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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Oh, you silly yankees. (You can tell I like you because I didn't say damnyankees. )
  2. That sounds kind of grade-schoolish..."I know you are, but what am I?" I'd say I expect better from a prominent elected official, but not from this bunch.
  3. I never got a property tax break. I just got a lower increase.
  4. Ah, shut yer trap. Well! I'll trot over and read it.
  5. Hey, now! Oh, wait...you said friends, not family...
  6. I was using AVG but it's such a resource hog that I changed to MSE after a couple of tech nerds ( ) told me that's what they use.
  7. I couldn't agree more, momof3. It is very important for each person to take charge of medical care.
  8. I was thinking about starting a thread about this also. Hugs, sweet RW!!!
  9. I'm such a dork...usually I catch onto stuff like that but sometimes I get to concentrating really hard and take everything literally. You are one of my favorite posters, btw.
  10. Oh - I forgot sometimes that can happen. Thanks.
  11. What does that mean? I didn't post anything before that. Usually I get a message saying it's too send to post.
  12. No shortcut. I never take Bone. Does it have speed humps?
  13. I tried to add a response to TP's Southern church topic and got the message that I am not permitted to reply to this topic. ???
  14. Amen, amen, and a thousand times amen. Heroes, every one.
  15. I noticed the other day as I was adding a bag of salt that the name of the good stuff is AquaSalt (food grade). Maybe there is also an AquaSoft...IDK.
  16. You are such a thoughtful man. :shakingmyhead:
  17. Oh, you sweet man. I do adore you but I know you get the difference between someone who came here legally and someone who bypassed all the rules and waiting lines. I know you do.
  18. Oh, dear Lord!!! Words fail. I hope he's ok now...
  19. Good purnt. I was thinking of modern technology in general, but I didn't think about that aspect of satellite.
  20. Partner does not like Jase Robertson? Oh, dear...
  21. See my response in the new hospital ER thread.
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