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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Oh, dear Lord. That ranks right up there with the idiot who preached the funeral of a dear friend of mine who had been murdered (shot in the back). He all but said he was burning in hell at that very moment. My friend, not the guy who shot him. And how many of these blowhards have I heard just ramble on and on and ON about the stupidest stuff completely unrelated to the deceased or the family of the deceased. :blech:
  2. stradial - don't forget he has access to the basement.
  3. RM - article states that the mother spoke at the funeral in his defense. I've not read where she's granted any interviews. The London Daily Mail, while having terrible editors, does two things well - have copious pictures with stories, and cover American news. I note from the above link that a family member at the funeral asked for a round of applause for Cooper. Huh? That just does not even make a bit of sense. Also, story says when someone else arrived to help with Cooper after the dad pulled him out of the car, he left the kid to their ministrations and pulled out his cell phone
  4. Agreed. I noticed the eyes right away. I also noticed them with Adam Lanza, the Colorado nutter with the clown hair who shot up the movie theatre, et al. Freaky. Amen, sister. I think she'd be better served to keep her mouth shut.
  5. Dang it! I've been busy and was hoping all was going well with his recovery. I sure hate to hear this, but I know he has excellent care, and I know (even more important), he has family by his side who will make sure everything is done that is possible to be done. Will continue to pray.
  6. I thought about that. The way home for someone living in Cobb from HD HQ does not go near Akers Mill. Well, OK, near, but not headed in that direction. Plus, accounts are saying the smell in the car was beyond atrocious and there's no way he could have NOT noticed it.
  7. You how know them wimmin drivers are.
  8. Dreamscapes out of Acworth. Not cheap, but very good.
  9. Just now seeing this, but will be praying, precious person. Please do keep us updated. (And don't tell God how big your storm is...tell the storm how big our God is. Someone gave me the same advice once when I was going through a terrible time, and it made things a lot better for me.)
  10. Well, if you admit he could have had something to do with the kid's death, then you must admit that you married a murderer capable of murdering his own son. Denial is a powerful thing. The statement in the obit is so blatantly false that denial on their part is laughably obvious. Even if the death were accidental (which the popo clearly do not believe), a rational person must admit that while he may have loved and cherished him, he definitely did not protect him (or he wouldn't be dead). Bizarre obit, IMHO.
  11. Reason #74,992,049 to avoid Dougtown. :shudder:
  12. We've used them for several things (gravel, etc.). I was very pleased.
  13. Have I mentioned that we must be twins? My latest fascination is Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, both together and separately. I am working my way through the 10 or so movies they made together, and have a number of their individual movies on DVR that I will work my way through. He was a good singer but better dancer. She was a very good actress and fantastic dancer. I love her. FTR, I love that you wouldn't write anything you wouldn't want your wife to read. I am a stickler about stuff like that - if I am friend with a married guy, I make sure the wife knows and approves. I have
  14. That's the conclusion I'm coming to, SS. Ye gods. For those having a hard time with the murder charge, I think the key is to realize that the precipitating charge is Felony Child Abuse. In other words, something caused them to charge him with the child abuse, and because a death occurred during or due to the commission of said crime, the murder charge is automatic.
  15. Zip codes are determined by the USPS according to which office handles delivery for a certain area. I live in Paulding, but have an Acworth street address. I believe Paulding has zip does from Dallas, Hiram, Acworth, Rockmart, Temple, Douglasville...I'm trying to remember...I don't recall any others.
  16. low - Recent stories haven't mentioned the 2nd kid. Weird, I thought. stradial - I feel sicker and sicker.
  17. Awww. I met the most precious baby tonight at a baseball game...10-week-old cross between cheezesu/maltese...brown and white...I just wanted to squeeze it to me forever.
  18. 7yo nephew has that gun plus a bb gun. :headingouttofindnerfgunandbbssoicantestthis:
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