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Mrs G

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Everything posted by Mrs G

  1. Maybe someone needs to call the Realtor Company and talk to the head honcho!!! Using that kind of language in front of children is NOT RIGHT!!!
  2. I do have a fatty liver, I see my hemotologist and she checks my liver enzymes every 3 months, along with the iron, b-12. My AST & ALT has gotten down to normal ranges for the first time in years. Wooo hoooo.
  3. And, for $30 a month (the additional cost for the service and unlimited data).............in regards to this statement, who do you have service with? Maybe we need to look into changing service providers!!
  4. I used to know a young lady that used to do this. She went to some Dr's office near Powers Ferry Rd. She got a B-12 shot just as you described but, she did loose about 50 lbs. This was back in the mid 90's. I have been takiIng a B-12 shot once a month for about 3 yrs and I feel NO DIFFERENT, than I did before. I still sleep a lot AND stay tired a lot. I'm a Diabetic and I asked my Dr if I was a candidate for this new medicine called Victoza, he gave me samples and then a prescription for it. I have lost about 30 lbs since I started taking it. It's a shot that I give myself in the stomach,
  5. Hubby gets so frustrated with his Windows 8 but, he refuses to give in and get a Windows 7. I'm glad I didn't buy that upgrade!!! He has the book on Windows 8, somewhere around here.
  6. Thanks, I only know how to do it thru Picasa. I've not used that computer in about 3 or 4 yrs.
  7. Back in 2004 (I think it was in 04) my daughter had went to Hiram and was coming home via Hiram Sudie, McClung, Nebo to Dallas Nebo to Ridge Rd, anyway when she got to the intersection of McClung and Nebo, she saw an accident, a car was down in the ditch, upside down. Daughter got out of her car, to see if she could help in some way. This was before any PCSO or GSP had arrived. Two young ladies was on the ground, I think they both were ejected. Anyway, one was alive and one wasn't. Daughter was trying to get the Families, phone numbers, so the police could call. The ambulances arrived be
  8. So, this means that I shouldn't be using my XP computer anymore?? I probably coudn't find a printer that would work with it, either, huh?? tia. My XP WAS an expensive computer when I bought it. I need to work on getting the pics off of it, for sure.
  9. I didn't see any coconut cake but, the plates had plenty of food (made 2 meals for me) and it was MMMM MMMM GOOOOOD!!!! You better go get you some!! I'm not sure what time the closing hour will be but, if you miss it, you'll be missing some very good FRESH BBQ, Beans & Slaw. There was a lady there selling Origami Owl Jewelry, (I think it was OO Jewelry) as well. I sure hope that there was enough money raised for Josh, so that he can get this transplant. I knew of a man that had to go thru this process and they had to do a couple of fundraisers, to get the required amount of mone
  10. The Coconut Cake is not good for you so, I'll just take it off your hands. I can be forced to suffer thru it. :ninja:
  11. What time will you be there????? :yahoo: :yahoo:
  12. The time was 11:00, is this still correct? I just hope that they advertised this thru other sites & pages. Because if hubby had NOT looked at the Calendar, we would have missed it, you know he loves these BBQ's & Fih Frys (sp?) If you hear of ANYTHING, in the future such as this, feel free to pm one of us. I just wonder if they might have a special coconut cake.............. man, that sure was a gooooood cake.
  13. Hubby saw this on the Pcom Calendar but, it does NOT give the location of this event. We'd like to go IF anyone can tell us where it will be held. I sent a pm to the original poster and she has NOT responded to the pm. She's NOT even read it, yet.
  14. The original topic is below, click on the link. I sure hope the officers AND the judge who signed the warrant, were fired!!! I'd tell the hospital billing office to get the officers AND the judge to pay the bill!! My link
  15. Mrs G

    24 Fans

    Ooooooo Yeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!! Now if they would bring a few more back, quite a few, actually.
  16. Logans Roadhouse is in Douglasville, It's the only one around but, it's doable. Shoneys is on Thornton Rd in Lithia Springs, also on Bullsboro Blvd in Newnan and one in Cartersville. Shoneys is making a comeback or at least they are "trying" to. One will be opening up soon with a Bar in it. I just heard this on the Fox 5 News, click on the link below. Folks food is just NOT GOOD anymore!!! Not sure why Sonny's went out of business, other than the hired help. My link
  17. I loved Isaac Hayes!!! Thanks for the, Blast from the Past!! Haven't heard that in a loooong while.
  18. To top it all off, they will NOT be charged or prosecuted, for ANYTHING!!!!! They were trying to sue Bank of America, with forged documents, that they forged, stating that they were the "original" owners and they weren't. AND NO ONE IS PRESSING CHARGES AGAINST THEM!!! What is wrong with this picture????? jsmh
  19. I was thinking, maybe just ~maybe~, the party place had equipment rental, sorry.
  20. Hwy 92, south of the OLD bridge in Hiram. Across from Gotcha Looking Good uto Detaailing. We have ate there a couple of times, it's OK, at best.
  21. Unlimited Party Rentals in Hiram, on the road that runs behind Home Depot, I think it's Rosedale.
  22. THANK YOU!! I did a quick look on the internet and didn't feel like putting too much effort into it, as it was 2:?? in the morning, which is my bedtime. Thanks again.
  23. Are you really THAT surprised at which county is was??? I'm NOT.
  24. ThunderZone Family Entertainment Center (I think this is what the sign said) is in the building stages. It's on Bright Star Rd, Bright Star Rd is just 1 block West of Hwy 5. Go down the road about a mile & a half (?maybe?) or so and just past the intersection of Douglas Blvd and Bright Star Rd, it will be on the left. I didn't see any kind of "office or trailer" to apply for a job but,I did try to find a web site for it and no luck!! It could be Thunder Zone OR ThunderZone
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