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Everything posted by GRI5TH

  1. The right to life being one of those pesky details...
  2. That's convenient when it's opposition you don't approve of. No. That's why in my very first post I wrote "4 pages to read, no thanks". Again, not everyone is opposed to their rights. This is not really getting through, is it?
  3. No, it's childish to ignore what people are clearly saying and argue as though it was not even said. If it makes you folks feel better, I'm certain that there are Americans who feel they don't have the "right" as well as there are Muslims that believe we should be killed for not adopting the Muslim faith. What I'm referring to is this topic and these posts on this forum in which most everyone is agreeing with the "rights" issue, but taking issue with their choice of location. SHEEEEESH! You are right. All of us ignorant right wingers also think everyone that dresses up like a clo
  4. By this standard, if you have ever voiced opposition to anything anyone is doing or plans to do, then it was your position that they should have been denied the right to do it in the first place. That goes for anything, correct?
  5. That's supposed to be a boy? I've seen females with more facial hair.
  6. The UN? They couldn't find their butt in a phone booth with both hands free.
  7. As a saying goes... When you are 20 years old, you care what everyone thinks about you. When you turn 40, you really don't care what other people think. If you make it to 60, you realize no one was thinking about you in the first place.
  8. Mind if I record that? It's better than most of the crapola you hear on the radio these days.
  9. Did you come up with that all by yourself?
  10. This is becoming ridiculous. A person can sit here and post ALL DAY LONG that no one wants to restrict anyone's rights, but it is obvious that many can't read. The only "right" anyone here wants to restrict is the freedom to voice opposition. It's like arguing with children. Pointless
  11. Grow a backbone. The best thing about getting older is not giving a flip about what others think of you.
  12. No extra money. A take home car though which is actually a raise, depending on the assignment.
  13. Al Sharpton was on Fox News 20 minutes ago complaining that Glen Beck was going to hold a Restoring Honor rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28th; the anniversary of the MLK "I Have A Dream" speech. He said it was not just the date of the rally, but the location that was inappropriate. Okay, so all of you people who oppose our opposition to the mosque may now denounce Al Sharpton for the same reasons. Thank you. I'll be here all week.
  14. Just don't do it in public or on state owned property, Donna. Oh, no...scratch that. That just relates to Christians. My bad.
  15. Yes, that is the least he could do, but even that would not be genuine. What "more" could he do? DENOUNCE it as not being appropriate given the obvious circumstances of its location. But again, he's not the right man to do so due to his obvious, but little spoken support of it. But no words speak a thousand words. If he agrees, then he should say so. BE A MAN! If you believe that America was partly responsible for 9/11 like the goon who is planning on building it, then SAY IT. If he leans more toward the Muslim faith, THEN SAY IT. There's nothing worse than a man who is afraid
  16. And it is our RIGHT to voice STRONG OBJECTION to their blatant IN YOUR FACE selection of this site to build a Victory Mosque. I have not heard of anyone attempting to utilize any law to prevent them building a temple to their ridiculous religious cause. What most American DID hope for was a leader (LOL) who would stand and at the very least state that their choice of location was at the very least, insensitive to the victims and the families of those murdered on September 11, 2001. I don't care what they believe, who they sing to, who they bow to, what direction mecca is or who the
  17. I knew the background to the story of Ruth, but it was in our wedding anyway. My brother told me that he thought it was too demanding of my wife to ask that she say such a thing. Not that it was any of his business. I told him that it was good then that his wife didn't say it in their wedding. Some people....God rest his soul. He was like so many people I've communicated with in this forum. They are such wise people of the world (or believe they are), they miss out on the good stuff.
  18. That was my feeling about High School when I was a teenager, but my mean old parents made me go anyway. It made me bitter
  19. Yes, Folks. You go ahead and leave your 9 and 10 year olds at home to fend for themselves while you're at church. Heaven forbid you take them and expose them to such hideous activities. Maybe they can catch a movie while your out and you'll be their best friends when you return. And no, there is no second part to the honoring you father and mother about making children bitter. But I do recall it stating that parents should bring them up in the way they should go and when they get old, they won't depart from it.
  20. Of course a symbol is only a representation of something of worth to the individual. For instance, the nazi swastika can certainly draw the attention and disgust of many. In reality it means nothing by itself, but try to convice someone who recently had it spray painted on their garage doors.
  21. I don't believe I said that. A symbol does not have to either be priceless or worthless.
  22. And I could live without my wedding ring if I had to, but since it stands for and is an outward testimony that I am devoted to my wife, I cherish it.
  23. I believe a majority of Christians approach the issue with love and understanding, Pubby. I don't believe true Christians lump all people in the same group, but view individual actions. And most Christians are quite used to the ridicule the world tosses their way and turn the other cheek. The comparison is the shock offered by so many when questioning other faiths, save Christianity. On one hand people are berated for comments that might reflect poorly on the Muslim faith and if it be from a Christian perspective, the response is that it goes against the love, acceptance and understan
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