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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I will not presume to know how this came to happen. I grieve for every person involved, but most of all to that precious child, who did not ask to be brought into the world, and who was powerless to save itself. And as a comment in general - this culture just does not value human life. If a person were out of their usual routine by having to ferry POTUS around all day and see him to a certain spot, that person would not forget they had POTUS in the back seat, no matter if they had little sleep, too much stress, etc. If a person were out of their usual routine by having to ferry a pricel
  2. Yeah, I got that part. I was just pointing out that not all conservatives think all government is evil and/or that there is no place for any government.
  3. In this instance, sarcasm does not become you. In a perfect world, yes, I would say government doesn't belong in family situations, and that extended family/church/whoever should (and would) step in and take care of the problem. However, we are not only not in a perfect world, we aren't even in anywhere near a good world. Government does have its uses, and this would be one of them.
  4. So, DFCS had nine (NINE) reports about abuse and neglect of 5yo Heaven Woods, who was murdered in May at the hands of her mother's boyfriend (mother and bf are both under arrest for murder and other charges). First report was March of 2009; the last was three weeks before her death. So they had reports on her for her entire little life. I am sickened and heartbroken. http://www.northwestgeorgianews.com/rome/news/local/dfcs-had-contact-with-heaven-woods-times-before-her-death/article_dc34cdfc-f675-11e3-b649-0017a43b2370.html.
  5. I just couldn't do it. I would wind up being such an emotional mess that I wouldn't be able to help the kids in my care.
  6. Oh, what a great guy. The best hitter in modern times - career avg. something like .338, I think. Ted Williams was the best, of course, but Gwynn was just so good. And so frickin' nice. Stayed with the Padres his entire career even though he could have gone elsewhere for more money. Had just had his contract renewed as coach of the San Diego State baseball team. Solid family man. RIP, sir.
  7. Aw, thanks for asking that, Dana! I've been busy and haven't had time to think about much of anything, but I have wondered (and prayed) when they came to mind. You are a sweet, good-hearted person. We love our Nina Britt.
  8. A dear friend used to teach in a very similar situation (sans ill spouse), and she can completely attest to everything you say. She was at the point of a nervous breakdown several times during her career, and finally retired after 33 years even though she would have liked to continue. There's not enough money in the world to pay me to teach in the public school system.
  9. Persistence unties the knot. Well done, Beau.
  10. Shepherd's Rest is a fantastic org. I am so proud and happy that it is in Paulding.
  11. Hmmm. I gotta work on that negative nate thing you have goin' on.
  12. Neggie! 50 is the new 30, and your mission now is to make sure everyone knows 50s are da bomb diggity. Happy birthday!
  13. ME, TOO!!! They all have the sweetest faces and those precious baby eyes.
  14. He's getting a pool, too? My favorites are LaFayette, pronounced la-FAY-ette, and Cairo, pronounced KAY-ro. I also like Andalusia, Alabama, pronounced anda-LOOZ-ya.
  15. OK, just how many languages do you speak?
  16. This is my response to low's question of how do we stop them. We stop them the same way you stop a psychopath - by making it way more painful for them to attack us than to take their sheeze somewhere else. Pardon my french...I am overset by all the military folks whose service was for frickin' nothing.
  17. I love lurking in manly-man nerd conversations (esp topics I know nothing about).
  18. Well, this may be your 58th post on the topic, but I do still agree with you on it.
  19. Honey, your child is already miles ahead in life because of your attitude. I love you for that.
  20. I was wondering the same thing. No mention of gun club in article.
  21. I can never tear out a nest at the top of my porch roof or wherever.
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