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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. They've now said they're going to release her, but many are doubtful. I hope they do.
  2. Hey, I just translated Arabic to English via the interwebz for the first time. Woo hoo!
  3. SOME women, dearest. And for the same reason Marla Maples trailed around after The Donald all over the world dragging her wedding dress with her everywhere she went. M-O-N-E-Y. Me, I would have walked away from him and never looked back after the first confirmed episode. But then, I'm just weird that way.
  4. I do admit to harboring a bit of indulgent affection for you.
  5. I could not agree more. No guns, no drugs, no cash, and no perp were found. The people were moving the next day is why the baby thing was where it was. Oh, yeah - this is the same bunch that killed that pastor at the gas station who also was not involved in drugs about five years ago. GAH!!!!!!!
  6. Pretty sure the listing agreement the seller signs with an agent says something about no matter how the house sells in x amount of time, the selling agent is due x commission. But in purest terms of the word, yes, that is a negotiation. Correct, and this is also why you should put a time limit on how long an offer is good for.
  7. Also look for moving tips on Pinterest, etc. A great tip I found recently is to pack drawers with clothes, etc., and wrap it in saran wrap. You have to take drawers out of things anyway, and this uses them as boxes. Another thing is to mark stuff for each room with different color duct tape on all 4 sides of each box. I did this with dots in my last move but they didn't stay on well. So this time I made a legend with each room of the new house listed and assigned a diff color tape to each room. Costs a bit for 10 different colors of duct tape but a) we'll be moving again in less than a y
  8. Agreed on all, and esp the packing tape. Don't go with the cheapy stuff...get the Scotch/3M brand. You will wind up using less and it will do better.
  9. OH.EM.GEE. Where do you live? I'm in NE Paulding.
  10. If I weren't literally about to sell, you bet your sweet bippy I'd appeal.
  11. Got my 2014 tax assessment in the mail today. YE GODS. Assessment up 25%; tax up 12% (I think...I can't access my last year's paperwork right now). I guess I should be glad it's not worse (it can always be worse). But Lord willing, this house will sell quickly and I won't have to worry about it.
  12. I adore pound puppehs and kittehs...I just cannot go to the pound. I would have to have someone else go and pick one out for me.
  13. Spencer says, hey, thanks, as he's irritated over his cast. Bless his heart. What a difference a year (and a million prayers) makes.
  14. Yeah, I don't wanna hear it. The summer we built was the summer of all the flooding. Took four months start to finish because the ground wouldn't get dried out.
  15. Praise the Lord - how different is his life than this time last year. Thanks, Blondie...you made my day!
  16. mei lan


    Nah - 70 is the new 50, and 50 is the new 30. And Lord knows I wouldn't go back. Happy birthday, Lucky!
  17. I can think of about 47,000 other things I'd rather spend my money on.
  18. Not I. But where is Brandon Woods Circle?
  19. I completely agree. A step away from Somalia. (And I didn't make that up - Mexico and Pakistan were the two countries listed as being most likely to implode a couple of years sgo.)
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