accompanied me to see the new Star Trek movie, I returned the favor and saw this movie with my DW & DD a week or so ago. It was sort of a "DRAG" if you know what I mean. I had posted a little review of it HERE. Sorry, it's too early to fool with re-typing it.
  7. That's "This Weekend", right? (inside joke )
  8. You gotta love it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to The PUBSTER!
  9. I've got to get me one of them!
  10. I have no doubt they did a wonderful job. I hope the remaining few days continue to be successful for the Stomp Out Hunger effort.
  11. Now that would result in some REAL INTENSE FELLOWSHIP with the DW, wouldn't it?!
  12. I never did hear how Victory Road made out in that vote. Did they win? Anyway, I hope you have a GREAT Turn-Out this evening.
  13. GRI5TH


    I'm a ROOK dude, myself Where getting The Bird is actually a good thing!
  14. Thanks for the heads-up on the Droid. I had intended to switch to the Storm in December, but after reviewing info on the Droid I'll be holding out to see the reviews. I've had the BB 8830 World edition for the last couple of years and have been very satisfied with it. On a personal level, what I like the most about the BB is the ability to set all my email addresses to be forwarded to the phone. A previous poster was correct about the low volume of the ringer, even when set at it's highest level. Otherwise, I've had no problems with it. I've thought about switching before, but th
  15. Who am I? A question that I've occasionally asked myself. And when those times come, I just pull out my driver's license and find out. I'm typically disappointed.
  16. Ohhhh, Buddy! I've already been warming up for Saturday, sittin' here listening to the Mighty Kingsmen.... Lawdy Have Mercy!
  17. Sorry I couldn't get out that way today...
  18. I'll be there this week Looking forward to it!
  19. Hey, that looks JUST LIKE the math problem I couldn't help my daughter with!
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