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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Two neighborhood kids (older teens) have been doing work for me for awhile as I need it. Complete scut work - moving rocks, cleaning out wooded area, etc. I pay them $10/hour and they do fantastic work, and are very fast. I love that I know they are dependable.
  2. VERY well said, my dear. :sigh: Twinsies (duh).
  3. Ooh - good to know. I bes needin' some soon.
  4. I think of them and the former Yugoslavia every time I think of an apocalyptic scenario. One minute you're living in civilization driving nice cars and living in nice apartments and the next you're scavenging for firewood and sending your children away with strangers in the hopes they can escape to freedom.
  5. A friend called them awhile back for some baby rabbits whose mother was run over. Nice folks.
  6. Channel 17 - All Day, All Night, 24 Hours a Day. Say what you will about ol' Ted...the man's a genius.
  7. You're married to my late father??? :D I could tell you stories. Blondie, I hate that! I am not a patient woman.
  8. I hereby declare cmorg to be Today's Poster of the Day. I salute you, sir.
  9. God bless every one of the Greatest Generation. I was talking to one of my father's old friends at Daddy's graveside service (military honors...just beautiful) and asked him where he fought in the war (Daddy was in the Pacific). He said off-handedly that he was in the Army. I asked where he served he said oh, I was with the 10th Army Division, as if it was no big deal. Anybody who knows of the 10th Army Div and what they did knows they weren't just another group of soldiers. But Daddy's friend acted like it was no big deal. And in his mind - like the rest of that generation - it really wa
  10. That last line sounded a little like Ernest T. Bass, TP. Also, if you believe all the things on that list of 10, you are indeed a conservative.
  11. Russell Kirk was legit and super insightful: The Russell Kirk Center: Ten Conservative Principles by Russell Kirk http://www.kirkcenter.org/index.php/detail/ten-conservative-principles/
  12. Sounded like they got down here, realized what a bad place it was and we're already packed up to go. I think I got that from a previous article. Good point about what will finally shake out.
  13. It is at the bottom of this article but I had seen it before. Investigation into botched Habersham County drug raid growing | www.ajc.com http://m.ajc.com/news/news/breaking-news/gbi-now-investigating-botched-habersham-county-dru/ngDCG/
  14. Yeppers - Picard wins on hotness but I had to vote Kirk on account of he's just so frickin' awesome.
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